Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 18 Face Replicator

Manhattan Police Department.

After several days of searching and checking, as well as collecting and checking the equipment of the deceased, the case of the attack on the Brilliant Star was finally solved.

In the meeting room, Sheriff Jeffrey positioned the target in Brooklyn.

"Yes, those mercenaries must be from Brooklyn. As for the culprit behind the scenes, as long as their nest is destroyed, they will naturally confess who the culprit is!" Sheriff Jeffrey asserted.

"Brooklyn again, does Brooklyn produce many terrorists?"

A police officer was extremely angry. Brooklyn used to be a paradise for crime. After rectification, it was peaceful for a while, but now it has jumped out again and is becoming more rampant.

Sheriff Jeffrey sighed. Brooklyn is more chaotic than imagined. There are large and small cases every day, and the police there are never idle.

"But Brooklyn is so big, how can we find it?" asked another police officer.

Chief Jeffrey raised his hand, "This is no longer something our regional police department can handle. Before the meeting, I contacted the Brooklyn police department. They said that there have been thugs wearing the same equipment committing crimes in Brooklyn recently, and they have found the lair of those criminals and have handed it over to the special forces to deal with!"

"Special forces?!"

A police officer smacked his tongue. Even the special forces were dispatched. It seems that this criminal gang is not small.

"And it's the 'Falcon' special forces!" Chief Jeffrey has already anticipated the outcome.


Several police officers were quite surprised. They heard that Falcon had taken down the lair of dozens of criminals in the past two years and had never failed. Attrition was inevitable, but Falcon could always strike the enemy at the lowest cost and with the fastest efficiency. It is called the sharp saber of the United States and can always hit the enemy's vital points with one blow!

No matter how large the terrorist organization is, once you hear about Falcon, you will shudder.

If the falcon is dispatched, there is nothing to worry about. This matter will eventually give an explanation to the general public, and the masses will not fall into endless panic.

When the police officers of the Manhattan Police Department heard the news, they all breathed a sigh of relief. This terrorist case that has troubled them for a long time is finally about to be solved, and they can finally relax from their intense work.

You can make a cup of coffee and taste it carefully in the afternoon when the sun shines into the police station.

After driving for two hours, Roning finally arrived at his destination, a desolate place in the west of Manhattan.

On the vast land, a circular building shaped like a factory stands here. Roning does not think it is a factory. If nothing unexpected happens, this is the lair of criminals!

Thomas is probably inside.

But how to get in?

Kill in?

It doesn't seem to be a good idea. He doesn't know the distribution structure inside at all. Unless he kills all the thugs, he will be in danger at all times.

Disguise as a thug to get in and find out the distribution inside first?

This idea seems good.

That day at the hamburger shop, he asked Tony what method he used to make Thomas look exactly like Soldier 76. In the end, Tony told him the method in detail and gave him a gadget.

Ronin got in the car and took out the thing, a black square with one side covered by glass and a red button on the side.

This was a gadget that Tony made when he was making Soldier 76's uniform.

Tony knew that he wanted Thomas to disguise himself as Soldier 76, but Thomas' facial features were seriously inconsistent with Soldier 76, so he made this gadget and named it casually, called the human face replicator!

Although the thing is small and the name is low, it has powerful functions. It can read the facial data of the virtual character and then load it into the imitation human skin, which will become the face of the virtual character.

Tony used it to copy the face of Soldier 76 and made a human skin mask with the imitation human skin.

Thomas put it on, and it looked like it was carved out of a mold, extremely realistic.

Thanks to Soldier 76 who was fully armed, except for the upper half of his face, the rest of his face was tightly wrapped in a battle suit, so that Thomas' extremely dark skin was not exposed.

Of course, with this function, he still couldn't get in, because it could only read the data of virtual characters. At this time, Ronin had to give Tony a thumbs up. He is indeed a genius inventor, and his head is different from others.

In addition, the face replicator can also scan a person's face, archive the facial details, and then project them onto the imitation human skin, and can also be made into a mask, but the realism is not as good as the former, such as the height of the nose bridge and brow bone cannot be exactly the same as the person.

Ronin doesn't need to be particularly realistic, as long as he can hide it from other people's eyes.

Just do it!

First drive the car to a hidden place, then take all the equipment and go alone.

Since they are several kilometers apart, Ronin is not too worried about being discovered, but the closer he gets, the more careful he has to be.

Especially now, he could only use some metal waste as a temporary hiding place, sneaking around like a thief.

There was someone guarding the gate, holding a gun and looking around.

The equipment on his body was the same as the thugs who attacked the Bright Star. It must be them who took Thomas away, Ronin confirmed again.

He quickly went around to the side, with his back pressed against the wall. Because the building was round, the thugs guarding the gate could not see him, and he happened to be standing in their blind spot.

Then he transformed into Soldier 76. He couldn't even hold his gun steady, so he was definitely no match for these people. He had some self-awareness. Soldier 76 was an agent himself, with strong comprehensive abilities.

He didn't use a pulse rifle, but took out a small pistol, or more precisely, a powerful tranquilizer gun. It was not a dream to knock them down in one second!

He approached slowly against the wall, slowly approaching, his footsteps were so light that he couldn't even hear them.

When he felt the distance was about right, he turned around suddenly, without aiming at all, and fired directly. If he had to aim at this distance, he would be unworthy of the word "agent".

The thug guarding the door was about to press the alarm in his hand, but he fell down weakly. Roning stepped forward and held him up, dragged him aside, scanned the thug's face with a face replicator, and then projected it onto the imitation human skin.

The originally smooth human skin gradually became angular. After being made into a mask and worn on the face, it felt like applying a facial mask, not uncomfortable but not very comfortable.

Roning canceled his transformation, stripped the thug's clothes off, and put them on his sportswear. It was a bit bloated, but fortunately, this guy was strong, so it didn't look out of place.

As for the hair, they were all short black hair, and there was no difference at first glance.

Then, he grabbed the thug's legs and dragged him to a place that no one else could see, which was actually behind a piece of iron sheet a hundred meters away.

After doing all this, Roning stood at the door with a rifle in his hand.

After a while, someone came out, and his heartbeat accelerated. To be honest, he was very nervous.

"I'll take your turn, go in and eat."

The man's mouth was full of oil, and his teeth were stained with vegetable leaves. It was obvious that he had just finished his meal.

Roning didn't say a word and walked in directly. He didn't talk if he could, so as to reduce the possibility of being exposed.

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