Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 24 Movie Watching

After the cheers, Tony introduced his assistant Pepper Potts to Ronin.

"Hello Mr. Luo Ning, I am also a loyal fan of Watch."

Luo Ning held Pepper's slightly cold hand and smiled: "Hello, Miss Potts, it must be great to be Mr. Stark's assistant!"

Pepper is indeed very capable and manages Stark Industries in an orderly manner, which is very similar to Lucy. However, when thinking of Lucy, Ronin is a little unhappy. She should have come as well.

"It's my duty." Little Pepper smiled sweetly.

Luo Ning also smiled. Outside, Little Pepper was still very considerate to Tony and knew how to maintain a man's dignity outside, but at home, it was a different story.

He didn't believe that Pepper would think this was her responsibility. As an assistant, she couldn't handle any matter of Stark Industries, big or small. Tony was just like a decoration and didn't bother to come to the group. A qualified hands-off shopkeeper.

Luo Ning also thinks so. Yes, Tony is a hands-off shopkeeper who doesn't care about the group at all. He puts all the work on women, but he lives a carefree life. He has no conscience!

My conscience is greatly damaged!

Tony looked at his watch and said, "Go in, it's almost eight o'clock."

As soon as he entered, he saw a silly fat man walking towards him and handed three movie tickets to Tony, "Mr. Stark, I wish you, Miss Potts, and Mr. Ronin a happy viewing of the movie."

"Thanks, Happy!" Tony took the movie ticket.

This fat man Ronin naturally recognizes Happy Hogan, who is both Tony's driver and Tony's bodyguard. To be honest, just listen to the identity of the bodyguard. If he is really in danger, Tony has to protect him.

The red suitcase Happy later handed to Tony caught Ronin's attention.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Ning guessed what was in the suitcase. It was probably Tony's latest suit - Mark V!

The Mark V is not as good as the Mark IV in terms of attack or defense, but it is lighter and more portable, can be assembled anywhere, and can be folded into a suitcase when not needed.

Tony created the Mark V just to deal with emergencies. It can be said that he was very thoughtful.

It would be safer if Thomas was around, but Thomas cared about the master-slave relationship, and no matter what Ronin said, he wouldn't come.

In fact, Luo Ning didn't care about this at all. After experiencing so many things, he had already regarded Thomas as a friend. He could also see that Thomas regarded him as a friend, but Thomas always had a barrier in his heart and had an inexplicable awe of the boss. Come to think of it, It is inseparable from his growth experience.

Three seats in a row, Tony sat in the middle, Pepper sat in the middle, and Ronin sat in the aisle.

Luo Ning felt at ease. In fact, there was no need to worry too much about any terrorist attacks. The security force at Manhattan International Studios was very strong. It would take a lot of effort for terrorists to get in. The security personnel were all special police officers, so they could handle ordinary crises.

At first, everyone's eyes fell on him and Tony. The dark screening room kept flashing bright lights, which were movie fans filming them with their mobile phones.

He and Tony didn't say anything. They could understand the fans' mood. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they simply closed their eyes and let them take pictures.

When a bright light appeared on the screen, the attention of movie fans was attracted by the colorful pictures.

There is no prologue. From the beginning, the plot focuses on several scientists. Due to the expansion of the earth's population, they have to find a planet suitable for human survival.

So a new space exploration plan was drawn up, and exploring the moon was the first and most critical step in this plan.

Scientists successfully landed on the moon and established a colony on the moon, named "Horizon".

Among the inhabitants of the colony are a group of genetically modified gorillas, whose purpose there is to test a series of issues related to long-term space living.

One of the gorillas showed signs of extremely rapid brain development after being genetically modified by Dr. Harold Winston's team. The doctor himself also taught the orangutan human science and creativity.

"Wow! So cute! I really want to have a pet like this." Little Pepper held her face in her hands and said dreamily.

Winston was a cute creature when he was a child. Many girls in the theater were captivated by Winston's naughty and cute image.

Those rough guys would only think that this orangutan is cute and want to hold it in their arms and ravage it. Luo Ning admitted that he had no such idea. He was not a rough guy, but an artistic young man.

"Then I'll buy an orangutan as a birthday present for you." Tony said seriously.

Pepper glared at him, knowing that he couldn't say anything nice. Orangutans in real life didn't look as cute as Winston.

The story continues. A few years later, the little cute creature grew into a young gorilla. You can't see the cuteness, but you can see his strength and intelligence.

From then on, Winston became an experimental assistant for scientists, often observing the beautiful blue planet outside the window, yearning for the infinite possibilities there.

Just when everything was going in the right direction, the gorillas that had lived in "Horizon" for a long time launched a riot. They did not want to be raised as livestock by humans and wanted to dominate the planet. One of the gorilla number 18... He was the leader of the riots.

The first riot occurred when three orangutans brutally killed a scientist when he was delivering food to them.

Many fans' heartbeats quickened when they saw this, and they were very nervous. Everything was originally beautiful, but from this moment on, it was destined not to be a fairy tale.

Fans were confused, why?

Scientists fed them well all day, and had to work hard to treat them when they were sick. These gorillas were more like a group of uncles.

Scientists took care of them meticulously, so why did they suddenly attack scientists?

This is the beastly nature deep in the bone!

After the gorillas were genetically modified, they had human wisdom and thinking methods, could speak, and made the same actions as humans.

The beastly nature was infinitely magnified!

At first, the gorillas still had awe of the scientists. After getting familiar with them, they found that these scientists had nothing that could threaten them. The desire for freedom, power, and the future prompted them to riot.

The only gorilla that was not dominated by the beastly nature was Winston, because he was born smart. After genetic modification, he was smarter than other gorillas and could invent some gadgets using laboratory materials, so he could control his beastly nature.

When the laboratory base was besieged by gorillas, Winston stood up bravely and vowed to protect the scientists.

However, they were outnumbered, and the scientists fell in a pool of blood one after another. In the end, even Dr. Harold Winston, whom it tried its best to protect, fell in front of it.

Seeing this, many girls' eyes were wet. They witnessed the relationship between Dr. Harold and Winston, and also witnessed Dr. Harold's death in front of Winston. This taste was very uncomfortable.

Endless anger completely stimulated the beast in Winston's body and magnified it infinitely.

Its eyes turned golden, and its body turned into a dark red like the fire of hell. Its whole body was entangled by golden arcs. With every move, it had the power to collapse mountains and split the earth.

The climax came, and all male compatriots were ignited with boiling blood, and they wanted to get into the screen and tear those unscrupulous gorillas to pieces with their own hands!

In the end, Winston killed the leader of the riot, the gorilla numbered 18, and all his kind.

Once the beast in his body is fully released, even Winston himself cannot control it. Only when the anger dissipates and the threat is lifted can he return to a state of autonomous consciousness.

Winston's life can never go back to the way it was. "Horizon" left him with only sadness and pain.

He has no name, only a number. Out of love for Dr. Harold, he decided to inherit his surname - Winston, and designed a temporary rocket to fly to the blue planet!

There, Winston found a new home: Overwatch!

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