Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1185: Battle against the Moon Clam

"Baby? What baby?" Mingyue Clam asked curiously.

Since her mother died, no one has spoken to her in Blue Moon Lake. Now it is rare to have such a talkative person. Mingyue Clam also wants to chat with this guy for a few more words.

However, my mother seems to say that those guys from the Wood Spirit Tribe outside are not good people, especially... that one named Mu Jiang.

If I could get out, I would beat him to death!

"As for this guy, let him live a little longer, and I will eat him in one bite later." Mingyue Clam thought secretly.

At this moment, Lu Li also took out his treasure.

It was a small jade bottle with emerald-green pills inside. Lu Li poured out a few pills and put them in his hand: "This is it. After taking it, you can greatly increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy. This is a rare magic pill! "

In fact, this is just a beast-nurturing pill. It was indeed very rare in the Xuanzhen world in the past, but in today's Xuanling world, it is not a rare treasure.

However, this object is really very attractive to monsters.

Mingyue Clam opened its mouth slightly and seemed to be sizing up the pill in Lu Li's hand. She was silent for a moment and said, "You...send it over for me to take a look at?"

Lu Li hesitated after hearing the words, then wrapped one of the beast-nurturing pills with his true essence and sent it to Mingyue Clam.

But before he could say anything, the Mingyue Clam suddenly exerted force and sucked the pill into its belly!

When Lu Li saw this, he immediately looked angry: "You! You are so shameless, you actually stole my magic pill!"

"Hehe, I just grabbed it. What's wrong? Come and hit me!" Seeing Lu Li's anger, Mingyue Clam not only didn't think it was inappropriate, but instead laughed and taunted Lu Li.

"Okay! Since you don't keep your word, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Wait! Wait wait... Why are you so stingy? It's just a broken pill, it won't be, it won't be..." After saying that, it spit out a moonlight bead. In front of you:

"Now, if you give me another hundred, a thousand, no...ten thousand of these pills, I will give you this bead!"

While secretly watching Lu Li, she thought to herself: What her mother said is indeed true. Those guys from the Wood Spirit Tribe are really extraordinary. They can even make such magical pills...

If only I could keep this guy here and squeeze pills for me every day... But this guy doesn't seem to be simple. How can I keep him?

"Ten thousand? You think this is Chinese cabbage!"

When Lu Li saw the Yue Hua Pearl, he couldn't help but feel happy, but when he heard about ten thousand, he just rolled his eyes.

" many do you have?"

"Didn't I tell you, this is a magic elixir, and each one is extremely rare! I only have this bottle here, a total of a hundred. Would you like to exchange it?"

Hearing this, Mingyue Clam visibly hesitated.

Although she had never seen an elixir, she could still feel the effect that the elixir brought to her just now. A mere hundred pills were not enough to replace the beads she had condensed after absorbing hundreds of years of moonlight.

You know, this bead can protect her body at critical moments.

However, after a slight hesitation, she agreed: "Okay! I'll change with you, please bring the medicine bottle over."

"That's not okay. You just tricked me once. Who knows if you will trick me again. This time, you have to give me the beads first." Lu Li refused.

"How can this guy... be so smart? He actually knows that I want to lie to him?" Mingyue Clam thought a little unhappily, and then said angrily:

"If you don't believe me, then I don't believe you either! Let's just do it together. No one is allowed to cheat!"


After hearing this, Lu Li immediately agreed.

Then, Lu Li and Mingyue Clam controlled the medicine bottle and Moon Pearl at the same time, and slowly flew towards the opposite side.

Soon, Yuehua Pearl and the medicine bottle came to the middle position, but they did not stop there, but continued to fly slowly towards each other.

Finally, Yue Huazhu arrived a mile in front of Lu Li.

But at this moment, Mingyue Clam suddenly smiled, and then opened her mouth, and the Moon Pearl instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards her mouth!

However, after the Moon Flower Pearl flew upside down for a mile, it suddenly froze in mid-air and became motionless.

At the same time, a brown Yuangang appeared in front of the Yuehua Pearl. A young man in white sneered and took the Yuehua Pearl into his hand: "I knew you wouldn't be honest!"

"You! You are cheating!"

Mingyue Clam was so angry that he sucked the medicine bottle away with one strong breath.

Lu Li didn't stop him, he just looked at Mingyue Clam with a sarcastic face, and the next moment, Mingyue Clam spat out the medicine bottle angrily: "Empty! Bastard! I'm going to beat you to death!"

He said, ‘Ji! ' With a sound, he launched another spiritual attack, followed by the same as before, spitting out a long pink tongue and licking it towards Lu Li!

Lu Li was well prepared. The moment Mingyue Clam launched his attack, a dazzling light appeared on his body. Countless golden runes wrapped around his body, like a god bathing in the scorching sun!

Although Yuan Shenyin passed through Yuan Gang, when it touched the scorching white light and golden runes on Lu Li's body, it could no longer make an inch, and was completely wiped out in an instant!

The long tongue that followed only pushed him back a foot, and did not cause any substantial damage to Lu Li.

"How is it possible? How could you..."

The Moon Clam screamed in disbelief!

But at this moment, Lu Li began to fight back. He waved his hands and instantly condensed a golden giant rune ancient sword, which flew towards the Moon Clam in a flash!

Seeing this, the Moon Clam dodged a hundred miles and made the golden ancient sword miss.

Lu Li followed closely with a flash, and the golden ancient sword turned flexibly like a swimming fish and shot at the Moon Clam again.

The Moon Clam turned its body suddenly, opened its mouth again, and stretched out its tongue to lick Lu Li!

Lu Li did not dare to be careless. He dodged to the left with a shadowless trick, then flipped his hand and slapped it. An extremely large golden eagle broke through the air and crashed into the Moon Clam!

"What can you do to me!"

The Moon Clam also got angry, and the silver light on its body surged ten feet. It did not dodge or avoid Lu Li's eagle!

Bang! A muffled sound.

Lu Li's eagle exploded, and a large piece of golden light rolled back more than ten miles along with the blue lake water, forming a short vacuum area around the Moon Clam. The power was quite terrifying!

The Moon Clam trembled slightly, and the silver-gray around it instantly converged: "Hmph! That's all!"

As he said that, he made another sound of the soul, and stretched out his sticky long tongue again, licking Lu Li...

"Hmph! Don't you have any other moves!"

Lu Li sneered, and used the Light Shield again to protect himself. At the same time, he used the "Golden Eagle Technique" to transform a golden eagle that was even bigger than before, facing the long tongue of the Moon Clam...

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