Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 675: Salted Fish is also a Skill

You have to ask yourself what you are so persistent about, so persistent that you don’t care what the outside world thinks, and you won’t change your original intention even if you are criticized by others. Hmm...if homesteading counts. It's okay now. I remember that when he first accepted the role of CEO of Overwatch Pictures, he implemented the secrets of being a homebody to the fullest. His performance at that time may have subverted people's perception of entrepreneurs, especially his assistant Lucy. It is not easy to persist under his torture until now.

Even if his colleagues pointed fingers at him, the world gossiped, and even the media criticized him, he did not compromise even if he could stay at home and never go out. It can be regarded that he insisted on his own path and did not violate his original intention... This is the same as Moi La has a similar approach, but he is not as crazy as her, and the things he insists on are not as high-tech as hers.

And so far, with his insistence on not changing, almost everyone accepts his setting. Everyone knows that the CEO of Overwatch Pictures is a person who likes to meditate, is good at thinking, and does not like to be noisy.

Yes, as he insisted on implementing the secrets of staying at home, the so-called staying at home and staying at home without leaving the door became like this after being packaged by the media, which made Luo Ning himself very embarrassed. It is mainly due to the movie script and the prosperity of Overwatch Pictures. If he puts Overwatch Pictures into trouble, it will be another story.

Obviously, now that everyone has accepted his setting, no matter how much he insists on it, it is just a very common thing and cannot be linked to Moira's persistence of daring to make enemies of the world.

Luo Ning had to find another way.

But, it seems, gone...

Luo Ning patted his head, pitiful that he had worked hard in the Marvel world for so long and gained rights and status that ordinary people could not achieve, but in the end, he didn't even have one thing to do persistently?


Luo Ning took a sip of hot tea and paced back and forth in the living room. He kept comforting himself that he must have it, but his mind was a little stiff now and he couldn't remember it for the moment.

How much you look forward to the flash of inspiration, but the flash of inspiration will never follow your footsteps. Maybe it will come to you while you are doing something particularly funny.

Luo Ning, who was deeply convinced, decided to go for a release. As for where it was, he looked out the window and saw that the sun was just right. Why not bask in the sun at the beach? If basking in the sun could be called release...

Don't tell me why he doesn't go somewhere farther away. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that his legs don't allow him.

Especially when he went out and was hit by the lazy sunshine, he suddenly had the urge to set up a rocking chair and take a nap in the sun.

While walking on the beach, Luo Ning thought about many things that might be regarded as persistence, such as insisting on recruiting watchmen and never having the idea of ​​giving up; and for example, he still completed the drawing of the mark mark despite many doubts, and now It can be considered a small success; and no matter how stupid the people above him are, he is only focused on world peace, and he is worried about all parties, but there is no way, who let him get in trouble with so many people.

I've been thinking a lot, but I just don't know which one is needed to activate Moira's transformation form...

Maybe you have to be passive and do nothing. If you take the initiative, there seems to be nothing to do. Persistence is not something that can be achieved in a short while.

The more he thought about it, the more Luo Ning indulged himself, waiting for it to be passively activated. He simply moved a chair out, with a cup of tea at hand, legs crossed, eyes half open and half closed, just lying there waiting for Athena to prompt "Moira's transformation has been activated".

Just be comfortable and that's it, don't worry about anything else. Hanzo was activated by chance, and Luo Ning had every reason to believe that Moira might also be activated by chance. After all, sexy Moira, casual titties.

Anyway, he would not admit that he was forced to wait for activation because he couldn't think of any good activation method. In fact, as long as there was a direction for his efforts, he was still willing to try it, but now his eyesight was completely black.

The inspiration can't come for a while, so I can only bask in the sun and fool around for a while. It's not bad to enjoy retirement life in advance. It's rare to be quiet during this period.

Maybe Luo Ning never thought that he would be captured on camera when he was about to pass out. If he hadn't been checking the news out of habit the next day, he wouldn't have known that he would make the headlines with this lazy look.

"Shocked! A former professional e-sports player, former Overwatch commander, and current Overwatch commander actually did such a thing on the seaside to the sky!"

"After Overwatch was disbanded, although new movies were released as usual, Mr. Luo Ning, who was untroubled by everything, undoubtedly retired early and lost his drive to fight."

"Sad! Luo Ning, the once high-spirited Overwatch commander, can now only live a life without fighting against the world. This is a bit enviable to most people. After all, he does not have to run for a living, but for someone with lofty ambitions For Mr. Luo Ning, he must be in pain at this moment, which is different from the calm and peaceful appearance on the surface. "

sorry! What's wrong with me just basking in the sun at the beach? Also, is retirement life uncomfortable or something? I'm so bored now because I haven't been busy yet. Sorry for overthinking, I'm not in pain at all, I even want to laugh...

If these news were meant to amuse him, Luo Ning admitted that these editors did it. As for everyone's opinions, he really didn't have time to care. People don't need to live for others to see. They can do whatever makes them feel comfortable.

So he didn't shy away from it in the next few days, doing things as he pleased, often sitting around for the entire day with nothing to do.

Every time Black Lily came back to see him like this, although she didn't say anything, her expression with a hint of disgust said it all. I'm afraid she was very curious about how there could be such a lazy person in the world, and how such a person could convince McCree and other unruly guys?

She couldn't sit like this for a whole day, even if she was beaten to death. But this also indirectly shows that Ronin is better in "lazy" and thicker in face...

Ronin is so unscrupulous, but fortunately the media is not so bored, and the report stopped after two days. Maybe he is really out of date. Now the news about him is far less sensational than the release of the trailer of the new movie, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Why bother so much, just cherish this period of time without war, I don't know how many days I can enjoy it...

"You have been persistent in implementing the concept of salted fish from beginning to end, and you don't even care about the eyes of the world. It takes great courage to stick to it. Moira's transformation has been activated!"


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