Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 410 Crazy Rat Premiere

Using the background setting of Roadhog, the Australian omnic core was attacked and the topography of the Australian outback has now changed irreversibly.

The story of Junkrat takes place after Mark Ratledge led the uprising, and the fusion core of the omnic core was blown up, which triggered a.

The area has now become a radioactive wasteland with no grass growing, and the ruins of the omnic core are everywhere.

But even so, a group of humans who call themselves "junkers" survived.

They searched for everything that could be used in the wreckage and gradually formed a barbaric and dangerous group.

"Junkrat" is one of them, living on metals scavenged from the ruins.

Like everyone else, he was also exposed to radiation, and thus became a madman obsessed with dangerous things.

Junkrat's real name is Jamison Falx, an Australian, 25 years old.

Few people know this information because he never mentions his real name outside and always calls himself "Junkrat".

The skin of the crazy rat seemed to have been smoked by black smoke, showing a dark gray from head to toe. He was skinny and bony. I don't know if it was due to malnutrition or other reasons. His upper body was just a bag of bones.

His golden hair was divided into several tufts and stood up high. The tips of his hair seemed to be on fire. It was indeed on fire, and sparks were floating out. He was hanging on his shoulders and carrying a tire.

In a battle, he fell from a height and broke his right arm and right leg, so he had mechanical prostheses in both places. His forearm seemed to be wearing a pair of metal gloves, and his right leg was like a cone, which was scary. He was wearing baggy shorts, and his intact left foot was wearing long white socks and a high-top leather boot.

His natural and undecorated cone face and pointed chin could poke people to death. He looked like a sly person. He didn't look like a good person.

Indeed, he was not a good person. He was not good at all. It was better to ask the sky to show mercy and throw you a pie than to ask him to give you a meal.

Junkrat is notorious in Junkertown. He is a madman in the eyes of outsiders. Everyone avoids him when they see him. But he lives a carefree life. He doesn't take other people's criticism to heart. He picks up garbage every day, goes to the bar to drink a little wine, and is as happy as a god.

The reason why this madman can gain a foothold in Junkertown is not only the grace of the queen, but also the efforts of Junkrat himself. He is a madman, but also a genius.

A combination of genius and madman!

In the current environment, no one is willing to help a stranger. Even friends may stab you in the back and take away your food, so Junkrat never relies on anyone.

When his arms and legs are broken, he will turn over metal garbage by himself, disinfect it, and figure out how to make mechanical prostheses by himself.

Otherwise, how can he be called a genius?

Through his own efforts, Junkrat successfully made a prosthetic arm and leg. Although it is a bit shabby, it does not affect normal use. It is just that he still limps when running. The main reason is that the materials are limited. There is no metal to choose from in the garbage dump. It is very good to have some.

The queen brought n to her loyal lackeys. Junkrat had his garbage stolen by others several times. In anger, he once again searched for metal garbage everywhere and made his own weapons.

After a few months, he made a grenade launcher, which was very powerful in the eyes of other scumbags.

But he never thought there was anything to be proud of. He just wanted to survive and then go see the prosperity outside. It was that simple.

Weapons alone were not enough. He also traded the garbage he picked up with others in exchange for his own shells and mines. The extra metal garbage was made into traps by him. Although there were no wild beasts in this wasteland, it was also very practical to deal with people. It could be used to ambush people at night and to block roads during the day.

These things made him stand out in the scumbag town and become a person that other scumbags dared not provoke. In the future, almost no one dared to compete with him for any garbage he set his eyes on, unless the other party was outnumbered.

Junkrat was still uneasy, so he hung all over his body again. If he was targeted by others, he could drag someone down with him before he died. If he didn't live well, others wouldn't live well either. This was his survival rule in the wasteland.

After a few months of such dull life, Junkrat didn't save any garbage or money, because he used them all to exchange for the necessary materials for making projectiles.

On a new day, the scumbags left Junkertown as usual to pick up garbage outside. The things in Junkertown had been looted by everyone, and only the outside world would have new garbage.

Junkrat had long been accustomed to such a life. He got up early, ate something casually, and set off with tools. The scumbags got up earlier than each other, just to pick up more garbage.

Usually they were in groups of three or five to avoid being robbed by other scumbag gangs.

Although the queen explicitly stipulated that scumbags could not rob each other's garbage, this rule only applied in Junkertown, and there were no rules outside the town.

The death of a scumbag will not cause any ripples outside. No one will feel sad for you. They will only take away your things and clothes without leaving any. After natural corrosion, no one will approach the stench that rises to the sky. It will be eaten by insects until only a skeleton is left, and in the end the skeleton will disappear with the wind.

Leave no trace in this world, this is the cruel wasteland life.

If you want to survive, either be a younger brother to the boss, and live without dignity by just getting a bite of food. Or strengthen yourself. Whether you will be hungry tomorrow depends on your personal ability. If you starve to death, you can only blame yourself for not being capable. Junkrat resolutely chose the latter.

Facts have proved that he made the right choice. He has no worries about food and drink now, and those gangs all avoid him when they see him.

No one wants to mess with this lunatic. If you can't kill him after a conflict, your house may explode one day.

Junkrat went a long way a few days ago and was surprised to find an abandoned factory. There was a lot of metal waste in it, and he couldn't move it out for a while. Today he came here as usual, but found that the place was occupied by a gang.

"Assholes, I discovered this place first!"

Junkrat stood at the gap in the iron wall and roared inside.

"What are you yelling about? We were obviously the ones who found you first, and you are just a latecomer. Go back, Junkrat, we don't want to conflict with you. Besides, you are talking nonsense."

The boss is a muscular man. It is not easy to maintain muscles in this harsh environment. Being the boss is really something.

"I peed in it."

"Come on, can I wait for you to urinate? I've done it a long time ago! If you don't want to leave this factory, you can choose to join us. Your ability will definitely create more wealth for us. We will divide the treasures we find in the future 40-60, and I will Six, you four," the muscular man said.

"I can find better."

Junkrat was not afraid of the enemy's large number of people, but it was a pity that he was running out of grenades and had no time to replenish them. If the fight started, he might not be able to please him, so he simply gave up.

Living is more important than anything else, but he will never sell his dignity to work for others, not even in this life! 14

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