Ancient One did not answer. The face under the hood of the cloak was the same as Odin, without any emotion, like a walking corpse.

Although it was hard to accept, Doctor Strange knew that Ancient One's soul was controlled by Thanos. He seemed to have lost all his courage at this moment, and his body seemed to have lost all strength, and the shield condensed in his hand dissipated.

One Odin was enough for them to drink a pot, and another Ancient One was unimaginable.

At this moment, the string that was tight on everyone's heart was completely broken.

The already weak flame of hope was completely extinguished.

To bring these two helpers, Thanos paid a heavy price. His muscles were atrophied and his face was old. If calculated in human age, he was already in his seventies.

But he smiled. The development of the matter has become a foregone conclusion, and any sacrifice is worth it.

Everyone knows that Thanos in this state is completely inadequate to fight Thor. Thor can kill him with one axe.

But the current situation is that if you want to meet Thanos, you have to overcome the two natural barriers of Odin and Ancient One.

How easy is that!

They first fought a protracted battle with the Vanguard, and after resting for half the night, they fought with Odin again. At this time, they had no strength to deal with Odin and Ancient One, both of whom were the strongest in the first echelon of the universe.

Thanos said weakly: "I am too lazy to talk to you now. When you die, the gems will naturally fall into my hands."

He waved his hand, and Odin and Ancient One started to move.

The people who had no intention of fighting only acted out of passive defense.

Ancient One mastered the power of the dark dimension and could easily turn the surrounding environment into a mirror space, which made it extremely difficult for them to dodge. Sometimes they were running forward, but they stayed in place, like running on a treadmill; sometimes the ground tilted while running, and they slid in front of Ancient One and were forced to fight with Ancient One.

Old Wang was taught by Ancient One, and his moves were similar to Ancient One, but his magic power was far inferior, and he was at a disadvantage as soon as he fought. When Wang had no way to retreat, Doctor Strange saved him with a portal.

Even though they were outnumbered, they were at an absolute disadvantage. Except for Thor, the others were exhausted and on the verge of mental breakdown. They fought completely by physical instinct, without any rules.

"Hulk! Come out!"

"If I die, you die too! You'd better understand this!"

Even Hulk was beaten by Odin and dared not come out again. No matter how much Banner shouted, Hulk would not come out. He would rather die quietly than come out to be beaten. Anyway, he could not see the hope of winning.

They fought fiercely, but Thanos found a rock to sit down and looked up at the starry sky.

In the early morning sky, the stars were brighter. They were connected to each other, outlining a pattern of alternating light and dark, flashing like the beautiful Titan.

At that time, people did not worry about food.

As half of the stars dimmed, Thanos saw the declining side of Titan. People were fighting over food, arguing and fighting. There were too many people to eat, and too little food.

The beautiful and peaceful Titan was gone forever, and what came was endless struggle and intrigue, making this beautiful planet dirty and finally going to extinction.

The resources on Titan were limited, and the resources in the universe were also limited. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, he had to destroy half of the life. Only by doing so can the remaining life live better and enjoy happiness, instead of surviving in embarrassment, starving and full.

"Your resistance is meaningless, you don't understand my ideals at all."

Thanos looked back, and under the absolute strength of Odin and Ancient One, most of these stubborn earthlings were killed or injured, and the remaining people were already at the end of their strength.

Looking up again, the stars dimmed again, and the remaining stars connected to outline a graceful woman.

"Gamora... I did it right away." He murmured.

"Black Lily is offline..."

"Zarya is offline..."

"Sombra is offline..."


"Death is offline..."

As Athena reported that the last member was offline and the last bright spot in the perception range disappeared, Ronin lost his last support.

The tip of the Eternal Spear gradually enlarged in his pupils. He stood there with a dead look. He didn't know what the meaning of his persistence was.

This was a dead end, and also the end.


Ronin flew out as if he was hit hard. He looked up and saw Tony, whose face was covered in blood, half squatting and talking to him, but he couldn't hear clearly.

It wasn't until he punched him that Ronin woke up and barely supported himself to stand up. His body was already overwhelmed. Now adding a feather to him could crush him to death.

Odin walked slowly with the Eternal Spear. The battle consumed a lot of his energy, but it was about to end.

With Vision's scream, Ancient One took off the Mind Stone on his forehead and threw it to Thanos.

Doctor Strange shook his head helplessly and had to meet with Ronin and Tony.

Two fire portals appeared, and Doctor Strange walked out first, followed by Ancient One from another portal.

"There are only three of us left."

Doctor Strange sighed heavily.

"Am I not a human?"

Suddenly someone coughed, and a man crawled out of the pile of dead bodies.

He staggered like a drunk, his arms hanging weakly, and he couldn't even hold the Storm Axe.

"So, taking Thor into account...what are our chances of winning?" Tony asked the doctor.

"If there was a one in ten million chance of winning at the beginning, then now there is only a one in a billion chance of winning." Doctor Strange looked at Ronin, whose eyes were bloodshot, "Ronin, what is your plan?"

Ronin pulled up the corners of his cracked mouth and smiled miserably, "Plan? Maybe we should discuss with Thanos and find a good place to bury our bodies after we die."

"You can still joke at this time, you are really good." Tony smiled numbly.

At this time, they really need some jokes to cheer up, otherwise they can't even feel that they are still alive.

"But they don't give them a chance."

After Tony finished speaking, Odin and Ancient One attacked together, and they had to make the last struggle.

Thanos walked out of the Overwatch base, and there were already three gems on the Infinity Gauntlet. His eyes fell on Doctor Strange, and his eyes were thoughtful.

"Including this Time Stone, where are the other two stones? Why can't I sense their existence..."

The four people were quickly knocked down. Just when Odin raised the Spear of Eternity to end them, Odin unexpectedly retracted his weapon and stood still.

Not long after, Thanos appeared behind Odin and Ancient One, stepped forward, stood half a step ahead of Odin, and said condescendingly: "I admire your perseverance and determination, but now I officially declare that you have lost."


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