Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 936: Is I too strong or you are too weak

Xingleitai, revealing a **** gas that could not be thickened.

All disciples who ascend the thunderbolt platform will die or be injured.

So although it is just a tall stone platform, it still gives a feeling of no killing and no blood.

Just looking at it, I couldn't help getting scalp tingling and sweating.

At this moment, Chu Yan and Lan Yu have stood on the stage.

"Chu Yan, I want to let you know today, what will happen if you touch my inverse scale!" Sapphire screamed.

Chu Yan skimmed his lips: "You have read this novel so much, but you have also gone against the scales, 嗤 ——"

His Royal Highness unwillingly gave a contemptuous laugh.

Sapphire: "..."

At this moment, Lan Yu's heart that had swallowed Chu Yansheng alive was all there.

Taking a deep breath, he grinned, his eyes sulking.

"That being the case, I will interrupt your limbs in front of you, and leave a mark on you that will never be removed!"

The words fell, and Sapphire drunk.

Suddenly, the light of the entire star mine platform seemed to dim.

Dark, like night, oppresses people's hearts.

Everyone at the scene felt the majestic pressure and couldn't help breathing.

"So strong."

"Is this the strength of Di Yuan Jing?"

"Just by imposing, it can reach this level."

"Lanyu is indeed the genius of Xuanyuemen's younger generation."

Lin Miaoran locked her eyes and muttered, "I believe in you."

"Afraid, you can't move." Looking at Chu Yan who was still moving, Lan Yuxi smiled again and again.

In his opinion, the other party was obviously frightened by his momentum.

In this case, I will send you directly!

"Xuan Tianming Moon Cut!"

No one saw how Sapphire pulled his sword.

But at this moment, Xueming's sword-mantle seemed to tear the lightning of the night, and the next moment spread like a moonlight.

Mercury splatters, the silver light flickers, like a river pouring down.

The endless sword light, shining like the sea, swept towards Chu Yan.

Immediately, Xinglei stage exclaimed again and again.


"So strong!"

"Aura is released!"

"Chu Yan is careful!"

Shouting, Chu Yan looked at Jianmang, who was approaching, with the same expression and motionless.

At first glance, it seemed as if Chu Yan had no time to respond.

The corner of Lan Yu's mouth raised a contemptuous smile.

Unexpectedly bad!

At this moment in his mind, Chu Yan had begun to imagine the miserable appearance of Chu Yan's whole body bleeding.

Jianmang swift, in an instant, forced to Chu Yan.

He is less than a foot away!

Chu Yan's long hair was blown up.

There were crackling and crackling sounds from the slate floor around.

The air seemed to be torn, and there was a sharp squeal.

At this time, Chu Yan tilted his head slightly.

A muttering voice came.


The voice was in doubt, disappointment, and regret.

After looking like a lightning flash, I looked forward to it for a long time, and the thunder came like a buzzing flies.

The next moment, in Yan Yu's surprised and angry eyes, Chu Yan raised his hand.

"Blood offering dafa."

Just four words spit out.

At this time, Sapphire had not realized what was happening.

Then, Lan Yu saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

Chu Yan's arm skyrocketed tenfold in an instant.

Sweeping like a giant pine.


There was a terrible crit and shock in the void.

It seems like a steel mountain baozha.

Infinite energy, like thousands of arrows, burst out.

This piece of void, at this moment, looked like a giant sea urchin because of the vigour visible to the naked eye.

The sharp sword awns were swept and smashed all at once.

The sword of Lan Yu's hand was originally a half-step magic weapon.

But at this moment, Chu Yan was interrupted directly.

Without waiting for Lan Yu to react, the horrific force slammed into his body.

It was as if the waves were hundreds of feet in the ocean, and a small boat fell on it.

The boat was torn apart instantly.

At this moment, the self-proclaimed brother Sapphire and Blue felt like he was hit by a 10,000 running monster, and trampled on him.


A blood arrow spurted out of his mouth.

All of his robes were torn, cracked, shattered, and turned into butterfly-like fragments flying around.

The horrific force went straight into the body, shaking the muscles, bones, and internal organs.

While flying horizontally, the skin of Sapphire's whole body was torn apart, and the blood rolled out, making him a **** person instantly.

The next moment, with a loud bang, Sapphire's body hit the edge of the star mine platform heavily.

The star mine station is cast from special materials, and it also has an array method to absorb energy.

But even so, the slate cracked.

The cracks of the tortoise shell spread around the location where the sapphire hit as the center, and spread instantly around them.

A large stream of blood was also blooming on the slate, like a brilliant blood flower.

After Lan Yu's body smashed heavily at Xingleitai, it bounced high, and then fell heavily in the open space below the platform.

The scene was silent at this moment.

Almost everyone has a blank brain.

There was an incredible and incredible look in the eyes.

In everyone's mind, the battle between Chu Yan and Sapphire is not as ancient as it is ancient, but it is also absolutely brilliant. It will be a fierce and classic battle.

Because the two of them can be said to be the Broken Star House, Xuanyue Gate, and even the six major gates of Yunaojiang State. They are the leaders and peaks of the younger generation.

But who knows, just for a moment.

It's really just a click.

Chu Yan did not perform any martial arts.

It was a slap that suddenly became bigger.

Unparalleled power, sweeping mountains and rivers, shattered all the pride of Sapphire.

The whole process is probably a blink of an eye.

The vast majority of people present were not even ready!

Withdrawing his palm, Chu Yan blinked and murmured, "I use it too much, or is he too weak?"

Everyone present: "..."

His Royal Highness Chu went to the side of Xinglei platform and looked at the two Xuanyuemen disciples who followed Lan Yu.

Seeing Chu Yan approaching, the bodies of the two disciples trembled uncontrollably.

Just when Lan Yu flew out, they saw the broken teeth of the female scattered flowers flying in the air that day.

"I'm sorry." Chu Dian apologized, "Your Brother Blue is afraid that this **** task is not up to the task."

The two disciples shook again.

"But please rest assured!" His Highness Chu said at this moment very vindictively: "I will be responsible for asking him to heal his injuries.

Only this time, you can only **** your sister Lin back. "

With fangs smiling, His Royal Highness Chu leaned down and stood high, looking at these two disciples of Xuanyuemen who almost shrank into quails at this moment.

"You will take good care of your sister Lin, respectfully, and **** her back to Xuanyuemen, right?"

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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