Overturned Tower

Chapter 83 Remember to kill me (Thanks to the leader of Tianzelu for feeding me)

Chapter 83 Remember to kill me (Thanks to the leader of Tianzelu for feeding him~)

"Step aside."

Strangler just spoke in a calm tone, and his voice sounded like a lion roaring.

The indifferent low roar sounded, making people look fearful.

When Strangler came, he pushed the strong man with horns aside.

The other party didn't dare to speak, and stood aside with his head lowered.

Under the somewhat fearful and wary gaze of the Paradise Bird, Strangler walked up to the "barber" and put his hand on his shoulder.

As if he wanted to twist the barber's head off with his own arms, he clamped the barber's head with his arms and said to everyone in a loud voice: "This man is my brother, please remember it from now on.

"My brother and I have something to discuss, you can continue with your business."

Hangzhou said, patting Xisang's back. He said in a tone that did not allow for criticism: "Remember his face and avoid coming here in the future. Call me when he comes."

Xisang glanced at Paradise Bird and quickly added: "This girl also came with the barber."

"Same, free of charge."

Strangler glanced at Paradise Bird.

After seeing the fearful look in Paradise Bird's eyes, he didn't even bother to continue looking at her.

The monster-like pressure and undeniable power of deterrence made the entire underground boxing ring as quiet as a study room where the head teacher came to inspect.

It wasn't until Strangler pulled Russell to leave through the small door next to him that the place gradually became noisy again.

The host, who had been silent since the appearance of the strangulation, also immediately resumed the show to warm up the show; the little magpie girl nicknamed "Xi Ming" also began to give wine to the people who won the previous game again and prepare for the next one. There is a fee for the right to watch a boxing match.

After Strangler took Russell out of the small door, he walked into the basement through the narrow stairs.

The iron door at the door looks like a huge safe.

Strangler reached out and grasped a sphere inside the door.

After detecting the heartbeat and fingerprints at the same time, the strangling twisting sphere and the door were opened.

There is a safe house inside. In addition to enough food, there are also sufficient weapons and medicines.

A map of the Lower City lies on a round table.

It looks like a huge chessboard, with things like "gems", "wine bottles" and "bones" placed on it, mixed with other chess pieces, giving it a casual feel. On the map, some locations where you can enter the upper city area are circled with red pens.

Strangler took a breath and pulled out a bottle of rum and a bottle of champagne from the side.

"Which one do you like?"

"All right, champagne."

Russell glanced at it and replied without hesitation: "The temperature is lower, I want to stay rational."

Strangler threw the bottle of champagne to Russell, and he reached out and easily opened the mouth of the rum bottle.

"It sounds like you are quite suitable for the ways of temperance and contemplation."

He grinned and showed a scary smile: "If I hadn't seen you in a higher position than me before, I would have thought that you were delayed by me..."

Russell noticed that... the attitude of Strangler when he spoke to himself was completely different from the way he spoke to those outside just now.

When Strangler spoke to Russell, he seemed to communicate with an "equal" attitude.

Or is it that strangulation can only be done behind the scenes, so there is no need to show an aura like an overlord?

They should all be there.

Russell thought.

He stood up, found himself a glass, poured half of the champagne into it, and drank it all without hesitation.

Seeing Russell simply drinking the wine he handed to him, Strangler couldn't help but smile like a lion.

"If it were anyone else, you might be dead right now."

Hangsha admonished in the tone of an elder: "Don't eat the food and drinks handed to you by others."

"If it were someone else, I wouldn't pick it up."

Russell replied unceremoniously.

This was an attitude he had just figured out through experimentation, and it was more in line with Strangler's intentions.

He crossed his legs and poured himself a drink while asking: "What are those... monsters you talked about last night? Also, what does the height of the volcano mean?"

That's not a very polite attitude.

But it was just what he wanted to do - he liked this straightforward way of communicating.

"That's fine."

Strangler thought for a moment: "I can be considered your mentor... then, barber. Remember, there are two taboos about death in the dream world.

"It doesn't matter if you are killed by other mages or by the environment. It will only make you unable to use spells for a period of time. However, you must not be killed or even injured by shadows. You must not commit suicide - if If you commit suicide in the dream world with the intention of ending yourself, you will really die."

"Are the shadows those monsters?"

Russell raised his eyebrows.

He thought of a game whose name started with P.

But it’s reasonable. Since it’s a psychological plot... it’s only reasonable to encounter the “dream world”.

"You have experienced 'opening the door', and you should also know what the so-called 'path' is."

He took two sips of strong wine and said in a low voice without changing his expression: "The dream world is a collection of everyone's subconscious, and the path is the 'choice' that everyone will experience. Therefore, those who cannot enter the dream world Mortals must conform to a certain path.

"But it is different from us who have a formed and fixed consciousness. Their consciousness is chaotic and scattered... Anger may form part of the 'Rage Volcano', curiosity is the 'Book Group', and confusion becomes the 'Mirror Maze' , Hatred is a 'dark cave'.

"And even on their respective paths, most... or the vast majority of people cannot reach the end of the path. Anger will eventually be extinguished, exploration will eventually stop, revenge will eventually give up... These 'failures' are It will become a 'shadow', preventing the mage from walking on the corresponding path. The further we go and the longer we stay on the path, the easier it is to attract shadows.

"These shadows are very fragile. Find the weak point and break it with one strike. But the opposite is also true. Even if you are just injured, it will definitely not work."

At this point, the face of the strangled lion became serious: "Injuries from the shadow will pollute your memory. Just being scratched may make your temperament change drastically."

"Contaminated memory?"

When Russell heard about memory, he became wary: "Is it permanent?"


Strangler sneered: "Of course it can be cleaned up in theory...I mean, in theory. Would you let anyone touch your memory?"

"of course not."

"So it cannot be erased. It is impossible to tell which part of the memory comes from the 'shadow' by relying on your own strength alone."

Hearing the words strangulation, Russell had a vague sense of déjà vu.

It was as if he had heard similar words somewhere.

Suddenly, Russell realized something: "Have you ever been hurt by a shadow?"

Strangler didn't respond, just shrugged and drank the remaining half bottle of liquor in one gulp.

Until then, Russell could barely smell some alcohol from the strangled mouth.

"Do I look a little nagging? My mother-in-law... is a little sentimental. Occasionally, I become prone to anger... This is all damage from the shadow."

The strangled voice became deeper: "So, barber. Don't trust the old mage.

"Our mentors who are still on land, no matter how normal they behave, must be crazy. The more normal people are, the crazier they are.

"Once you are hurt by a shadow, even in the best case, you will not be accepted by other paths for a long time. And continuing to walk on one path will attract more shadows. This It's an infinite cycle, until you escape to other roads... they will temporarily give up hunting you. And after a period of time, a new batch of shadows will chase you.

"All material defenses are meaningless to the shadow, so never try to block. As long as you are still confused by this emotion, you will not be able to fight against the corresponding shadow... Be careful, barber. "

Strangler's mood became visibly depressed: "I don't want to kill my crazy companions anymore.

"Why should I go to the original wasteland to find new mages who have not officially entered the dream world? There is only one reason... and that is that only new talents are trustworthy.

"Including me - all mages who have entered the dream world for a period of time are not worthy of trust. There are foreign objects hidden in our minds. It will not give birth to pearls, it will only become cancerous."

What spewed out of the strangled mouth was sincere advice.

Compared with the frighteningly casual lion head when they first met, the current strangled man looked like a completely different person.

He looked sad and weak now. Full of talkativeness and rationality.

And this kind of personality, the kind of controlled anger, and the kind of casual madness can even be said to belong to three people respectively.

But unlike a real madman, Hangzhou is very clear about what type of foreign matter is mixed into his personality - he has the knowledge that he is a madman.

"As for the location... it's very simple. That means you are more suitable for the path of anger than me. Your anger is heavier and purer than mine... so you can enter the 'next area' of the path of anger faster. "

When Strangler said this, he looked at Russell with surprise in his eyes: "I originally thought you were a good-tempered person. How did you respond to Wrath Gate?"

"I said I'm angry about this unfair world."

Russell answered very naturally.

Hearing this, Hangsha was stunned.

He frowned and looked at Russell: "Are you serious?"

"Then what did you say?"

Russell asked rhetorically.

"What I'm saying is, I'm angry because of this unfair fate... I'm angry because of my own weakness."

Strangler shook his head, and for the first time there was some respect in his tone: "It's because the brothers have lowered their moral standards."

The white lion looked at the "barber" and had a strong premonition in his heart.

This person will become a great person.

A strong man who is far higher and bigger than himself.

Either kill him, or...

Strangulation carefully weighed it in his heart.

Then, he slowly said: "Brother, here's a toast to you."

He filled Russell's glass with wine, then reached out and opened the head of the champagne.

Ignoring the broken glass inside, I drank the wine in one gulp - using the broken glass as a side dish, I chewed it up and swallowed it directly.



"Let me tell you something," Hangsha said slowly, "If you feel one day that I have become a stranger, just kill me...just like a barber, approach me quietly and kill me."

"...Are you talking about the corruption of shadows?"

"Yes. We mages walk on the road and cannot avoid the shadows forever. One day we will be overwhelmed by the shadows and become crazy. But instead of being infected and corrupted by the loser's thoughts and becoming another person at that time, People, living as ugly and twisted as those old men, I would rather die."

The white-maned lion looked at Russell and spoke slowly: "Your anger is purer than mine. You will definitely go further and be corrupted later than me. When I forget why I am angry, come back and kill Got me."

Russell fell silent. He felt the sincere and faint sadness from those words.

So he nodded slowly.

"I promise you."

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