Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1241 Earth and Wood News

As Lu Li injected a stream of his true energy into the power transfer mark, the jade piece suddenly glowed brightly.

Then, a large string of text images flew out from the power transfer mark and rushed into Lu Li's brow. After a series of arrangements and combinations in Lu Li's mind, a set of exercises was formed.

Lu Li's mind moved, and he read the exercise clearly.

The name of the exercise is called 'Lianshan Claw'. It is a gold-attributed exercise. The way to practice is different from ordinary exercises. It requires absorbing a large amount of Gengjin Qi and condensing the Dharma image in the Dantian.

The stronger the Dharma image, the greater the power of Lianshan Claw.

Lu Li had heard of some exercises that required condensing the Dharma image before. Now that he was able to see it, he was naturally very curious. He immediately converted his true energy into gold and condensed it according to the formula of 'Lianshan Claw'.

However, he gave up soon.

Because he found that the Dharma image condensed with true energy could only last for a few breaths before it would automatically dissipate, and it could not last long at all.

Lu Li tried to take some scorching sun gold ore from the medicine garden and used it to condense the Dharma image. The effect of this test was indeed different. Although the Dharma image was very faint, it remained in his Dantian and showed no signs of disappearing.

After getting this result, Lu Li tried to take some refined iron materials to absorb and condense, and found that it was still effective, but not as obvious as the scorching sun gold.

In this way, he tossed back and forth for two or three hours.

A faint hand claw Dharma image finally formed in Lu Li's Dantian, and Lu Li's mind moved, and the Dharma image suddenly disappeared in the Dantian, came outside his body, and circled around him.

It looked quite wonderful.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li suddenly thought of the eight strange Buddhas around the Unsmiling Buddha. I'm afraid they were also a kind of Dharma image?

Next, Lu Li tried to drive the Dharma image again.

The Dharma image instantly glowed, stood up in front of Lu Li, and began to rapidly enlarge, as if it was about to turn into a huge claw.

However, when it grew to more than ten feet high, it could not grow any bigger. No matter how hard Lu Li pushed, the golden claw could not grow any bigger.

Lu Li knew that this was because he had not yet cultivated to the fullest, so he stopped urging it. With a thought, the huge claw instantly returned to its original state, with a dull and lightless appearance.

Then he retracted his spell, and the claw's appearance retracted into his dantian.

Although Lu Li wanted to continue cultivating, the most urgent task was to find the 'Earth Wood' and 'Sky Wood' as soon as possible, so he did not stop, put away the jade piece and continued to fly towards the north.

This time, Lu Li's luck was not so good.

In the following year, Lu Li wandered around in the Sancai Forbidden Land, and he did not know how many miles he had traveled and how many fifth-level monsters he had killed, but he did not even find a Sancai Wood.

This made Lu Li a little anxious.

There are only eight or nine years left before the Soul Refining Ancient Land opens, and there are still three or four years left to travel. If this continues, won't we miss this round of the Soul Refining Ancient Land?

"Huh? Coming for me?"

At this moment, Lu Li, who was standing on a cliff on a lonely peak, suddenly frowned and looked towards the north, where a stream of light was flying towards him.

Seeing this, Lu Li prepared to fly away without thinking.

But as soon as he moved, a loud shout like a bell came from the other side: "Daoyou, please wait!"

Lu Li frowned, but still stopped in mid-air. When the person approached, Lu Li realized that the person was actually a middle-aged woman with a big face and a sturdy figure.

When Lu Li heard the voice just now, he thought it was a man, and he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment: "Daoyou, who are you?"

The middle-aged woman was dressed in leather armor, with bare arms and a pair of leather sandals. She looked really weird. Hearing this, she smiled and said:

"I am from Xuanlian Pavilion? Daoyou, I have seen you... When you were with Uncle Ge in the inner gate square, I was watching you from a distance."

Watching me from a distance?

Lu Li felt a chill, but when he heard that the other party was from Xuanlian Pavilion, he couldn't help but relax his vigilance a little, and bowed his hands and said: "So you are the senior sister of Xuanlian Pavilion, nice to meet you, nice to meet you!"

"Hey! What senior sister? My name is Liu Manzhu, you can just call me Manzhu! By the way, what's your name?" The sturdy middle-aged woman said enthusiastically.

Lu Li smiled and said, "My name is Lu Li, nice to meet Senior Sister Manzhu."

"Lu Li?"

Liu Manzhu thought for a moment and suddenly said in surprise, "You are Lu Li? I heard that you are very famous in Nanming Territory, what's your name... Old Monster?"

Lu Li's face twitched: "Senior Sister, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Liu Manzhu laughed: "I'm just joking with you, don't mind it! Actually... I came to you to tell you something good, but it's not appropriate for us to talk in the sky like this, otherwise, let's go to the grove over there?"

Lu Li did not refuse, and followed Liu Manzhu into the grove one after another.

Liu Manzhu did not waste words, and went straight to the point to explain to Lu Li her purpose.

It turned out that a month ago, Liu Manzhu and another disciple of Xuanlian Pavilion, Qiu Kaifang, searched and explored all the way, and finally captured a breath of 'earth wood' in a deep abyss.

But just as they were about to fly into the abyss to search, they discovered that there was a monstrous monster hidden underneath. After only one round of fighting with the monster, they were seriously injured and had to flee.

Fortunately, there seemed to be some special restrictions in the abyss, which prevented the monster from leaving the abyss. Otherwise, the two would have died directly in it.

The two who had saved their lives were both depressed and unwilling.

So, after a short period of recuperation, the two began to plan again, but they couldn't think of any way to deal with the monster, so they decided to spread the news.

The purpose was very simple, which was to gather everyone's strength to deal with the monster together. As for how to distribute the land in the end, she said that they would discuss and decide together after finding enough people.

So far, Liu Manzhu has found as many as five people.

Hearing this news, Lu Li was secretly happy, but he couldn't help but hesitate: five people have been found, and with himself and Liu Manzhu, the team will have eight people.

Such a large team, although the safety will be greatly improved, but it is too difficult to distribute.

Moreover, everyone has their own thoughts, and even if they have the energy, they may not be able to work together. If someone is secretly making trouble, they may suffer the consequences.

However, it was not easy to get the news of Dimu, and if he didn't go, he would be unwilling.

Seeing Lu Li's frown, Liu Manzhu couldn't help but urge him: "You should make a decision quickly. I have arranged for those Taoist friends to wait there. If you delay, something will happen..."

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