Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 990: Two monsters

The deafening roar lasted one day and one night, and then for a few hours, it went quiet.

The hut was silent, which was in sharp contrast to the previous one.

Zeng Bi has seen too many extraordinary things in Chu Yanshen.

Seeing this unusual scene at this moment, she felt as if her cat's claws were scratching and she was restless. She wanted to know how Shen Qing was in the cabin.

However, Chu Yan looked like she had everything under her control, sitting there cross-legged and motionless.

Zeng Bi got better.

She wanted to ask.

But she had the reluctance of heaven.

For a moment, the fire was so violent that Zeng Bi could not wait for the sky to scream, and vented fiercely.

Another day passed.

This is the ninth day after Shen Qing entered the hut.

That night, the cabin was still quiet.

Zeng Bi was sitting on the ground without a figure, his fingers hit the ground, his eyes glanced back and forth between Chu Yan and the hut.

At this time, Chu Yan stood up from the ground.

"Alright?" Zeng Bi's eyes lit up, and she quickly stood up.

The result, however, was that she saw Chu Yan's ease and took it out of the storage bag—cooker.

"Huh?" Zeng Bi's eyes widened suddenly. "You're late, you want to eat?"

She is in a state of mind, and there is not much requirement for food.

Many times eat, just to satisfy appetite.

But Chu Yan is now a terrestrial realm. There is a steady stream of aura in her body. She does not eat for a month, and it does not have much impact.

But now, after seeing Chu Yan taking out the cooker, Zeng Bi took out a lot of ingredients.

For a moment, I put all over.

Looking at him, he wanted to make extremely hearty dishes.

"What are you going to do?" Zeng Biwu said, "I didn't see it. You're quite particular about eating."

"Stop talking nonsense, come here to help." Chu Yan didn't lift his eyelids, a wave of his hand, a kitchen knife flew over, chopping Zeng Bi's cheek, and chopping into the trunk.

Zeng Bi was not angry, walked to Chu Yan, and looked at him busy.

For a monk, making a table is extremely simple.

Cleaning the ingredients, a water purifier can solve it.

When chopping vegetables, under the control of Reiki, you can cut tofu into thinner hair in an instant.

Cooking is easier.

Because of the keen perception, the grasp of the heat and so on must be far beyond any experienced chef in this world.

But even so, Chu Yan made this meal very slowly.

Because he did it very seriously and attentively.

Because Chu Yan knew that this was the first time he cooked for himself as a student, and it was probably the only time in a long time in the future.

This meal is always close to noon the next day.

As if it was an appointment.

As Chu Yan lifted the lid of the soup, the door of the cabin creaked open.

In an instant, a sharp breath burst out.

The grass on the ground was suddenly cut off by Qi Brush.

A nearby stone made a squeak.

After a while, it was divided into two diagonally and fell to the ground.

Zeng Bi responded immediately.

She flew to Shen Qing instantly and looked at her well.

Shen Qing glanced at her, then without squinting, came to Chu Yan.

"Three major accomplishments in Ningmai Realm ... what happened, a little different from what was expected?" Zeng Bi looked at Shen Qing's back and said to herself in confusion.

Seeing that the door of the room was still open, she put her head in and immediately felt that the aura and flesh in the room were now empty.

Including the Spirit Stone of the Great Spiritual Spirit Formation, its aura was completely drained.

Most of the aura returned by a monk in the state of mind, plus most of the flesh of the transformational demon, let alone promote a Ningmai state.

Even a dying dying man can be ascended to the realm of the earth.

But how did you get to Shen Qing's side, and just raised the two levels of small realm?

But looking at Shen Qing, it doesn't seem to be a waste of aura and blood.

Zeng Bi was puzzled.

By this time, Shen Qing had come to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan just took a bowl of soup and handed it to Shen Qing.

"Taste, I stayed all night and one morning."

Shen Qing took it, sulking.

Chu Yan looked at her: "Well, yes, the promotion to the Ningmai Realm has been completed.

In this way, within five years after you go back, you can try to hit the Diyuan Realm. "

"You say this is not bad?" Zeng Bizhuo next to Chu Yan, "That's a heavenly state of mind and a deformed monster."

Chu Yan smiled and looked at Shen Qing: "Give her a punch."


The bowl she was holding was crushed by her.

The little hand fisted, opened, and trembled suddenly with five fingers in his claws, grabbing Zeng Bi around him.

"Angry Dragon Strangling!"


The air continued to tremble, and deep in the void, there was a faint sound of Long Yin Hu Xiao.

Zeng Bi did not evade, but took the claw of Shen Qing stiffly.

After all, with her state of mind, Shen Qing, who is still in her veins, it is absolutely impossible to hurt her.

But Shen Qing's attack still changed Zeng Bi's face slightly.

She looked deeply, looked at Shen Qing for a moment, and looked at Chu Yan again.

"This is just a random blow. I haven't used any spells and my strength hasn't been increased to the maximum. How do you feel?" Chu Yan still smiled and looked at Zeng Bi and asked.

"Three major achievements in Ningmai Realm can cut the Yuan Realm." After a long time, Zeng Bikou uttered a word solemnly.

After a pause, she added: "You two are monsters."

It is not too exaggerated for Zongmen disciples to beheaded.

Especially when the disciples of Zongmen faced the casual and family monks, they were directly above the half-order state.

However, at this moment, Shen Qing was tantamount to crossing a great realm to beheaded.

She has not yet reached the triple perfection of Ningmai.

And no weapons were used!

Zeng Bi knows that Shen Qing's weapon is not simple, it is a rare half-step spirit.

In other words, Shen Qing, who has not yet reached the peak of the condensed state, is already invincible at the same level in terms of strength.

"Thank you for the praise, she is my student." Chu Yan smiled, "I hope I can be blue."

"Monster." Zeng Bi added again.

"Well, let's eat." Chu Yan greeted him, and then said to Zeng Bi, "I don't have your share?"

"Why? Because I'm your slave?" Zeng Bi stared.

Chu Yan ignored her, turned to face Shen Qing, and smiled and touched her cheek.

"happy Birthday."

Zeng Bi: "..."

That turned out to be the case.

For this, this guy actually spent the whole night and one morning making a delicious table.

At this moment, Shen Qing's cheeks rarely appeared red.

After a moment, his lips narrowed and he smiled.

——Content comes from [Migu Reading]

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