Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 751 Shipwreck Crisis

Peter deliberately avoided the Grim Reaper, treating him like a child. He wanted to prove that even if no one helped him, he could still catch the bad guys!

Peter rushed to the dock, shot a spider web, and jumped to a ferry.

Lying on the hard shell, Peter searched the passengers inside through the window.

"Start super detection mode and help me find that person."

"Sorry, no one here is in the criminal database." Karen said.

"No one? Didn't the birdman commit a crime?"


Now that the identity of the birdman cannot be confirmed, there is always a buyer, right?

So, Peter jumped onto the deck and ran to the side to see if there were any strange people.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the ferry parking lot, he saw a few abnormal people, pretending to look at the sea at a distance from each other, and they looked like normal passengers with heavy minds.

"Who is the person on the left?"

"McGeegan. He has a lot of criminal records, including homicide. Do you want me to activate the kill function?" Karen said.

"No, Karen, stop talking about the kill function."

Peter let the scout spider on his chest fly down and monitor them. The person who turned over the case is most likely the buyer.

"White pickup truck." A man said.

One person signaled with his eyes, and the other walked towards the white pickup truck in the garage.

"Little Spider, search for the white pickup truck on the ferry."

The scout spider pulled away, scanned the cars in the garage, and quickly locked the white pickup truck and flew over. Everything it saw was fed back to Peter.

There was a person sitting in the white pickup truck. When he saw someone coming, he came down and uncovered the black cloth covering the weapon, obviously asking the person to inspect the goods.

"This is too perfect! Weapons, buyers, sellers, all in one net!" Peter was so proud of himself.

"Tony Stark is calling!"

"No, no, no, don't answer it!"

But Karen had already answered the call.

"Mr. Parker, do you have time?"

"Uh... I'm in school."

"You don't, you did a great job in Washington, DC! My dad has never been so supportive of me, I want to break this bad cycle..."

"I'm busy now." Peter moved, trying to find a chance to go down.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm praising you. Anyway, big things are going to happen... What's that sound?" Tony heard the sound of metal colliding.

"I'm rehearsing with the band."

"That's weird, Happy told me you quit the band six weeks ago, what's wrong with Peter?"

"I have to hang up!" Peter ordered Karen, "End the call!"

Tony on the other side felt very strange. Usually this kid likes to be praised, what's wrong today? He thought something was wrong and took action immediately.

Peter snatched the car keys with a spider web, then jumped down. It was easy to deal with a few ordinary criminals. "Swish swish swish" a few spider webs shot, and they were instantly honest.

"Are you all right? I was wrong. I was too harsh."

Peter thought he was cool, but he found that one person was missing. He looked into the garage and saw him coming out. Just as he was about to rush over to kill him, he was surrounded by FBI agents who were lying in ambush.

"Don't move! FBI!"

Maybe Agent Ellis still couldn't control the situation, and the FBI finally intervened in this matter.

"Wait, FBI, what do you mean?"

"FBI, the full name is Federal Bureau of Investigation." Karen said.

"I know what the FBI is, but what are they doing here?"

It's bad! Obviously, he rushed over and caught that person, and the matter was over. Weapons, buyers, sellers, everything is available, it's really nice!

But why did a bunch of FBI agents rush out for no reason?

Suddenly, there was a noise in the garage. I saw an armored birdman spread his wings, the car was cut directly, and then rushed out to them.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Seeing the birdman again, Peter was full of panic.

The vulture grabbed a car and smashed it towards them, flying into the sky under the cover of the car. He had no intention of fighting, but Peter entangled one of his feet with a spider web, and he couldn't fly away.

He had to shoot them with the Chitauri energy gun in his hand.

Peter entangled his other foot, and then the energy gun in his hand, "Start the electric shock spider web!"

The current rushed to the vulture along the spider silk, and the armor full of metal shells suddenly crackled and flashed with electric sparks. After a burst of muscle weakness, the energy gun was pulled down by Peter.

The weapon landed on the ferry but was restless, still randomly shooting energy bullets, jumping up and down.

Peter dodged and shot spider webs to restrict its movements, and finally shot countless spider webs to wrap it up.

Seeing this, the vulture said "You are fiddling with things you don't understand" and flew away.

Peter thought he had restrained his weapon, but he didn't expect that the spider web prevented him from releasing his energy, so he projected countless energy beams in all directions, directly penetrating the entire ferry, and the passengers were all panicked.

Finally, the energy was fully loaded and exploded directly.

The entire ferry split from the middle, and seawater shot up through the cracks. After a while, the ferry split into two halves and tilted to both sides. It only took more than ten seconds for the ferry to sink into the deep sea.

Screams filled the entire ferry, and the passengers seemed very powerless. The FBI agents had no choice but to watch the ferry split into two.

If I had known earlier, I would have listened to Agent Elise and waited for a while. What the hell, if it weren't for them, Spider-Man would have pinned the birdman to the ground long ago, and would he wait until he put on the birdman's battle suit?

Now, it seems that they can only die. Although rescue efforts are coming, it is clear that the ferry will not last until then. It will only take a dozen seconds for the ferry to sink into the sea, and they will be buried with it.

"Karen, scan this ferry and mark all the strongest points."

Peter tried to save it, using spider webs to interweave and pull between the two halves of the hull. From the bow to the stern, they were all connected by spider silk.

For a while, the two halves of the hull stopped tilting, but before the people on the boat could breathe a sigh of relief, a spider silk broke, and then all the spider silks broke one after another, and the two halves of the hull began to tilt again. The sea water flooded the garage on the bottom floor, and then it would flood the passenger area on the upper floor.

Seeing the spider silk breaking one by one, Peter was desperate and powerless, so he had to shoot a spider web from each hand and pull the two halves of the hull with his body.

After only a few seconds, Peter felt that his body was about to split apart, and he was really afraid that his two arms would break. This effect was minimal, the hull was still tilting to both sides, but the speed was slightly slowed down, and the effort was not proportional to the reward.

Suddenly, he felt his body relax, and the tilting trend of the hull suddenly slowed down. He was very surprised, so he let go of his hands and fell into the cabin.

Through the window, he saw Iron Man pushing hard on one side of the hull, and Iron Man also saw him.

"Okay, Spider-Man, the band is rehearsing, right?"


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