Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 953: Not so pretty

Behind the gates of **** are the habitats of undead and ghostly.

The smell of death is everywhere.

woo woo woo woo--

The wind howled, tumbling.

The surging air wave appeared from time to time with a terrifying face.

But the next moment, the face was distorted and replaced by a new face.

In this rolling chaos, a green light suddenly flew.

This light has been flying towards the heart of the wind.

At this time, if Chu Yan was present and saw this fleeting face, I would be surprised to find that that face was exactly the same as Elder Shen's.

But at this moment, the face was numb and without the slightest expression, like a walking dead.

As he flew forward, a murky void suddenly heard the sound of violent breathing.

This green ray of light suddenly was pulled, and flew directly toward the void of the void.

The next moment, as if sucked into something, disappeared.

A moment later, in the depths of the void, a voice of doubt appeared like a nightmare.

At the same time, the sky seemed to crack a red gap.

The blood-like light swallowed out in the sky.

"Is this for free ..."

"But it's not enough ..."

"I said, how could he be so generous ..."

"Second helped him solve such a big trouble, but it took so long to send him such a thing ..."

"It's not enough to jam ..."

"Forget it, I'll sleep for a while ..."

As the voice stopped, the blood-like red glow disappeared.

This barren land full of death was restored to its original state again.

And all this happened in the depths of the gates of hell.

There is no trace of energy fluctuations that affects the outside world, so even if the gates of **** are in the clear sea of ​​knowledge, he does not notice it.

When Chu Yan left Yun Aojiang and went to Tang Jiang once, because he wanted to conceal his whereabouts, it took him about six months to come and go.

And this time, he took Shen Qing generously through the transmission channels of various cities.

After all, the disciples of the Six Great Sects enjoy extremely high privileges in Yunaojiang.

So even though the two were not panic along the way, in ten days or so, it was in June, and the two came to a place near the border with Yunao Xinjiang.

However, although it is a border, after all, it is in the territory of the territory of the borderland. It is still a small town as a normal person imagines, and it is prosperous.

Chu Yan did not enter the city with Shen Qing, but walked directly towards the rolling hills.

After entering the Tang Dynasty, I don't want to go to the teleportation battlefield. It is not so convenient in the Yun Ao Kingdom.

Rather than go a long way back then, just go through the mountains and head straight towards your destination.

Departed from the big city, the next few days, what I saw in the field of vision, gradually became deserted.

However, it is not uninhabited, it has just changed from city to village.

After all, the town of Changqing where Chu Yan was at the time was also near the border of Yunao Xinjiang.

Using this as a reference, you can also know the general situation of each village.

As the day was approaching noon, Chu Yan and Shen Qing saw a tea stall beside the road ahead.

As they went this way, neither of them held their arms in their hands.

The soul-locking gun that Shen Qing had been carrying was also stored in a storage bag under the subtle influence of Chu Yan.

However, the vigor of the two monks still exists, which makes people unwilling to belittle them.

When meeting the tea stand and the few guests inside, Chu Yan groaned slightly and smiled at Shen Qing: "Should you take a break?"

Shen Qing naturally didn't need to rest, but she always followed Chu Yan.

At this time, feeling that Chu Yan seemed to have the past intentions, so he said.

In fact, Chu Yan really wanted to sit down.

Since stepping on the Immortal Road, practice, ascension, life and death fight, exhaustion calculations, and now seeing this scene full of "fire and gas", I can't help but want to revisit my past feelings as a mortal.

The tea stand is small, with four rough tables and chairs.

It can be seen that the carpenter doing this job is either unwilling or not very skilled.

The noodles on the tea stand are pergola made of bamboo rafters and supported by several bamboo poles.

Near the afternoon sun, it had a small shade and coolness.

At this moment there were guests sitting at his two tables. After Chu Yan and Shen Qing came over, they sat at an empty table in the corner.

At a glance, Chu Yan was surprised to find that the owner of the tea stall turned out to be a woman.

The woman looked like she was in her twenties. She wore a coarse-grained shirt, her hair dangled in her head, and she was fixed with a mule.

Although the clothes are a little old, they are clean.

Although people look at tranquility, they are very good at working, pouring water, packing, and accounting, all fast and well.

Beside her, followed by a three or four year old girl.

The little girl appears to be her daughter.

When she sat down and saw the little girl, Shen Qing could not help but said, "It's so pretty."

After hearing this comment, Chu Yan could not help but glanced around.

You know, Shen Qing's words are rare.

She also rarely pays much attention to the people and things around her, and if she sees it, she will not easily say anything.

What's more, she was originally a stunning beauty, so the standard of beauty is much higher than normal people.

So she would start to speak now and praise a little girl for being beautiful.

Just at a glance, Chu Yan could not help but produce an amazing feeling.

A little girl who is only three or four years old, under normal circumstances, makes people feel white, tender and cute.

But at this moment, she really made Chu Yan feel amazing.

Although it is still very small now, it has really made people faintly see the shadow of the all over the country.

And I do n’t know why, Chu Yan looked at this little girl at this moment, always felt that she had seen somewhere.

After a little loss of mind, Chu Yan reacted and couldn't help laughing: "What am I thinking, only at such a young age, how could I have met her."

At this time, the woman who was the boss was pouring water for the table guests Chu Yan had come to.

The little girl, holding two tea bowls, walked towards Chu Yan and Shen Qing.

Although she was small, she was not even tall enough, but when she walked to the table and set the tea bowl on her feet, she was very skilled and not struggling.

After doing all this, the little girl did not leave, but stood by the table, blinking Shui Lingling's big eyes, looking at Shen Qing.

Because of her outstanding looks and unique temperament, Shen Qing has long been used to being watched.

But at this moment, before the little girl's clear eyes, she felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head slightly.

Chu Yan looked interesting and teased the little girl, "Little sister, are you looking at this sister?"

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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