Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 434 Early Morning Action

After receiving the reward, Junkrat came out happily and went to their office with Roadhog.

After walking away, he lowered his voice and said to Roadhog: "Roadhog, I know you are very interested in that weapon, and so am I. Although it is not powerful, we scumbags must maintain a keen sense of smell for new things. How about it? Get a hand?"

Roadhog just looked down at him. After a few seconds, Junkrat jumped up excitedly and said happily: "I knew that you and I have a lot of overlap in our thoughts."

As soon as he finished speaking, Junkrat covered his mouth and looked at Roadhog with a cautious and slightly horrified face, "Did I speak too loudly just now? The bosses won't hear it, right?"

Roadhog shook his head gently at him, and then walked away. Junkrat took a step and followed him, chattering beside Roadhog like a sparrow.

"We must not let the boss know about this, no! Not only the boss, but anyone else will not benefit us, so we must be careful and careful, and never let anyone catch us by the tail."

"So we have to come up with a watertight plan when we go back, and there can't be any flaws, do you understand what I mean, Roadhog?"

In the hall, everyone's discussion has not stopped.

"I don't think Junkrat will keep his mouth shut. If he is so honest, he is not Junkrat." McCree squatted at the door and took a puff of cigar, then squinted his eyes and said slowly.

"We have no other choice in this situation now. We just hope that the identity of Overwatch can bring some restraint to Junkrat, and hope that he can abandon the bad habits when he was a scumbag and follow our example." Soldier 76 said earnestly. How could he not know that Junkrat's temperament was difficult to tame, and he was willing to work for Overwatch at the moment just because of the freshness and sense of honor brought by Overwatch.

After a long time, Junkrat might just quit. As for Roadhog, he must be determined to be with Junkrat and will never listen to their opinions. They are like two sides of a coin. No one can live without the other. Without one side, it is a coin without any value.

"For now, we can only rely on Junkrat's consciousness. Our forced interference will only cause him and Roadhog to resent us." Angel also spoke.

"Yes, we can only restrain them with the rules of Overwatch. It will not benefit both parties if we force them. Let's do it this way for now and let nature take its course." Ronin ended the discussion with this sentence.

In the early morning, when everyone was asleep.

Junkrat and Roadhog secretly made a plan in the room. Only after Roadhog confirmed that it was correct did they sneak out of the room, tiptoeing and tiptoeing, not daring to make any sound.

The vigilance and caution of the thief were vividly interpreted.

They had already planned the route. Actually, there was nothing to plan. They just took the most hidden route possible to Torbjörn's laboratory.

Yes, Torbjörn had placed the new weapon in the laboratory. They had known it for a long time. Junkrat even had the key ready. Don't doubt a scumbag's pickpocketing ability.

Torbjörn Lindholm had no sense of defense in the base, and he could easily take off his key with almost no effort.

Although this was not an advantage, it made him spend the most difficult time in Junkertown.

So in Junkrat's mind, the pickpocketing ability was a simple survival skill, regardless of advantages and disadvantages. Filling his stomach was more important than anything else.

But now, Junkrat still felt a little guilty. He was no longer a poor scumbag, but a well-known watcher. Watchers generally would not do such shady things.

It didn't matter!

Who made that old guy not let him try the power of the new weapon and put on an attitude of looking down on him. Junkrat wanted to prove that without your permission, Torbjörn Lindholm, Junkrat could still get his hands on the new weapon.

Roadhog was also thinking about it. The new weapon was actually a treasure. There was no reason for him not to be tempted by the treasure. Even if he couldn't take it away, it would be great to try it.

"Shh! The more we get to this point, the more cautious we must be. Don't panic, because if something goes wrong, all our efforts will be wasted."

In front of him was Torbjörn's laboratory. Junkrat's breathing became heavy, and even the "shhh" sound seemed so heavy, and he felt a little breathless.

Even so, he reminded Roadhog not to panic. In fact, Roadhog was much calmer than him. Except for the slightly fiery eyes under the mask, other things such as heartbeat and breathing were very stable.

When he walked to the door, Junkrat's heart almost jumped out. His hand that took out the key was shaking. He fumbled in the dark for a long time but couldn't insert it. He kept sliding it up and down and left and right at the lock core.

Roadhog was anxious and quickly turned on the flashlight to illuminate him.

As soon as the first ray of light hit Junkrat's eyes, he jumped up anxiously, trying to keep his voice as low as possible while still having a critical context.

"What are you doing? Are you afraid that others don't know we are here? Turn it off!"

In fact, this little light doesn't matter much, but he is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Roadhog sighed softly and simply turned off the flashlight.

Fortunately, with the help of the last ray of light, Junkrat inserted the key, twisted his wrist, and the door opened.

Gently push forward, move lightly...

After Roadhog entered, Junkrat closed the door again, moving very slowly, for fear of making a sound and being noticed by others.

There was still faint moonlight outside, and once you entered the house, you couldn't see your hand in front of you, and it was pitch black in front of you.

Roadhog turned on the flashlight, Junkrat turned his head back habitually, then nodded, and said in the tone of an elder brother: "This is pretty good. After being with me for so long, your wooden head has finally become smart."

The flashlight shined on some metal equipment. There were all kinds of things on the tables. The smell of oil that I didn't pay much attention to at first also rushed up, which was a bit uncomfortable.

No wonder Torbjorn usually wears a mask when he goes in and out.

After searching around, they finally set their eyes on a silver box. According to what they saw in the afternoon, the size of the new weapon is about this size, so it should be inside.

Junkrat squatted down, and Roadhog stood behind him and continued to light him, without saying a word, like an old father protecting his children.

Opening the lid of the box, there was indeed a new weapon they saw in the afternoon. The whole body is black, and the transparent glass tube in the middle is particularly eye-catching. It is not a common product at first glance.

"We don't have any bad intentions, right? We just want to try out new weapons and satisfy our curiosity." Junkrat comforted himself while taking out the EX Super Quantum Cannon.

However, the weapon was too heavy, and his small body was a bit strenuous, but Roadhog had no difficulty in using it.

"Alas... I can make plans and strategies, but I really can't do these physical work, not to mention that this broken weapon is heavy." Junkrat always finds ways to flatter himself.

"Okay, let's go, go farther and test the power and send it back, we are not thieves."

Junkrat continued to make excuses for his behavior, and after speaking, he walked forward to open the door, let Roadhog, who was inconvenient with both hands, go out first, and then he went out and slowly closed the door.

The two walked out of the base like thieves and walked towards the unknown place...

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