Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1027: Harvesting Swallow Fish Arrows

The purple mist was so thick that the naked eye could see less than three feet.

Everyone walked slowly like a blind man groping in the dark.

Lu Li walked on the far left and secretly used the pupil technique to take a look. He found that although his vision had improved a lot, it was only less than two feet.

Lu Feiyu tapped the leather bag and released a snow-white, very pleasing spirit marten from it. He walked in front of everyone so that everyone could judge whether there was danger ahead by sensing the spirit marten's vitality.

There were shallow weeds on the ground, which were very soft to step on. Everyone was silent all the way, only hearing the crackling sound coming from under their feet.

Lu Li, like everyone else, stared at the weeds on the ground while walking, as if he wanted to find something from it.

But to everyone's disappointment, they had walked for a full quarter of an hour and found nothing.


Suddenly, Lu Li heard a crisp sound from the right and couldn't help but turn his head to look over.

But he could only see Guan Chengxiao next to him.

At this time, Guan Chengxiao was also looking to the right. It was obvious that the sound was not made by him.

"Don't think too much, it's just a rotten bone."

Tian Feng's voice sounded in the mist, letting everyone know what happened. Presumably, Tian Feng accidentally stepped on some bones.

"Hey, with such a small sight, even if there is a chance, it will take forever to find it." Guan Chengxiao looked around and shook his head and muttered.

"Yes, I don't know how big the range of this purple fog is. If it goes on like this, I don't know when I will find it." A muttering voice also came from the mist on the right.

"We have been walking for half an hour. In my opinion, this fog is not dangerous. Why don't we search separately? Whether there is a chance depends on our luck. How about it?"

Tian Feng's voice came again in the mist, but he could not see where he was.

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

After a while, Han Qiu's eyes flashed and he left the team first. Seeing this, the others no longer hesitated and scattered to look for opportunities.

Lu Li hesitated for a while, then spread his right hand, and a dark golden little mouse immediately appeared in his palm.

He put the treasure-hunting rat on the ground and let it walk in front of him, then walked forward slowly.

In such a strange place, it is better to be careful. If something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret.

As Lu Li went deeper and deeper, the grass under his feet gradually faded, showing a dark yellow sandy area. Lu Li stepped on the round stones, making a crackling sound.


A few steps into the sandy area, Lu Li suddenly made a surprised sound and bent down to dig on the ground.

But soon, he stood up with a look of disgust. It turned out that it was not a treasure, but a rotten bone spur.

The bone spur looked like it had been through the wind and rain. Lu Li just pinched it lightly and it broke into slag.

Standing up, Lu Li followed the breath of the treasure-hunting rat and continued to walk forward.

About half a minute later, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted a pile of gravel in front of him and grabbed a fist-sized, jade-like transparent thing in the air.

"Pah! Unlucky."

When he saw the object clearly, Lu Li couldn't help but twitched his face and was ready to throw it away.

But the next moment, Lu Li frowned again, squatted down and buried the thing in the soil.

This thing looks like a spine. I don't know how much cultivation this person had in his life, and I don't know how much wind and rain this thing has experienced here, but it looks quite well preserved at this time, making Lu Li mistakenly think that he has encountered some treasure.


Suddenly, five feet in front of Lu Li, there was a rapid cry of the treasure hunting rat.

Lu Li was startled and hurriedly walked over. Looking down, he found that the treasure hunting rat seemed to be stuck in a crack in the stone and was struggling desperately.

A closer look also made it wrong. This guy seemed to be using his back to push the stone slab above, as if he wanted to push up the stone slab.

Lu Li secretly communicated and asked, and then he knew that this guy smelled the smell of metal under the stone slab.

Metal, how could there be metal in such a place.

There must be a treasure.

Lu Li couldn't help but get a little excited, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted the small bluestone slab away.

However, what made Lu Li frown was that there was no metal under the slab except sand and gravel.

The treasure-hunting rat also jumped to the other side, pointed a "little hand" at the sand and gravel in front of it, and squeaked at Lu Li.

"Still down there?"

Lu Li looked suspicious, "Get out of the way."

When the treasure-hunting rat jumped away, Lu Li grabbed a large piece of sand and gravel in front of him, but after a closer look, he didn't find any metal treasures in the sand and gravel.

So, he swung his sleeves and threw the sand and gravel aside, and then continued to grab downwards.

In this way, a circular pit about three feet in size and about ten feet deep appeared in front of Lu Li soon.

However, he still didn't find the treasure.

Just when Lu Li thought that the treasure-hunting rat had sensed it wrong, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he picked out an old object from the sand floating in front of him.

It was a peculiarly shaped bronze short arrow. The shaft was only one foot long, curved, and engraved with scale-like patterns. The tail was forked like a fish tail.

The arrowhead is like a swift with its wings spread out. The whole thing looks quite strange, like a slender fish and a swallow put together.

"Swallow Fish Arrow?!"

Looking at the three faintly visible ancient characters on the fish tail, Lu Li couldn't help but reveal a touch of surprise.

Didn't Yuan Tong say that the Swallow Fish Arrow had been buried in the sea with Fang Feifeng? How could it appear here?

Could it be that the Swallow Fish Arrow is not unique?

Lu Li was puzzled, but soon he calmed down and happily put away the Swallow Fish Arrow. No matter what, the Swallow Fish Arrow in his hand is definitely an extraordinary treasure.

Even, it is very likely to be the relic of the human elder.

This made Lu Li's confidence increase greatly. Since such a treasure was found here, maybe there will be other gains.

Whoosh whoosh...

Just as Lu Li was full of expectations and continued to search forward, a strong wind suddenly blew into the purple mist, blowing the purple mist to roll around.

Lu Li thought something had happened, and was startled. He stopped in his tracks and didn't dare to make any more rash moves.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing unusual happened, so he relaxed and continued to move forward.

Soon, another half an incense stick of time passed. Unfortunately, apart from the swallow fish arrows he had obtained before, he had no other gains.


Just when Lu Li was about to try another direction, a crisp explosion suddenly came from the front.

Then, Lu Li's face became extremely ugly...

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