Overturned Tower

Chapter 92 Artificial Opposition

Although the food factory is fully automated, it is not completely dark inside.

Whether it is a robot for maintenance or a camera for monitoring production status, sufficient light source is needed - just as if the brightness is not enough, the error rate of AI image recognition will be much higher.

Because of this, the barber pushed up the night vision goggles after entering the factory area.

The blue-haired young man with squinted eyes looked around with interest.

The three-dimensional assembly line was still roaring and running, and no one was touching it.

They walked through the gaps between steel and steel, like scholars walking among the bookshelves in a library.

Regardless of whether it's uptown or downtown, everyone's food is basically synthesized, produced, and packaged in these food factories. Because there are self-guarding robots patrolling and inspecting, as long as production is not disrupted to trigger an alarm... even if the lights are bright here, it is still the safest place.

Wage slaves in the upper city also needed to use their income to buy food. But they, the uncoded, live in the cracks of these huge factories. If they are hungry, they can just go in and take some food - this will not trigger the alarm. The camera on the assembly line can detect the missing parts immediately and fill in the missing parts as soon as possible.

Even the most vicious thugs would not destroy these factories. Because everyone knows that life is not easy, everyone will regard them as their own property... destroying them means making life difficult for everyone.

If someone is chasing you, you will usually not continue chasing after you enter the factory. If you continue to chase, you may destroy the machine - it is a trivial matter to attract the execution department, and you will definitely be punished by the boss when you return.

So you can see a very contradictory scene.

Those uncoded people who looked very rough and savage walked through the machine cautiously and even tiptoeing. I was worried that I might accidentally break something.

"This is the 'life' they cherish."

Seeing the barber looking at them intently, the discordant sighed: "They are caught between life and death every day. Only these delicious and self-produced foods can give them a strong 'feeling of being alive.'"

"And the strict commandments of each gang are that they should 'die', right?"

The barber glanced at the young elf and said unceremoniously: "But they are living so hard, isn't it just because of you elves?"

"Not always."

The corners of the discordant's mouth rose slightly.

This child, who looked to be only seven or eight years old, said calmly in an extremely mature tone: "Are there only elves among directors? Aren't short-lived directors also directors? Since they are all directors, they can live longer and live longer. What difference does it make if it's shorter?

"What's more... including them, including you. Most of the people here are scum. No one wants them. They were kicked out. They killed people. They committed crimes. Or they paid off their parents' sins and debts.

"If you are living a very hard life, what about those people on the ground?

"Are we going to make you live a happy life and make those who follow the rules, don't lie or hurt others, or even cause trouble to others become unhappy?"

"The real question," the barber narrowed his eyes, his gentle voice turned sharp, "isn't it 'Why is there always one unfortunate person'?"

Hearing this, Tovatus the Discordant raised his head in surprise and glanced at the barber slightly.

"...It's beyond expectation. You actually advocate for the coexistence faction."

The young elf sighed.

Most of the Uncensored are strongly hostile to the entire Uptown area.

Including derogatory terms such as "salary slave" and "company dog" are the evolution of this sentiment - mainly because they subconsciously regard those workers who make a living in the company as "the company's property". regarded as part of the company.

"The upper city is afraid and disgusted with the people in the lower city, and the lower city is jealous and hates the people in the upper city..."

The barber sighed slowly: "The Lower City District has only been around for less than fifty years, and the hatred between each other has reached this level. It's hard to say that there aren't elves like you here, pushing the back."

"Then why do I do this?"

"It's very simple. Divide the crowd and make the main conflict between each other."

The barber put his hands in his pockets and didn't even look at the disobedient. He just walked forward and said leisurely: "I heard someone say that the arrest of criminals in Uptown is not so much a matter of carelessness. ', it would be better to say 'let him go on purpose'.

"Then, what would happen if he was really let go on purpose...?"

Hearing this, the Paradise Bird, who had been walking behind the barber with his head lowered, was startled for a moment, raised his head and looked at the back of the barber in front of him.


When Tovatus heard this, he finally raised his head and looked at the barber with interest: "Continue talking?"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

The barber didn't look back, narrowed his eyes and whispered softly: "Is it possible that the birth of Xiacheng District is itself a plan of the 'company'?

"There was no supervision of the criminals at all, and they were released and allowed to flow into the downtown area. But then the enforcement department was dispatched, and their suppression operations were so ineffective. Those company dogs patrolled almost every day, but they were dragged into such a Many people are making a huge noise, unless those organizations are deliberately looking for trouble, want to be famous, and want revenge and take the initiative to meet them, how many little mice have they really caught?"

This topic made Paradise Bird's pupils shrink slightly.

She suddenly realized that she had never thought about such a thing before.

If companies really want to catch these uncensored people...can they really not do it?

Paradise Bird is not stupid, she reacted immediately——

The blue-haired young man continued: "The company does not want to wipe out Xiacheng District. They hope that Xiacheng District will always exist and become a serious problem for the residents of Uptown District.

"Because in the final analysis, as uncoders, we can't do anything. Without chips, we can't participate in the highest-level production research, let alone use advanced weapons... These factories in Xiacheng District are completely unmanned. . And even if the company is destroyed, it can be easily rebuilt.

"Even if it can cause chaos, it will only be chaos. On the other hand, the more chaotic the lower city is, the more fearful the salary slaves in the upper city will be of becoming uncoded. Under this fear and disgust, they begin to Restrict yourself. Although there is nothing mandatory in company law, the thought of "not wanting to become an uncoded person" has become the strongest shackles.

"As far as I know, people didn't have such a big resistance to the uncensored a few decades ago. At that time, Xiacheng District was just a black market. There were even people who voluntarily became uncensored and entered the downtown life without committing any crime, just to Not being monitored by the company. It was after the establishment of Xiacheng District... After the uncensored people gathered in Xiacheng District, the exchanges between the two parties began to decrease significantly. The few remaining 'contacts' were usually related to criminal acts.

"As a result, people began to spontaneously resist the uncoded. No matter how big or small the crime was, as long as they gave up their chips and became uncoded, they would be immediately expelled from their own circle - and the uncoded people also regarded 'removing the chip' as something different from the past. Proof of a clean break in my life..."

At this point, the barber turned back and looked at Tovatus.

The blue-haired young man seemed to be asking the elf, but also seemed to be asking and answering himself: "But whether there is a chip or not, what difference does it make from the perspective of ordinary people?

"Since when did people assume that... not having a chip becomes a sin?

"If everyone does this, who will ultimately benefit?"

the barber muttered.

In order to distinguish himself from "Bluebird", Russell is wholeheartedly playing the role of a cynical wise man who yearns for freedom.

But as he spoke, there was a hint of sincerity in his fictitious words... unconsciously.

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