Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1145: The Power of Purple Eyes

When night fell, Lu Li and Wu De left the cave together and came to the top of the stone mountain above the cave, secretly observing the glow barrier in the north.

If you look at it from here, the glow barrier looks very hazy. Even if Lu Li uses his purple eyes, it will be difficult to see clearly what the barrier looks like.

A rough estimate shows that this place is probably two to three thousand miles away from the inner gate.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Lu Li lowered his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then decided to study the barrier closely to see if he could get some clues, and then start directly from the barrier and enter the inner door.

"Shall I go with you?" Wu De tilted his head and looked at Lu Li.

"No, you wait here. If something happens, we can still take care of each other. If both of us are caught, it will be troublesome." Lu Li refused.

"Okay, then be careful."

Wu De said as he took out a green jade talisman and handed it to Lu Li, "This is my top-notch sound transmission jade. The maximum sound transmission distance can reach one hundred thousand miles. The previous one is no longer needed. If you need anything in the future, use this jade to contact you." Me."

Sound-transmitting jade comes in sets, and each set can contain countless sub-jades, but only one mother-jade. The sub-jades and mother-jades can communicate with each other, but the sub-jades cannot communicate with each other.

Lu Li has never had his own Sound Transmission Jade, and rarely uses it to contact others.

When he took the jade, Lu Li suddenly felt that he must find an opportunity to get his own set of sound-transmitting jade to facilitate contact with acquaintances in the future.

Although... I don't seem to have many acquaintances at the moment, but there is no guarantee that there won't be any in the future.

However, Lu Li didn't intend to buy low-level sound transmission jade, and even top-level sound transmission jade like Wu De looked down upon.

If given the chance, he would like to build a set of divine talismans that can ignore distance restrictions.

According to the Dayan Forbidden Technique, after the divine mind talisman has been refined through the blood essence sacrifice, as long as there is no prohibitive barrier that exceeds the master's cultivation level, no matter how far apart the two are, they can still transmit sound without any hindrance.

It can be said to be extremely miraculous.

Of course, such a transmission talisman is not easy to create. The materials required are things that can be encountered but not required. Lu Li is just thinking about it at the moment.

Putting away Wu De's transmission talisman, Lu Li slightly released his suppression, allowing himself to return to the early stage of Nascent Soul, and then flew towards the north at a low altitude close to the jungle.

Not long after, Lu Li arrived five hundred miles away from the Xiaguang area.

He hid on the top of a slightly higher mountain and secretly stared at the Xiaguang barrier for a while, finally seeing the barrier clearly.

This barrier is extremely large, about three hundred feet high. It is in the shape of a ring and surrounds the entire inner gate of Tianjian Pavilion. It can be regarded as a huge circle of walls. However, this wall is not made of bricks and stones, but It's a big formation barrier.

Above the barrier, three-color streams of blue, blue, and purple lights shuttle back and forth, making it look extremely mysterious.

After a moment, Lu Li withdrew his gaze and thought to himself: "You are indeed a first-rate force, they have actually set up such a large Three-Hua Dream Formation!"

Sanhua Jingmeng Formation, a fifth-level warning formation, although it is not good at defense, it has a special ability.

That is, no matter which point in the barrier is attacked, the specific location of the attack can be accurately projected onto the designated photo mirror and a warning sound will be sounded.

Moreover, another advantage of this formation is that even if the formation's barrier is forcibly broken, it will be repaired quickly and automatically, without backlash on the formation base, causing the painful consequences of self-destruction of the formation base.

To put it bluntly, the main function of this formation is early warning, not attack and defense. Compared with the offensive and defensive formations that require massive spiritual energy support, this warning formation will undoubtedly save a lot of resources.

Of course, Lu Li didn't think that the Tianjian Sect didn't have a large offensive and defensive formation, it was just that it was hidden in the dark and hadn't been activated. Once a powerful enemy invades, they will inevitably activate the offensive and defensive formations in the dark, giving the enemy unexpected results.

After sighing secretly, Lu Li brought his thoughts back to reality and started to have a headache.

He originally thought it was some kind of defensive barrier. In this case, he could rely on the Thunder Fire Ants to forcefully tear open an inconspicuous gap and get through it directly.

Because according to the cultivation notes, the Thunder Fire Death Ant has the miraculous ability to tear into the formation's barrier without directly causing the formation to collapse.

But when encountering such a warning formation, Lu Li felt a little confused.

After all, this array itself was created for warning purposes, and it is quite sensitive to various aura fluctuations and true energy fluctuations.

"How about... just fly over the barrier?"

Suddenly, Lu Li glanced at the top of the three-hundred-foot-tall streamer barrier and had a strange thought.

Immediately afterwards, the purple light in his eyes rose again.

"Sure enough... it's really whimsical."

After taking this look, Lu Li immediately discovered that there seemed to be nothing at the top of the barrier, but there was actually a restriction there, but it was just hidden in the void.

However, when Lu Li moved his gaze to the flowing light barrier below, he suddenly showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

He found that under his purple pupils, the flowing light barrier suddenly became a little different. The originally very messy and hazy flowing light was now extremely clear.

Moreover, he also discovered a blank area that was not covered by the streamer somewhere at a height of thirty feet.

Such a blank area would be difficult to detect without using the purple pupil, because the light emitted by the surrounding light is extremely confusing and cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

"Great, it seems that the formation master who set up this formation is not very skilled in formation." After this discovery, Lu Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For ordinary people, the existence of such a blank area may not be of much significance, because although there is no streamer covering it, if it is broken, it will still cause changes in the formation.

But Lu Li is different. He has the Thunder Fire Ant. If this ant is really as magical as Situ He said, and can secretly open a passage without affecting the operation of the formation, then this is his chance.

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't wait to stare at the barrier and search around.

The blank area just now was too high. If a hole was made on it, it would be too eye-catching. Lu Li had to find a place close to the ground, and it had to be hidden enough.

However, after a glance, Lu Li didn't find a suitable place.

It's not that there was no blank area, but these areas were either too high or too small to accommodate a person to pass through safely.

With his eyes stinging, Lu Li had to stop and rest for a while.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Li felt that he had recovered almost completely, so he withdrew from the Time Palace, and with a flash of his body, he flew out to the left along the barrier.

"Hey! That location... seems good!"

After flying for about fifty miles, Lu Li suddenly looked happy, and finally found a place that suited his taste very well...

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