Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1023 Seeing the Sky Again


At some point, a monster with a lizard body, a bull head and a crocodile mouth jumped out from behind the Anaconda King, and was holding the Anaconda King's tail tightly with one hand.

Needless to say, it was Lu Li's Soul Devouring Beast.

The Anaconda King opened his bloody mouth without saying anything, and bit back at the Soul Devouring Beast.

"You dare to scold me, you scolded me last time... Forget it, I'll kill you first!" Jianpi wanted to show off, but suddenly remembered that it seemed to be Chanbao who scolded him last time, and he immediately withered.

Seeing the Anaconda King getting closer and closer, Jianpi was not anxious at all, and even did not let go of the hand holding the Anaconda's tail, but the momentum on his body rose, and he turned directly into a monstrous beast dozens of feet high.

Then he kicked the flying python's mouth hard without dodging or avoiding.

Bang! ! !

As Jianpi's big foot flashed with silver light, the two finally collided fiercely. There was only a loud bang, and the huge python head was even blocked by Jianpi's foot, and it exploded into a bloody mist.

But then, Jianpi threw away the python's tail, sat on the ground with a bang, and cried out in pain while holding his right foot.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Lu Li was happy at first, but his face changed immediately and he flew towards Jianpi, "Jianpi! Are you okay?"

Jianpi shrank back to his normal size and limped towards Lu Li, "It's okay, it's just that guy's teeth are too hard and scratched me. It won't take long to heal."

"Let me see it." Lu Li frowned.

"Hey." Jianpi said, and then he raised his big foot high with a grin, revealing a bloody groove in the middle of the sole, which looked quite creepy.

Seeing this, Lu Li's face suddenly became happy.

"Master, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah? Nothing, nothing."

Lu Li suddenly pinched Jianpi's ankle, then quickly took out a jade bottle and placed it under Jianpi's heel. Looking at the blood dripping into the bottle, he said with satisfaction: "It's just a drop on the ground anyway, don't waste it..."

Jianpi's face suddenly turned dark, "I can stop the bleeding?!"

"Oh, really? I seem to have forgotten, hehe."

Lu Li smiled awkwardly, pinched Jianpi's sole hard, and squeezed out a string of blood, then put away the jade bottle: "Quick, stop the bleeding."

Jianpi screamed in pain and rolled his eyes.

Lu Li pretended not to see it, turned around and walked towards the location of the exploded snake head, and finally found two sharp fangs from a pile of broken meat, took them in his hand and looked at them carefully.

This fang can even cut the sole of the soul-devouring beast. If it is sacrificed, it will definitely become a rare treasure.

Afterwards, Lu Li took out the poison sac of the Boa King, and then began to refine the blood essence.

Because Jianpi was about to break through the fifth level, Lu Li was not stingy and gave all his blood essence to Jianpi, which made Jianpi extremely happy and threw away the unhappiness just now.

After doing all this, Lu Li adjusted his breath on the spot.

Until he was almost recovered, he slowly took off and headed south.

Along the way, there were traces of the war.

But what surprised Lu Li was that the bodies of the white-winged boas that were originally left on the ground disappeared, and it looked like they were taken away by someone.

Moreover, he flew for thousands of miles in a row, and did not hear the sound of fighting, nor could he see the scene of the war.

Lu Li looked around in the air, and then followed the direction of his memory and flew towards a ruined jungle in front of the left.

"Senior, you are back!"

As soon as Lu Li landed in the forest, Wu Lizhao and the others walked towards him in surprise.

Seeing that the two were still alive, Lu Li couldn't help but feel relieved, "You two are quite lucky. Such a big battle didn't affect you."


Could it be that the battle is over?

The two of them were relieved and thanked him.

Although the noise outside had stopped long ago, the two did not dare to walk out of the formation arranged by Lu Li to find out what was going on.

Lu Li stretched out his hand and a formation appeared out of thin air. Lu Li waved his sleeves and collected them all, then looked at the young man in green: "You come with me, I have something to ask you."

The young man was stunned and quickly said yes.

Lu Li looked at Wu Lizhao again: "Mr. Wu, please wait here for a while, I will be back soon."

Then he grabbed the young man in green by the arm and left the place in a flash.

In a jungle ten miles away.

Lu Li slowly descended and set up a soundproof barrier. He then said, "I won't beat around the bush. I heard from Wu Lizhao that your eldest son Wu Liyuan's eyes became blind because he practiced the pupil technique you provided. Is that true?"

The young man's expression changed, and he said timidly, "Yes, yes."

"What is the name of the pupil technique?"

"I don't know what it is called, but it says 'peek at the sky' at the beginning. I guess it should be called Peek at the Sky, right?" The young man didn't know why Lu Li asked this, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

It's really Peek at the Sky!

Lu Li was shocked, but he didn't change his expression and said, "Are you sure?"

The young man took out a booklet from his storage bag and handed it to Lu Li: "Senior, please take a look. Actually, this is the original. I bought this on the black market. Later, I wanted to exchange it for some contributions, so I copied a copy for the family's practice building, but unexpectedly, after the eldest son practiced, he became like that. I can swear that I didn't mean to harm the eldest son, and I didn't know there was something wrong with this practice..."

Lu Li frowned and reached out to take the booklet.

The book cover of this booklet is very new, and it looks like it was just made.

Lu Li opened it and saw that the pages inside were very different from the book cover. It was ancient yellow, and the material was not ordinary paper. It was smooth and soft to the touch, more like some kind of silk.

"Peek at the sky, Xiaochengpian!"

Opening the first page, the first thing you see is the two big words "Peek at the sky", but in the lower right corner are the three words "Xiaochengpian", which makes Lu Li even more happy.

There is no doubt that this should be the sequel to Peek at the sky that he wants.

However, it seems that it is not the whole book, only the practice method of Xiaochengpian.

Lu Li quickly flipped through it and found that this book was indeed connected to the "Introduction" he had obtained before.

And he also easily understood why the eldest son of the Wu family was blind.

Because the prerequisite for practicing the small success chapter is to first practice the blue pupil, that is, to complete the practice of the introductory chapter, so that you can continue to strengthen your pupils and reach the purple pupil level.

And the method of practicing the small success level is to stimulate the eyes with something called purple arc aurora.

Lu Li guessed that the eldest son of the Wu family probably did not practice the blue pupil, but took the risk of using the purple arc aurora to stimulate his eyes, which led to his blindness...

Thinking of this, Lu Li closed the Sky-peeking Technique, looked at the boy and said: "I'll make a deal with you, what do you think?"

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