Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 947: Self-righteous dignity (on)

"Go away." Chu Yan said, looking ahead.

"What did you say?" Shen Yunshan frowned, his face indignant, "Did you not hear me! What did you say to the lady last night!"

How could she let her do such disrespect for the main branch now! "

Shen Yunshan said that Mo Xingzi flew straight, staring at Chu Yan fiercely.

"Are you deaf--"

After a while, Chu Yan's voice sounded again.

This time, the sound brought chilling chill.

Shen Yunshan couldn't help but be stingy.

Goosebumps all stood up.

He narrowed his neck subconsciously: "You, what are you going to do?

You, you better be honest.

This is the place of the Shen family.

Although I am a branch, they are branches.

But after all, our blood is thicker than water, no matter how they say, they will not face you, an outsider— "


Spit out a word, Chu Yanyang lifted Shen Yunshan out.

This guy is really noisy.

I blocked my sight and said nothing, but kept talking here, like a bunch of crazy green flies.

With a bang, at this moment, Shen Yunshan felt his brain roar.

There was a flower in front of me, as if it were under a heavy blizzard.

The body voluntarily rose into the air.

Half of the sunken face, half of the mouth's teeth were detached from the gums, and at this moment mixed with blood flew out.

After a moment, he fell heavily on the steps not far away, and rolled down two more layers before stopping.

By this time, Shen Yunshan had passed out.

Most of his head was covered with blood, rolled his eyes, and his body convulsed from time to time, like a large spasm toad.

"You can see clearly now."

No one blocked his sight, and no one chattered. His Highness Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and his sight fell back to the ring.

There was little movement here, and only a few people on the opposite side of the platform took notice.

The eyes of most other people still fell on the ring.

Because at this time, the ten members of the family of the Shen family had already come to the platform with the permission of the Shen Muhe, stood in a circle, and surrounded Shen Qing.

Shen Qing's request just now, listening to the ears of the ten main tribes, is contempt and mockery of them.

The ten of them, although not in the same realm.

But they were all selected based on Shen Qing's Ningmai Realm.

The lowest is the second major achievement of Ningmai.

The highest is the three major achievements of Ningmai.

In their opinion, you Shen Qing came from the branch, their status has been inferior.

When you came here, you accidentally made a man, but instead spoke such arrogant words. Do you really think that you have a natural constitution, and you have entered the ancestral gate and can ride on the head of the main branch?

"Shen Qing, this is your request."

At this time, the Shenmu River below the Yantai opened.

He didn't ask Shen Qing to think again.

Because of Shen Qing's attitude, he was quite dissatisfied.

Shen Muhe couldn't wait for this group of main tribe people to teach Shen Qing a hard meal, so how could she have a chance to repent.

He waved his hand, motioned to the surrounding Shen family to calm down, and looked at Shen Qing with a sneer: "According to the rules I told you last night, it should have been your challenge from weak to strong, assessing how many people you can stick to.

But now you have such a request.

Then if you can't win the ten people in Taiwan, then I also think that you are the first person who can't defeat the original rules. "

This requirement is particularly harsh and unreasonable.

But this is the purpose of Shen Muhe.

He looked coldly at Shen Qing on the platform, waiting for the other party's reply.

At the scene, the faces of the Shen family were all gloating.

Taking a pair of ten is extremely difficult even for Zongmen disciples.

What's more, the realm of these ten and three is higher than Shen Qing!

"This kind of mind is also worthy of being the main branch?" Chu Yan smiled loudly below the platform.

Looking at Shen Qing's body, Chu Yan muttered, "A Qing, as he wishes, hit his face on the spot, this guy is really annoying."

It seemed as if I heard Chu Yan's words. After a moment, Shen Qing nodded: "Yes."

These two words exit, Shen Muhe's eyes are brilliant.

People of the tribe of Taiwan are eager to try, ca n’t wait, taunt, and despise.

This woman is either arrogant or crazy.

That being the case, give her a lifelong lesson.

After getting a response from Shen Qing, Shen Muhe laughed.

After sitting down, he looked at the stage and sneered: "Begin."

"Branch waste, let me show you the gap between the main branch and the branch!"

As soon as Shen Muhe's voice fell, Shen Zixiong stepped forward.

His bald head was reflecting a dazzling light in the sun.

The pistol fluttered suddenly, and stabbed hundreds of times in an instant.

The broken gun shadow, like a rolling wave, swept towards Shen Qing, as if the next moment would engulf her and tear it into pieces.

Shen Qing's face did not change, and when the gun shadow screamed in front of her, the hand-locked soul gun suddenly swept away.


The dense shadows of guns were all broken instantly, as if they burst a curtain.

Shen Zixiong didn't even have time to react, and saw that the soul-locking gun had swept towards him in the same way as a dragon with a tail.


It seemed that Midair throbbed the drums.

The muffled sound sloshed, and the blood squirting from Shen Zixiong's mouth suddenly shook into blood mist.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shen Zixiong turned into an arc and flew out of the ring, smashing the weapon rack in the distance.

Ding Lingdang's various weapons were all immediately pressed on his body.

At a glance, I could only see one leg sticking out.

The scene instantly fell into a deadly silence.

Shen Qing's eyes were faint, looking at the crowds around like a chicken.

"Also, nine."

As soon as this remark came out, whether it was the rest of the Shen family in Yantai, or the group headed by Shenmuhe below Yantai, they felt a cold behind them.

Furthermore, shame became angry.

"What are you all doing!" Shen Muhe snarled.

The remaining nine people in the ring, shivered, woke up like a dream, and suddenly roared.


"Who do you think you are!"

"It's just a sneak attack!"

"Villains get the will!"

"Dare to underestimate us!"

Suddenly, the nine Shen family members attacked Shen Qing in the past.

Below the platform, Chu Yan pointed a finger at his chin and looked at the platform with a smile.

"Obviously you should attack first.

And do you still understand?

Your current performance will only make A Qing harder against you. "

Chu Yan murmured, his voice didn't fall, Huantai suddenly issued a Jiao drink.


Flurry! "


A shouting, roaring ring of turrets was followed by an amazing hurricane.

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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