Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 957: Qingqiumen, Lushui Town

Standing in the shade of the trees, Fang Qinmo thought a lot.

At this time, he suddenly felt that someone was approaching.

He looked up and saw that Mu Wanyun had stepped forward and was looking at himself.

"Are you crying?" Fang Qinmo looked at the other person's red eyes and frowned.

"It's okay." Mu Wanyun smiled.

I don't know why, at this moment Fang Qinmo looked at Mu Wanyun and suddenly felt relaxed.

Because before that, Mu Wanyun often told him that he was fine, or smiled.

But in that kind of smile, there is always far-fetched.

It's like deliberately not worrying yourself.

But the smile now gives people a feeling of relief.

"What about the Chuxian people?" At this time, Fang Qinmo looked over Mu Wanyun in doubt, and found that Chu Yan was gone.

The fairy girl who gave the cold feeling was gone.

"They're gone," Mu Wanyun said.

"Oh." Fang Qinmo nodded.

Feeling normal, but with a touch of regret.

Fairy, you don't need to tell yourself this mortal if you want to come and walk.

It is already a blessing to see Chu Xianren again today.

However, Fang Qinmo wanted to ask Chu Yan again. What he promised that Fang Nian could enter the Broken Star House at the age of fourteen was still ineffective.

Now Chu Yan is gone. The next time I meet in the future, naturally I have nowhere to ask.

When Fang Qin Mo slightly annoyed, Mu Wanyun said, "The Chuxian said before leaving, let us wait for him for three to five months."

"Huh?" Fang Qinmo looked at her in confusion.

"Chu Xianren said that after a few months, his companion, that fairy, would come to pick us up to Broken Star Tower.

He said Sisi's qualifications are good, and the sooner he enters Xianmen, the greater the advantage.

And he can help us find an errand in the town near Shanmen.

That way, it is convenient to see Sisi. "

"Chu, Chuxian ..." Fang Qinmo, who was still annoyed for a moment, was so speechless that he was so excited.

Chuxian people don't just keep their promises.

And ten years earlier!

Seeing this excited look of Fang Qinmo, Mu Wanyun smiled: "I'll go to Sisi first, she's still playing there."

Mu Wanyun turned around, and after just two steps, suddenly Fang Qinmo shouted.

"Wan Yun!"

Mu Wanyun shivered and turned around.

She saw Fang Qinmo clenching her fists and shouting at herself.

"Let's clean up and go back today."

Mu Wanyun seemed to understand where Fang Qinmo said he was going.

But at this moment, she still couldn't believe it.

"But the Chuxian people said they wanted us to wait for him here."

Fang Qinmo had already run over a few steps at this time, grabbing Mu Wanyun's wrist.

Mu Wanyun saw from the other person's eyes a glowing glow that had never been seen before.

"We go to your house and then come back, for a maximum of two months, we must have time.

I'm going to meet your parents again.

This is what I should do.

I should not run away.

My mistake should not be borne by you.

Sorry. "

Fang Qinmo said seriously.

"Okay." For a long time, Mu Wanyun bit her lip and nodded hard.

Tears slipped off the cheeks at this moment, like broken beads.


At this time, Chu Yan and Shen Qing had already walked on the mountain road to Tang Dynasty.

Crossing the two mountain peaks in front, and then walking a little distance, will completely leave the border of Yunao territory and enter the scope of Tang territory.

"This trip is almost like this, when you are responsible for taking their family of three back to the broken Star House." Chu Yan told.

"Um." Shen Qing remembered Chu Yan's words without a word.

In a whispered voice, the figure of the two men gradually disappeared into the mountains.

Walking for another two days, Chu Yan released handsome and Xiaotangtang from the echo ring.

The first thing the little white pig did when he came out was to take a deep breath and get intoxicated.

Xiaotangtang was running around, spreading Huan'er.

Starting from Chu Yan, until this day, they really ruined them.

This clear statement also has its own considerations.

It was really inconvenient to go to the teleportation array before going to the host of the Shen family to bring this pig to the tiger.

But there is no such problem now.

At least in this mountainous region, handsome men and little sugar can run wildly.

But when I arrived in Tang Jianguo, I could stay with him for the sake of insurance. The sugar candy is too big and too easy to be noticeable, so I still need to put it in the echo ring.

For a period of time afterwards, Shen Qing, handsome and Xiaotangtang all followed Chu Yan's footsteps and kept moving forward.

Although Shen Qing never asked Chu Yan, where was their destination.

But from the handsome big mouth, she still knew that the destination was Tang Jianguo, a place called Qingqiumen.

Chu Yan is going to meet a woman named Little Fox.

But the little fox is a name for handsome.

This woman's name is Uzrama.

A very unusual name.

Almost a month later, Chu Yan and Shen Qing came to Lvshui Town at the foot of Qingqiumen Mountain.

After this time, Chu Yan also knew the general situation of Qingqiumen.

Yunaojiang has six gates.

Tang Jianguo also has four schools and four factions.

Qi Haiwan, who has deep blood and deep hatred with Chu Yan, is one of the four gates.

The Qingqiumen is also one of the four gates.

However, Qingqiumen's status in the Tang Dynasty's Guozongmen was closer to that of the Broken Star Tower in Yunaojiang's Guozongmen.

They are not known for their monk fighting.

The strongest of the Broken Star Tower is the front and the inscription.

The most powerful of Qingqiumen is alchemy and poison making.

Save lives with one hand, kill with one hand.

The location of Qingqiumen is Jiuhu Mountain.

According to legend, the ancestor of Qingqiumen is a peaked transformational monster.

The reason why the Great Demon had to establish Qingqiumen was already impossible to test.

However, the legend of Jiuhu Mountain was created by the ancestor of Qingqiumen.

Looking from a distance, Jiuhu Mountain is like a dormant nine-tailed demon fox. It is huge and absent, picking the stars and the moon, revealing the awe-inspiring and fearful spirit.

And because Qingqiumen is good at practicing alchemy, there are naturally a lot of monks from various ancestors of Tangjiang Kingdom to seek alchemy.

For alchemy, you also need various treasures.

These natural treasures are not enough just relying on Jiuhushan's own output.

So between the buying and selling, a market was formed.

It is not exempt from buying and selling such things, even if they are cultivators.

And this market is Lushui Town where Chu Yan and Shen Qing arrived at the moment.

It is a town, but in fact it is more like a huge market.

Lushui Town is not far away at the foot of Qingqiumen Mountain.

Disciples of Qingqiumen can often be seen in Lushui Town.

Chu Yan only knew that Uzrama was a disciple of Qingqiumen, and almost no other information was known.

So he plans to inquire about the situation in Lvshuizhen now, and then go back to the mountain.

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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