Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 794: Fierce Battle with Hela

Thor killed most of the soldiers with the force of thunder and met with them. He saw the stone man and the monster with two swords on Sakaar and couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Loki is here too?" Thor asked.

"Thanks to you, he is here, but he is not here." The stone man said.

"It's really lucky."

"Now is not the time to greet each other. The battle is not over yet."

The Valkyrie came forward, and on the opposite side, it was Hela who was chasing.

Seeing this woman, Doomsday Iron Fist had a little fear, because it was this guy who brought him a lot of shadows. The "umbrella" that he couldn't lift no matter how hard he tried was finally crushed by this woman. Ronin also said that this woman was very powerful. Although he would not retreat without a fight, he didn't have much confidence at the moment.

"Maybe you should hit her with lightning." The stone man suggested.

"I just used the strongest lightning in history to hit her, but she was unscathed." Thor simply didn't have the confidence to defeat her.

"We just need to hold her back and get everyone on board safely." Valkyrie said.

"It's not that simple. The longer Hela stays in Asgard, the stronger she will become. She will keep chasing us. We have to kill her here." Thor said solemnly.

"Then what should we do?"

Valkyrie didn't think they could defeat Hela. Hela was once Odin's most powerful subordinate.

"Where's Loki?" Thor asked.

"Loki?" The stone man scratched his head. "He was fighting with us here just now, and then he disappeared. Maybe he died in the battle, or fell into the sea?"

"He went to the underground treasure house in the palace with Rhonin." Valkyrie said.

"Underground treasure house? So... they realized it?"

Thor looked back at the people who boarded the ship and firmly believed what his father said to him, "Yes, Asgard is not a place, but a people. So, we are not trying to stop Ragnarok, but to make Ragnarok happen smoothly."

"In other words, we only need to hold Hela back until Surtur is resurrected." Valkyrie said.

"Yes, that's it." Thor replied.

"Then let's go."

Valkyrie was eager to fight, but the momentum that had increased sharply the moment before suddenly weakened under the pressure brought by Hela's approaching. She tilted her head and looked at Thor, "You go first."

Thor was covered with thunder and pounced on Hela.

Valkyrie glanced at Doomfist and said in a puzzled manner: "Although I don't know why you, an Earthling, are here to join in the fun, you should stay away. This level of battle is not something you can participate in. Go and help Heimdall get people on board quickly. The same goes for you."

"That's right, we are no match for her. Let's get on board first. One who can survive is one who can survive." The stone man and the double-bladed monster turned around tacitly.

The stone man turned back to Doomfist with special care and said: "Brother, aren't you coming with us?"

Doomfist stood in place with his head buried in his chest. This was the first time he felt ignored and looked down upon. In the past, in that world, no matter who saw him, or even just heard the name "Doomfist", their hearts would tremble, but here, they have to be protected?

A warrior can only become stronger in battle after battle. The stronger the enemy, the more he can gain, and the spirit of a warrior is to have a heart that must win no matter who he faces. With this thought in mind, in fact, I have already won this battle. The result is never the most important, but determination and belief.

Doomsday Iron Fist has never avoided any battle because the opponent is too strong, even now, it is the same. No one can make a person who is determined to win fail. It is never the opponent who defeats you, but yourself.

Doomsday Iron Fist, who was hanging his head, suddenly raised his head, and a pair of yellow eyes flashed with resolute brilliance.

Where is the value reflected? Where does the spirit of a warrior come from?

For now, it is to do your best and fight to the end!

Thor, who awakened the power of thunder, was able to fight Hela evenly for a while, and Valkyrie could also interfere with Hela from the side. But in the end, when Hela got serious, the combination of Thor and Valkyrie no longer had any effect.

The black sword released by Hela instantly broke Thor's defense, and Thor, who was hit by several swords in the chest, was no longer able to stop Hela.

Valkyrie blocked with the dragon tooth sword, but she couldn't withstand the terrible force and was directly knocked out.

Seeing that the spaceship was about to take off, Hela's eyes widened and her arms raised. A huge black sword protruded from the sea and inserted into the bottom of the spaceship, preventing the spaceship from flying.


Thor, lying on the ground, shouted desperately. Asgard is where the people are. The people are everything. Without the people, Asgard will no longer exist.

Just when she raised her arms for the second time, a figure fell from the sky.

"Ogundimu?" Thor didn't expect that he would dare to confront Hela head-on at this time.

Valkyrie was also surprised and didn't know where this earthling got the courage. Even if she didn't want to think about it, she had already expected his tragic end.

Hela raised her eyes and saw a huge iron fist coming.

Jumping back quickly, the fist of Doomsday Iron Fist hit the Rainbow Bridge without causing any movement.

Hela laughed. “I don’t know where you got the courage from, but I think you don’t know the difference between us.”

She raised her fist and smashed it down on the bridge like a demonstration.

With a seemingly light punch, the Rainbow Bridge cracked, and the cracks quickly extended to the feet of Doomsday Iron Fist.

With the black sword that followed, Doomsday Iron Fist dodged it safely with amazing insight and reaction speed.

This surprised Hela a little, but soon, she grinned, "Let's see how you dodge this time."

Ten flying swords shot at Doomsday Iron Fist.

But this seemed to be within his expectations. The moment the flying sword attacked, he stepped on the ground with all his strength, and the flying sword came through but missed.

Doomsday Iron Fist retreated by advancing, and another punch fell from the sky. Hela's face was calm, and she did not retreat. She raised her hand and shot a black sword upwards.

Unable to dodge in the air, Doomsday Iron Fist did not look panicked. He has always maintained absolute calmness in battle, and it is always like this, because only in this way can he have a better chance of winning.

There was no way to hide, and he had to defend himself against such an attack.

He had no choice but to put his gloves together against his chest, cross his other arm, and raise his arms, releasing all the energy of the gloves for defense, accumulating all the strength of his body in his arms.

Even so, the moment of contact, Doomsday Iron Fist still spurted out a mouthful of blood. The seemingly light sword seemed to be hit by a huge wave, shaking his internal organs.

The high-strength mechanical gloves suddenly broke, revealing a broken arm.

Fortunately, the black sword flew past his side and did not pierce his chest, but he had no vitality after falling on the bridge.

"Don't overestimate your ability."

Seeing Doomsday Iron Fist lying in front of her, Hela laughed at him as if he were an ant.

"But I can give you a quick death, as a reward for your courage to challenge me."

Hela stepped closer, and with her right hand down, a black sword emerged.

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