Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 968: Patriarch God

"Annoying." Chu Yan frowned, stepping forward.

Five fingers spread out and grabbed forward.


The blood-stained blood was torn to pieces.

Grab it again.

The long whip had been taken by him, and it was broken directly into pieces.

Without waiting for the white-bearded old man to respond, Chu Yan slaps out.


The old man's distorted look was frozen in his face.

The next moment, his cheeks were sunken and deformed, and his body was like a meteor. He flew out with a sting, and instantly turned into a light spot on the horizon.

At this time, the head of Qingqiumen and the rest of the elders had just landed, and the end of that long howl was still echoing in mid-air.

The air freezes instantly.

The atmosphere became awkward.

The elders in the state of mind were slaped away by Chu Yan.

Although Qingqiumen uses alchemy and drug poisoning.

However, this does not mean that their monks are very weak.

The realm is there after all.

A heavenly state of mind stands there, even if there is no magical power, skill, or even martial arts.

But the momentum and consciousness alone are enough to easily crush the Yuanyuan Realm.

But now, Chu Yan, who was only a few feet apart from everyone, was shaking his palm impatiently.

Looking at him, he was a little irritable, and there was one more thing—it wasn't enough.

Suddenly, the head of Qingqiumen and a group of elders felt scalp tingling and chrysanthemum muscles tightened.

The guy in front of him seemed to think much stronger.

What's more, Chu Yan just shot, completely subverting their worldview.

But this is an enemy after all.

Qingqiu Gate, one of the four schools and four factions of Tang Jianguo, naturally has no chance to seize it.

"Who are you? Why did you come to invade Qingqiumen." Qingqiumen took a deep breath and returned to his eyes, his eyes burning and staring at Chu Yan.

"Offended? You-are also worthy?" Chu Yan glanced at the other side, and there was a sound of smirk in his teeth.

This group of people in Qingqiumen immediately became irritated with tooth roots, clenched their fists, and a strong aura, surging wildly.

But because of the lessons learned, at this time, none of them took the lead.

Chu Yan turned, walked back, grabbed Wang Lu's head with one hand, and lifted him up.

"This person is your disciple of Qingqiumen.

He struck my unicorn cub, and wanted to kill and win. "

Looking at Qingqiumen in charge, Chu Yan said lightly.

Hearing the words "Kirin Cub," the crowd at Qingqiumen, raised their eyebrows.

If it is for this reason, maybe some disciples have brainstorming to do this kind of thing.

"Did you break my Qingqiumen Mountain Gate because of this?" After a slight groan, Qingqiumen held his teeth.

The tone is full of anger and dissatisfaction.

Everyone is already in your hands, and it looks like another elder has suffered a loss in your hands.

My Qingqiumen is not big enough to make some compensation to you.

But now you destroy my big mountain guard, and ruin my millennium foundation.

For the destruction you did, it is enough to change three and five unicorn cubs!

"You mean enough?" Chu Yan glanced at each other with a sneer. "That's right, I think so too.

Disrespectful, be dead! "

After saying that, without waiting for the people in Qingqiumen to respond, they said with five fingers.


Suddenly, Wang Lu's head was crushed like a tomato full of juice.

Flesh and blood brain, mixed into a thick mass, exploded in the palm of Chu Yan.

And Wang Lu's body jerked violently, and there was no more sound.

"You!" Qing Qiumen held his eyes wide and stared angrily, revealing endless killing.

At the moment, the other elders were also frowning, angering and yelling.

"In charge, don't let him go!"

"When has Qingqiumen been so humiliated!"

"Qingqiumen Millennium Foundation, how can people trample on it!"

"Sworn with Qingqiumen!"

"Under the gate, work together!"

"kill him!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Rather Stick to your guns!"

With this roar, the hills of Qingqiumen came buzzing and roaring.

After a while, a boat of spirits rose into the air.

Every soul boat revealed a sharp edge.

Suddenly, as if the sky, hundreds, thousands of giant blades traverse!

These soul boats now form a huge killing array.

This is the sign that Qingqiumen will endure with the enemy!

A sect door, unanimously against the enemy.

At this moment, the horrific killing intentions almost formed the essence and penetrated the sky.

Not to mention ordinary people. At this moment, it is a monk in the state of mind. In the face of this pressure, they will collapse.

Chu Yan stood there with a sneer: "Well, how about this?"

After that, I stepped on my feet.


The ground cracked like tofu.

The huge crack, bottomless, extended from the foot of Chu Yan to the front of the mountain gate of Qingqiumen.

At this moment, it looks like a giant beast, opening its mouth to make everything gobble up.

The gate trembled violently.

The cracks started from the bottom, and the bamboo shoots continued to grow.

A moment later, in front of all the gatekeepers of Qingqiumen, the hundred-foot-high Qingqiumen Mountain Gate collapsed.


Loud noises, such as billowing thunder, like torrents.

Qingqiumen was in charge, with a group of elders, like a wooden chicken, pale.

Thousands of spiritual boats, a dead silence.

When the mountain guard was destroyed, it was provoked in public. At the moment, the mountain gate was destroyed.

"Break the archway, it's displeasing to see, I helped you demolish, don't thank me." Chu Yan sneered.

With a loud slap, he slammed the faces of these elders at the scene.

Their complexion suddenly changed from white to red.

Anger like a volcanic eruption can no longer be controlled.

"Kill you!"

"I have you today without me!"

"Qingqiumen will never be insulted!"

The flame of anger will drown Chu Yan instantly.

At this moment, even in the face of the anger of Zongmen, Chu Yan's face remained unchanged.

However, with his eyes, the sky was filled with snow.

"A group of ants, dare to speak to me aloud?"

Hold your fist and shoot.

But at this time, the ground suddenly trembled.

The next moment, an unprecedented and powerful divine thought penetrated out, and everyone present was immediately felt.

"this is……"

Qingqiumen was in charge and stunned the elders.

"Look there!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone turned around.

Suddenly, everyone was uproar.

The behemoth-like peaks of Qingqiumen turned out a thick white smoke.

And at this moment, as the billowing white smoke continually condenses and squirms, the powerful divine thoughts continue to spread toward the surrounding void and look.

Divinely, full of anger, almost all the brains of those who feel it are boiling.

Divine thoughts are thorough and thorough, and at this moment, it shows an extraordinary style.

Chu Yan looked up and looked at the white smoke.

Almost at the same time, Qingqiumen took a slam and took a thump, kneeling down in front of the mountain, his face full of horror and shock: "The ancestor, the ancestor thought!"

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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