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Chapter 610: I am not bound by form

Meng Data is a determined mechanical monk. It is not unreasonable for him to become the leader of the mechanical monks. At the beginning, he specifically looked for those small places with relatively chaotic order and gave speeches to the public about "the harmonious coexistence of intelligent machines and humans to create a beautiful new society". Naturally, humans sneered at these boring speeches and just listened to them as a joke.

But Meng Data never gave up and never gave up. He was chased by the police, insulted, and suffered all kinds of grievances. Every time other mechanical monks advised him to give up, he would say "the dawn is just around the corner." He wanted to and must correct the name of intelligent machines. Once the gap between humans and intelligent machines is eliminated, the world will develop in a harmonious direction and everything will become better.

With this mentality, he opened up the situation in nearly two years. The speeches in those small places with weak legal awareness accumulated experience in oral expression for him, and then he tried to move to prosperous communities. The audience changed from those who had not studied for a few years and could only survive by doing hard labor to people with relatively high education levels. But here, he had to be on guard against patrolmen at all times. The first few days were not smooth, and he was arrested by the police and detained for a few days. After being released, Meng Data continued to give speeches everywhere.

Relatively speaking, people who read more can extract some useful information from his words, so some people are willing to listen to what he says, gradually forget their prejudice against intelligent machines, and try to treat intelligent machines as life.

It will be difficult at first, but many people will be surprised to find that if you treat intelligent machines a little better, intelligent machines will treat you as a benefactor and put themselves in your shoes. This makes them feel for the first time that intelligent machines are not cold machines. The view that "a drop of water should be repaid with a spring" is well reflected in intelligent machines.

Meng Data has a group of "believers" who are willing to accept intelligent machines and become friends with them, and have a harmonious relationship. Later, he became bigger and bigger, and the police could not stop him because there were too many people who came to listen to his speeches, both humans and intelligent machines, and the situation was out of control.

It was not until later that the authorities retrieved the video of Mondata and watched it, and decided in an official document to fully support Mondata's behavior, abolish all unfair laws that discriminate against intelligent machines, and intend to cultivate Mondata into the spiritual leader of intelligent machines.

With official support, Mondata gradually became the person the official wanted, the spiritual leader of intelligent machines. All intelligent machines living in Nepal regarded him as a god, who saved them and brought them equal status with humans.

They voluntarily sewed scars on their heads and went to the Shambali Monastery every day to listen to Mondata's lectures in order to achieve the unity of body, mind and soul, and truly transform from robots to people with thoughts, feelings and souls.

At first it was voluntary, and finally under the rigid requirements of the official, all intelligent machines became monks of the Shambali Monastery, with the same shape and three scars on their heads, distributed in a right triangle or inverted triangle. Only Mondata and Zenyatta had nine scars. They called each other brothers and were the two most authoritative people in the monastery.

But every time Meng Data went to preach, Zenyatta never went, and every time he said that the monastery needed someone to take care of it. Zenyatta refused to ease the relationship between humans and intelligent machines in this way. At present, everything seems to be developing in a good direction, but one day this fragile protective barrier will be broken, and finally the intelligent machines will fall into the abyss, and they will become people from two different worlds with humans, without any intersection.

Zenyatta meditates and practices in the monastery every day, polishes diamond beads for himself in his spare time, and immerses himself in soul-level thinking, which seems incompatible with other impatient mechanical monks.

Meng Data often discusses some spiritual matters with Zenyatta after speaking, and the concept of wisdom pupil was proposed by Zenyatta at this time. In his view, only when the body and soul are highly compatible and the cognition is synchronized can one escape into the wisdom pupil and feel the real tranquility, which is also the root of the harmony of all things.

After that, Meng Data promoted this concept, and there were very few people who could really understand what the wisdom pupil meant, but this did not prevent everyone from supporting Meng Data's doctrine. Mondatta's career was flourishing, and his influence spread all over the world. Many countries invited him.

Mondatta gladly accepted. His goal was to spread the harmony between humans and intelligent machines to the world. He began to give speeches in various countries, helping one country after another to improve the tense relationship between humans and intelligent machines.

In the end, the beliefs conveyed by the mechanical monks headed by Mondatta were supported by millions of people around the world, and the concept of intelligent pupils gradually became everyone's common belief.

However, there is a good side and a bad side. While most people supported Mondatta, some people did not want humans to accept intelligent machines. Most of these people were not doing well in society, and they took this opportunity to retaliate against society, and there were quite a few of them.

When Mondatta went abroad to give speeches, these people could only vent their anger on the Shambali Monastery. Usually, a group of people came here together, not to burn incense and worship Buddha, but just to smash, loot and burn.

Everything happens once and twice, but not three or four times. As the guardian of the monastery, Zenyatta got angry after their repeated provocations. I wanted to call the police, but the monastery was built in a remote area, and the police's visit was time-consuming and laborious, and it was not enough to deter these guys who frequently committed crimes and disregarded the law.

In their eyes, the police station is almost another home. When they go in, there are always brothers who say "welcome home" to them, and they stay in there for a few days and then come out as heroes again.

This group of people went too far that day. Not only did they cause damage, they also beat up the monks who tried to stop them. Zenyatta couldn't help but shoot out the Buddhist beads to teach them a lesson.

When the twelve evil men saw the steel ball ejected from the Buddhist hall, they ran inside, but before they could rush in, they were hit by a fist-sized diamond bead and flew out, without exception.

Zenyatta has now crossed the natural barrier that blocked the monks outside and reached the state of "the self is not bound by form". The so-called "self is not bound by form" means that the true self has no form and can change in a thousand ways. In short, it will not exist in the body. The soul and spirit represent the true self.

All things have no weight, but things are dead, and living creatures have chaotic thoughts. Now, Zenyatta's thought realm has almost reached the highest level of practice. He has let go of everything in the world, and his weight has become lighter. As his attainments deepened, his thinking became clearer and brighter, and he realized "the extreme of lightness, floating on the surface, blending into yin and yang, and escaping into the pupil of wisdom".

Originally, Mengdatta could have cultivated to this state, but he was busy speaking, and his practice time was squeezed out. His progress in cultivating his mind was very slow, and Zenyatta felt sorry for it.

He floated outside the hall in a meditation posture, nine Buddhist beads surrounding his body, and his expressionless mechanical face was filled with indifference.

The villains felt pain and got up from the ground, each of them showing a fierce look, but when they looked up and saw Zenyatta, they became cowardly and turned around and ran away.

In this era of eccentrics, you must not provoke those guys who don't follow science. This is a matter of experience.

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