Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 466 Hawkeye's Safe House

Tony put on the anti-Hulk armor and was about to fight the Hulk.

Suddenly, a pink mecha flew over from the sky.


Tony didn't expect her to come, and there was no sign.

"Help me control him!"

Hana's voice came down, and Tony rushed over without hesitation, restraining Hulk's arms with a special mechanical arm form. Since the anti-Hulk armor is larger than the Hulk, the Hulk can't break free for a while.

D.Va jumped out of the mecha after landing, holding a gun-type launcher in her hand, aiming at the Hulk and firing the inhibitor.

Hitting the target, the dark green potion flowed into the Hulk's body. The Hulk struggled painfully, and his strength increased suddenly, and he broke free in an instant.

However, the weird green cells in his body are returning to normal. In terms of appearance, the Hulk's body is slowly shrinking and gradually turning back to Banner's appearance.

Hulk struggled for a few seconds and then became quiet.

"Why are you here?" Tony asked.

"Ronin was worried so he sent me here. Fortunately, I made it in time. Basically, there was no damage to the city and no casualties."

Hana looked around and saw a bunch of police officers standing around with guns in their hands.

"Everyone go away! It's okay!"

After that, she stared at the huge Tony and asked with a strange look on her face: "Didn't Ronin say that each of you received an inhibitor? Why are you still thinking of using the anti-Hulk armor?"

Tony was embarrassed to say that he forgot to take the launcher, so he pointed to the cracked ground where Hulk's fists had just hit him. There was a broken reagent bottle lying in it, and there was a dark green liquid that was about to evaporate.

"I accidentally broke it."

"You are so careless. If you two start a fight in the city, I guarantee that the news media will love you to death, and I guarantee that Hulk will be wanted by the government." Hana said with her hands folded and her head turned away.

"Yes, yes, you are right, I will contact everyone now." Tony did not evade responsibility. He was indeed careless this time.

At the landing point of the plane, everyone gathered, and they were not very happy because the mission was not completed. They did not destroy Ultron, nor did they take away the vibranium, and they did not even keep the twins.

Speechless, everyone got on the plane. Although the mission failed, the degree of physical fatigue was not low, so they had to find a place to rest and adjust to replenish their physical strength.

The mental state of several people who fell into the illusion created by the witch was not very good. They all seemed to have been sucked out of their souls, with blurred eyes and no spirit.

Roning and Hill were also helpless when they got the news. Everyone tried their best. Although the result was not very good, they could only think about how to save everything next.

Finding Ultron is still the top priority at the moment. He who transported the vibranium away will definitely find a way to build a vibranium body for himself. If he achieves this, the consequences will be disastrous. Ultron's spiritual consciousness can escape through the Internet. If he has a vibranium body again, no one will be his opponent.

The Avengers and the Watchers may not be able to defeat Ultron, because vibranium is the most powerful metal on earth, and Steve's shield has long proved this.

Bullets and artillery shells cannot penetrate it, rockets cannot blow it up, and even Thor's hammer cannot break it, which shows its defensive strength.

A shield is like this, and it's scary to think about it if it's covered with vibranium.

This place is very close to the "safe house" mentioned by Hawkeye, so they went to the "safe house". They thought it was a castle surrounded by iron walls, but when they arrived at the destination, they found that it was just a two-story building.

How can we talk about safety? A missile blew it up.

The gap between ideal and reality is so big that it's a bit difficult for everyone to accept.

Everyone got off the plane and saw that the scene in front of them was unacceptable. The only thing worth praising was the environment.

There was a green field under their feet, with clusters of grass growing wildly, and small woods everywhere. The fragrance of soil and grass lingered on the tip of the nose, which was particularly quiet, and only the sound of breeze blowing in the ears would make people calm.

From a bird's eye view, it was like a painting depicting a rural countryside.

"Safe house?" Thor pointed to the building three or four hundred meters away and asked Hawkeye in surprise.

"Yes, I feel very safe here."

Hawkeye nodded undeniably.

When he came here, anyone who was careful could feel that Hawkeye was completely relaxed, and his tense face also showed a smile.

"I hope so." Thor didn't ask any more questions and followed him forward.

As soon as they entered the door, sofas, coffee tables, chairs, bookshelves and other furniture came into view. Everything in front of them told them that this was a residential house.

"Dear, I'm back." Hawkeye said.

At this time, a woman came out and smiled immediately when she saw Hawkeye.

"Hi, there are guests... Sorry, I didn't call in advance." Hawkeye explained.

Hawkeye's wife hadn't seen her husband for too long, so she was emotional and ignored the group of people behind Hawkeye. She kissed him first and hugged him again.

"She's probably some kind of agent." Tony whispered.

After a proper intimacy, Hawkeye introduced them: "This is Laura."

"I know all your names."

Laura smiled and waved at them. Looking at them one by one, there were Avengers and Watchers, and they had never seen them, but they had heard of them.


After a while, the two little guys ran out happily. Hawkeye squatted down and picked up his daughter, and then hugged his son in his arms, kissing them generously.

"Hi, little darling. Hey, young man! How are you doing?"

The house is not small, but because of the large number of people, everyone seems very crowded in the living room, with no room to stretch out.

"These two are... young agents." Tony whispered to everyone.

"Sorry to bother you."

Steve was a little uncomfortable. What was wrong with showing affection in front of an old bachelor? Even showing off with his child, what did he do wrong?

Now even a fool can see that Hawkeye is not a lone wolf, but a family man. Not only does he have a wife, but his two naughty children are so big.

"We should have called in advance, but we were busy wondering if you existed." Tony said.

"Well, Fury helped me settle all this when I joined. It's better not to record it in the files of SHIELD. I think this is a good place to hide my identity." Hawkeye explained.

Thor accidentally stepped on the building blocks that the children had built. He didn't want to be discovered, so he gently moved the building blocks under the stool with his feet.

Steve saw all of this, and Thor acted as if nothing had happened. Then he suddenly thought of the illusion he had fallen into before, and walked out.

"Thor?" Steve followed him out and stopped him.

"I saw something in my dream, and I need the answer, but I can't find it here."

After saying that, he turned the hammer and went up to the sky.

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