Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 439: Wasteland Finale

Ever since the trailer was released, movie fans around the world have been waiting for a long time.

Waiting is often full of bitterness, and every day passes extremely slowly. At the end of the day, it feels like a whole year of spring, summer, autumn and winter has passed, and people feel a lot more haggard.

During the pre-sale period for movie tickets, movie fans rushed to grab them like crazy. If they couldn't get ordinary 3D tickets, they grabbed IMAX3D tickets. Although the ticket price of IMAX3D was four or five times that of ordinary 3D tickets, it was worth it to watch the premiere!

Those who are willing to spend a lot of money for movies are either true fans, or they don't lack the money.

Audiences who follow the trend will reluctantly buy tickets in order to pursue girls, but they may disappear halfway through watching them. They will use the name of watching movies to achieve their real purpose, which is to date...

In short, it is true that premiere tickets are difficult to grab, and it is even harder to get a good seat.

On the day "Wrecking Ball" was released, the audience who had grabbed movie tickets happily dressed up and made appointments with their loved ones. There were also gay friends who went to the theater in groups of two and a half, and some people went to the movie alone.

To outsiders, going to the movies alone may seem lonely, but lonely people themselves don’t think so. They are used to listening to music, watching movies, and cooking alone. In fact, it’s just that, no big deal.

It's good for a person to live a pure life with no desires and desires. Just do good to yourself and live a positive life every day.

As a human being, you must learn to enjoy loneliness. This is not a kind of growth.

Some people are also afraid of loneliness. What should they do if there is no one around them? Find it online! So every time a new movie is released, Douban changes his style of painting.

I used to discuss movie plots and stuff, but now I post to form groups to watch movies. There will be people who are willing, because there are not a few lonely people.

There's nothing wrong with meeting a bunch of friends because of a movie. Even if there's only one person among three or four people you think you can have a deep friendship with, that's fine.

Since you can't enjoy loneliness, then find a way to get rid of loneliness and don't be tortured by loneliness anymore.

In the Overwatch base, everyone is ready. Watching movies is not only a visual enjoyment, but also a way to get to know new companions.

They haven't established such a tacit understanding with Junkrat Roadhog, so this time Ronin specially went to invite them.

"Would you like to watch the new movie with us?" Luo Ning opened the door.

Junkrat, who was tinkering with explosives, suddenly raised his head and shouted excitedly: "Boss, you're here!"

Roadhog, who was resting on the side, also cast his gaze.

Junkrat's mood quickly dropped, and he said calmly: "Boss, you just said...movies? This kind of thing...we really have no interest in this aspect, we Junkers..."

Immediately, his eyes lit up and he stood up suddenly, startled.

"Hey! That's right! We are not Junkers now, we are Watchers, the Watchers worshiped by thousands of people! We should learn to do something elegant, such as watching a movie?"

"Roadhog, are you right what I said?"

Meeting Junkrat's longing gaze, Roadhog first sighed softly, then nodded slightly.

"Awesome! Movie! I've never watched a movie seriously, and there's no screening room in Junkertown. We only have activities like picking up trash, quarreling, and fighting with others."

"If I remember correctly, this movie is also set in the wasteland, and the protagonist is a little hamster? I haven't seen him in Junkertown. Maybe he came after we left? That's definitely the case!"

"Then, we have to watch it more. I feel a little nostalgic after being away from Junkertown for so long. It's good to watch the movie and reminisce about the past, although there is nothing to miss about the past life."

Faced with the machine gun-like chatter, Luo Ning was exhausted mentally and physically.

"Then come with me. Let's make a good deal first. Don't yell inside, so as not to affect other people's viewing experience. You know, Shimada Hanzo has a very hot temper."

Junkrat nodded wildly like a chicken pecking at rice. He had met this tattooed man before. He was unsmiling and had excellent archery skills. He was definitely a werewolf!

In fact, Luo Ning was still not at ease. Junkrat was often very good at showing off, but would forget what he had said before at the critical moment.

At first, Luo Ning quite believed what he said. After experiencing a few things, hehe...

Before the screening, it was more like an eating and drinking party. To use Hana Song's righteous words: Only when you have eaten and drank enough can you have the energy to watch the movie. Otherwise, what should I do if I get hungry in the middle? Do you eat your hands like a child? Besides, this movie is three hours long, which is one hour longer than those movies! Is it okay not to eat?

As the conclusion of the Wasteland trilogy, "Wrecking Ball" has a lot to explain, so the film is as long as three hours. The previous longest film by Overwatch Pictures was only two hours and 17 minutes.

From Luo Ning's point of view, this is a test for the bladder. If you go to the bathroom in the middle, you will definitely miss some shots, let alone watching it a second time to make up for the missed shots.

For perfectionists, it will be very uncomfortable if they miss even a little bit. The most perfect thing is to take every frame into consideration.

So Luo Ning chose to drink less water, eat something, and watch movies, which also consumes energy.

Now Luo Ning is very curious, why does Song Hana love to eat so much, but she doesn't gain weight at all? Potato chips and Coca-Cola are fattening foods, standard for those who want to lose weight!

He finally raised this question, and Song Hana said while eating: "I have a physical problem. I am the kind of person who can never gain weight no matter how much I eat. Are you envious?"

"Envy envy."

Just after he finished speaking, Roning heard a "slurp, slurp" sound coming from behind. Looking back, Junkrat and Roadhog were eating miserably.

"I say, can you eat more quietly?"

I have told them many times before, eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you, but this habit just can't be changed. Okay, even if you can't change it for a while, can you make less noise?

"Hey, if you didn't tell us, we would have forgotten that we are people of status now, we can't eat like this, Roadhog!" Junkrat put down the food in his hand and stared at Roadhog.

Roadhog was eating happily, but being stared at like this, he had to slow down his eating speed. Although he slowed down, he still ate faster than ordinary people, but fortunately the noise was quieter.

"Don't eat when the movie starts. You can do whatever you want now."

"Don't worry, boss. Don't think we are irrelevant in our daily lives. But we have strong self-control. You just haven't noticed it yet."

Luo Ning gave a few instructions and returned to his seat. He looked at his watch. There was still one minute.

He squinted for a while, and then his eyes suddenly darkened. Then a dazzling light shone directly at him.

Luo Ning opened his eyes, and the giant screen lit up. The movie began...

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