Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 987: Is the responsibility

Step across the entrance, and just feel the light and darkness alternate in front of me.

The next moment, Shen Qiande saw a scene that surprised him.

What he saw in front of him was no longer the long, huge rock that was rising high.

It was a half-collapsed mound by the cliff.

Part of the mound with eaves exposed inside.

It looks like a building, originally buried under the mound.

However, because of the collapse of the mound, a part is now exposed.

And the collapsed mound, like the rocks and moss he saw, are like two completely different paintings, which are stiffly stitched together.

Where the seams are, there is a scene of half stone and half tree branch.

Chu Yan, Shen Qing and Zeng Bi stood at the mound at the moment and looked at the exposed houses.

Shen Qiande could hear Chu Yan's voice explaining to the second daughter.

"That's just a mystery. Your mountain defense is much simpler. It just makes people go out without knowing it.

And the people who laid this mystery, for some reason, at that time, may have neglected their time-consuming steps.

Otherwise, there will be no problems with this formation for at least two or three years. "

After Chu Yan spoke, he pointed to the house in front of him: "The aura here is obviously much richer outside.

The source of Reiki is this room.

I think our answer is in it. "

After Chu Yan spoke, he punched out.

The other mounds that covered the house collapsed.

The whole room was suddenly exposed.

When they saw the house, everyone didn't think they were stunned.

This house was turned upside down.

And it is clear that it was originally built this way, not because of some external force, so it was turned over.

This weird sight made Shen Qiande's heart beat, and he dared not go any further.

Chu Yan, however, didn't care, walked over, pushed the door, and walked in.

In front of him, Shen Qing and Zeng Bi followed in. Shen Qiande gritted his teeth and stomped, so he followed in.

After entering the room, Shen Qiande suddenly found that the inside of the room was much smaller to look outside.

The house looks like it has two or three acres.

But the area inside is about the size of an ordinary room.

At this moment in front of everyone, the two bodies were still standing as they were before they died.

To be precise, it is the body of a monk, and the body of a great monster.

That big demon looks like a cow.

It arched, his head stuck in the monk's arms.

The two horns on the head, which are as long as Chengren's arm, penetrated the monk's body, fragmented the monk's internal organs, pierced through the monk's lower abdomen, and poked out from his back shoulder.

And this monk pressed his hands on the back of this transformed monster.

Where his hand was pressed, the monster's back seemed to be overwhelmed by thousands of jinci, with sores.

On the walls around the house, you can see a lot of traces of the ebb.

Even the void is distorted and broken.

This battle is obviously very tragic.

In the end, the monk almost killed the monster by hand to hand.

But he also paid the price of his life.

Looking at the scene, the crowd was silent.

The breath of the air, even after a few months, still makes people tremble.

Zeng Bi took a deep breath at this moment, glanced back and forth between the body and Chu Yan's body at the scene.

The sight in front of him is almost exactly the same as Chu Yan's speculation before.

She couldn't help wondering again.

"Is he, their fighting, limited to this range?" Shen Qiande opened his eyes wide and his voice was dry after returning to God.

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded.

"Why?" Shen Qiande asked puzzledly.

"In order to minimize the damage caused by this monster." Chu Yan said lightly: "Di Yuan affects villages and towns, and Tianxin destroys a city.

What's more, this can be said to be a battle between two Celestial monks.

If it is not controlled, it will be razed to the ground for hundreds of miles.

And once the monster has red eyes, it is more likely to do extreme things.

At that time, the transformational monster was killed, fearing that it would not be able to recover the losses caused by the other party.

So this array method should be arranged early.

And I have a feeling, this formation-- "

Gritting his teeth, Chu Yan continued: "When I stepped in, this monk in the state of mind didn't plan to go out again."

Zeng Bi heard his words, his eyes flashed, and he lost his voice: "You mean, he was ready to die in the beginning?"

Because it is also the state of mind, Zeng Bi can understand more clearly how much effort is required to cultivate to this state.

Can be regarded as talented, without the efforts of the day after tomorrow, there is no way to advance to this step.

Some people look at promotion easily.

But he just put in more effort than you can see.

Because of this, the higher the monk, the more he cherishes his life.

And this monk, even from the beginning, was determined to pay the price of his life to kill this deformed monster.

How much courage did he summon up to be so decisive!

"He ... so brave." After a long time, Zeng Bi said sincerely.

Even in the same realm, at this moment, she had looked at the serene corpse, and her heart raised an admiration.

"Not only brave, but also responsibility." Chu Yan took a deep breath. "A senior once told me that everyone has their own choice.

And some choices are the responsibilities that monks must bear. "

Zeng Bi chewed the words carefully, only that the words sounded simple, but if you think about it, you can feel a profound truth from it.

"If I have the chance, I would like to meet the senior you said." Zeng Bi said.

"Unseen, he did the same thing as this one." Chu Yan pointed to the corpse in front of him.

The eyes of everyone gathered again.

This monk looked like a mortal under 40.

Her hair was messy on her head, and her chin was extremely rough.

Although the figure is very burly, two legs can be clearly seen, one long and one short.

It must be born with a disability.

Seeing these two legs of different lengths, Chu Yan trembled suddenly.

The familiar feeling before was renewed.

There was an emotion in his eyes.

He tried to suppress it, but this made the emotion more fierce.

"What's wrong with you?" Zeng Bi felt that Chu Yan was wrong, and asked quickly.

Chu Yan was silent at this moment, shook his head, walked to the monk's body to examine it.

After a while, he found a storage bag.

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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