Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1138 Sky-peeking Purple Eyes

Lu Li's face was extremely dark. He pressed Wu De and beat him. Wu De broke free from Lu Li and ran around, shouting: "My grandson hit me! My grandson hit me..."

Lu Li was so angry that he suddenly kicked Wu De under the bed.

The two of them fought for a long time before Lu Li stopped panting. Looking at Wu De with a bruised face, he couldn't help laughing.

At noon, the two of them left Nanming City from the north gate together.

When they came to an uninhabited place, Lu Li summoned the spirit boat and took Wu De away through the air.

According to the map, although Tianjian Mansion and Nanming Mansion are closely adjacent to each other in the north and south, Nanming Mansion and Tianjian Mansion are both extremely large. It would probably take several years to get to Tianjian Pavilion at the speed of a fourth-level spirit boat.

It is said that there is a small teleportation array in the Nanming City Lord's Mansion that can directly reach Tianjian City.

However, this teleportation array can only be used by people with special identities. A casual cultivator like Lu Li can only rely on himself to travel.

On the long journey, Lu Li naturally focused on cultivation. At the same time, he did not forget to cultivate thunder and fire ants in case of emergency.

Wu De, in addition to cultivation, also stared at the mountains in the distance to study from time to time. When Lu Li came out to take a breath and asked him what he was studying, Wu De said frankly that he wanted to see if there were any Feng Shui treasures in these places.

One day, Lu Li suddenly remembered an important thing.

So after practicing, he put his mind into the warehouse to check. After a while of searching, he found more than 150 purple and shining spiritual herbs on a row of shelves.

After a slight look of joy, Lu Li took it out and combined it with the fourth-level awakening flower, black essence grass, and ice ganoderma to refine it.

After several failures, he finally refined a purple and white pill.

This is the purple pupil pill that Lu Li wanted, which is also the necessary pill for the small success stage of practicing the sky-peeking technique. He was busy with trivial matters before and ignored this thing.

Now, while on the road, it is just right to practice the sky-peeking technique.

According to the records in the "Sky-peeping Minor Success Chapter", if one wants to cultivate purple pupils, one must use the purple arc crystal to refine the pupils three hundred times at least, which means that Lu Li must prepare at least three hundred purple pupil pills to be safe.

Lu Li does not have that many spiritual medicines now, so he can only cultivate while waiting for the spiritual medicines in the medicine garden to mature. Fortunately, with the current ripening speed of the medicine garden three hundred times, it only takes a little more than a year to mature.

Next, Lu Li continued to refine.

He stopped until all the purple spiritual grass was used up. He counted them and got a total of 115 purple pupil pills, which must be enough for him to use for a while.

So, after adjusting his breath, he took out a light purple diamond crystal and a bottle of purple pupil pills and placed them beside him, ready to start cultivating purple pupils.

Lu Li controlled the purple arc crystal to float up and stop in front of his eyes, about one foot away.

Then he formed a spell like lightning and hit the purple fox crystal with a snap.

Suddenly! A dazzling purple light burst out, as if it were real, and shot towards Lu Li's pupils.

"Hiss! My eyes!"

Lu Li's eyes were bleeding, and his eyes went black. He covered his eyes and cried out in pain.

He felt that his eyes were blind again!

Why did he say again? Because he had felt this feeling when he first practiced the Blue Eyes, but this time it was more painful than the last time.

This pain went straight into the brain nerves, making his head numb with pain.

In a hurry, Lu Li grabbed the jade bottle that had been prepared long ago, quickly poured out a purple pupil pill and swallowed it.

In an instant, the cool feeling went up along the nerves and entered the pupils, which immediately relieved the severe pain in his eyes.

But...what scared Lu Li was that although the pain was relieved, his eyes still couldn't see anything!

"Oh my god! Am I really blind?"

"Could this second stage of Sky-Seeing Technique be fake?" Lu Li's heart was pounding, and a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety quickly spread in his heart.

Time passed bit by bit.

Ten breaths, a hundred breaths, a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour... For half an hour, Lu Li suppressed his inner uneasiness, adjusted his breath, and looked forward to the appearance of a miracle.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

It's over.

Such an idea suddenly arose in Lu Li's mind.

However, as soon as the thought arose, a hazy cloud suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Although it was not very clear, it made him inexplicably happy.

"Clouds, this is the clouds outside the Square of the Time Palace! I'm not blind, not blind... Hahahaha..." Lu Li's expression relaxed and he laughed out loud.

It seems that it was just a false alarm. This time, it took too long to restore his sight, which made him doubt the technique.

However, although some light has been restored, the scene in his eyes is still blurry, and there are even double images. Lu Li knows that it will take a long time to fully recover.

So he took this opportunity to start practicing Wuchen Daojing, since the two did not interfere with each other.

It must be said that it is rare to see someone like Lu Li who wants to practice with injuries.

On the 30th day in the Time Palace, Lu Li finally recovered completely and felt better than ever. Even without using pupil skills, he felt that his eyesight was a little better than before.

So, Lu Li started the second round of purple pupil training without stopping.

This time, just like before, the pain did not seem to be relieved at all. The only difference was that Lu Li was much calmer than the first time, and he was no longer as surprised as before.

In this way, Lu Li practiced the pupil technique and Wuchen Daojing alternately, and he was in seclusion for nearly six years.

During this period, he only came out to breathe occasionally when his eyes recovered. The rest of the time, he practiced in the Time Hall.

On this day, Lu Li finally finished the last round of purple pupil practice.

Thirty purple arc crystals, each of which can release purple arc aurora ten times, have all been exhausted so far, and Lu Li did not disappoint and refined purple pupils.

In fact, Lu Li only used the last purple arc crystal five times and felt that he had reached the limit. The next five times had no effect on him at all, but for the sake of safety, Lu Li still used all the remaining five times.

"Boy, you finally came out."

Wu De sat on the bow and heard the footsteps, and said without turning his head.

"Hehe, thank you for your hard work. Where are we?"

Lu Li's eyes glowed purple, and he could see the scene within a thousand miles clearly, becoming a true clairvoyant. However, if he wanted to see the obstructed part clearly, he still had to work hard to see through it.

With such eyesight, even a fusion master would only be able to do so.

After all, the eyesight of a cultivator would not increase much with his cultivation.

And if a normal cultivator wanted to understand something that was beyond his reach, he could only use the power of his soul to sense the vitality and breath fluctuations in it, which was far less convenient and fast than Lu Li's.

However, although it was convenient, the purple pupil could not be used for a long time. Like the blue pupil, if it was used for too long, Lu Li would feel a stinging pain in his eyes.

"I estimate that we will reach Tianjian City in another half a month..." Just as Lu Li retracted his pupil technique, Wu De spoke slowly.

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