Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1049 The Demonic Trace Appears Again


Lu Li stood up slowly, "You're not going to tell me that your so-called Wood Spirit Realm is full of monsters like you, right?"


Mu Xiao couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart when he heard this, "Senior, we are not monsters. Although we are not orthodox humans, we are also one of the myriad races. It's just that our appearance is different from that of humans..."

Hearing this, Lu Li was stunned. It was the first time he heard the term 'myriad races in the world'.

Looking at Mu Xiao's expression again, Lu Li knew that he had spoken out of turn, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, I don't look down on you, I just think you look a little weird, and I thought you were a tree spirit. After all, a world full of tree spirits is still a little incredible to me." Hearing Lu Li say this, Mu Xiao felt much better and explained: "In fact, we are not tree spirits, we are one of the ten thousand races, the wood spirit race, and we can mate and reproduce like humans..." "Ahem, Fellow Daoist Mu, watch your words." "What's wrong? Is there any problem?" "Forget it, go on..." It was the first time Lu Li heard that such a thorny monster could reproduce through "mating", and he couldn't help but be very curious, and didn't bother with Mu Xiao. Mu Xiao heard this and continued to tell Lu Li about the wood spirit world. Lu Li couldn't help but open his eyes after hearing this. According to Mu Xiao, the Wood Spirit Realm is the world where their Wood Spirit Clan lives. Although there are monsters, most of them are of low intelligence, and there are no humans. The Wood Spirit Clan still occupies a dominant position.

There is no difference between reproduction and cultivation and humans.

Moreover, in some places, such as the change of body shape, the Wood Spirit Clan has an innate advantage. They can change their original appearance at any time, attack and defend, and are naturally superior to humans.

However, it is said that one day more than 5,000 years ago, a group of Wood Spirit Clan monks who were looking for opportunities dug out a black right foot in an abyss, and then discarded it casually with disgust.

So far, a huge disaster has been buried for the Wood Spirit Realm.

Thousands of years later, this right foot stepped out of the abyss with countless weird-looking demon soldiers, and the Wood Spirit Realm fell into darkness.

Countless Wood Spirit Clan great men died tragically, and hundreds of millions of people became prisoners and became food for the demons. Moreover, they were forced to "mate" every day in order to give birth to new food for the demons.

And this tragic situation did not end until the moment when Mu Xiao and his friends escaped by luck.

Mu Xiao and his friends came out with hatred and mission, and they only wanted to become stronger and then kill back to the Muling Realm to rescue the suffering tribesmen.

But after arriving here, he found that he still could not get rid of the evil spirit in his body, and he could not even find the way back.

This made Mu Xiao very desperate.

It was not until Lu Li said that he could help him remove the evil spirit that Mu Xiao regained some hope. As long as he could continue to live, there was still a chance to save all this.

Demon foot?

Demon hand?

Lu Li suddenly remembered that Wu De once said, 'This guy is just a hand, not all of him' According to this, doesn't the demon ancestor still have a demon head, a demon left foot, a demon left hand, a demon body, a demon JJ... and so on, which have not appeared? !

Thinking of this, Lu Li suddenly became uneasy.

I don't know how much these parts have grown. If they have exceeded the limit of the Xuanling Realm, wouldn't the Xuanling Realm be doomed?

He asked hurriedly, "Do you know how strong that black foot is?"

Mu Xiao shook his head, "I have never seen that black foot. It is said that during the war four thousand years ago, hundreds of our ancestors at the Yuanying stage could not withstand its attack."

"Four thousand years ago! Hundreds of Yuanying?"

Lu Li couldn't help swallowing his saliva, "That's really terrifying..."

Then, the two chatted for a while, and Lu Li asked Mu Xiao to rest well and got up to say goodbye.

As for the unhappiness caused by Mu Xiao's concealment of himself, when Lu Li heard such news, he didn't take it to heart. Instead, Mu Xiao's saying of the ten thousand races surprised Lu Li.

According to Mu Xiao, in addition to their Mu Ling clan, there were many other races in the previous world, such as the giant clan, the stone man clan, the earth spirit clan, the fire spirit clan... and so on, countless.

It's just that in the process of inheritance, some races gradually disappeared in the long river of history for various reasons.

Seeing Lu Li was about to leave, Mu Xiao quickly stood up to see him off, "Senior, I will never forget your kindness. If you need my help in the future, just ask me. I will never frown even if I face any danger."

Lu Li paused, "If you hadn't said it, I almost forgot that I came to you to ask for something."

"Ask? Senior, please don't say that. Just tell me if you have anything." Mu Xiao said in panic.

"Well, it's actually my disciple Tang Fei. He has been restless recently and can't concentrate on practicing. I thought you have some Living Heart Leaves here, so I wanted to ask you for some. What do you think?"

"Oh, this, a small matter."

Mu Xiao didn't even think about it. He stretched out his hand and a wooden stake as big as a washbasin appeared in front of the two of them. Mu Xiao opened the lid and it was full of emerald green leaves.

These are all Living Heart Leaves. Mu Xiao's demonic energy has been completely removed. Now he doesn't need these Living Heart Leaves, so he simply gave them all to Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't hesitate and directly put away the big wooden stake.

After returning to the cave, Lu Li gave half to Tang Fei, and kept half for himself, and then began to study the pill formula.

The pill formulas he searched for this time were all fourth-level pill formulas, which were also relatively common, mainly Huiyuan Pill, Yangyuan Pill, and Violent Pill.

Of course, people would not sell uncommon pill formulas. They were secret recipes that would kill you. If one less person knew about them, they could earn more spirit stones.

Lu Li also had a lot of secret recipes, but most of them were low-level. If he went back to refine low-level pills now, it would be a bit of a thankless task for him, so he did not plan to refine low-level pills this time.

In addition to the three common pills, Lu Li also had a lot of materials for Huaying Pills. This time he also planned to refine them together. He thought he could exchange for a lot of spirit stones and have more confidence at the auction.

In the following days, Lu Li devoted himself to refining pills.

In the first round of refining, Lu Li obtained a total of 300 fourth-level Huiyuan Pills, 500 Yangyuan Pills, 250 Violent Pills, and 150 Huaying Pills.

Although a lot of materials were lost, the harvest was still quite good.

Of course, the main reason for such a harvest was that Lu Li had accumulated a lot of materials in his warehouse. When the next round of refining was over, the materials would definitely be greatly reduced.

After one round of refining, the medicinal herbs in the medicine garden were still in the growth stage, and Lu Li finally had some free time.

Based on the current ripening rate of the medicine garden, the next round of refining should be in two years. Lu Li decided to go to Mengmu City to sell these finished pills first, so as to avoid accumulating them together and not being able to sell them at a good price...

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