Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1288 How is it possible?

In the middle stage of normal distraction, the maximum sensing range of the soul can reach 200,000 miles.

At the current distance between the two, as long as Jingyun searches carefully, she will definitely be able to find Lu Li. However, they are now concentrating on getting on the road, and they have to be vigilant about the movements of the sea monsters, so they did not find Lu Li following behind.

In this way, one in front and one behind, the two sides quickly flew on the sea for nearly two months.

During this period, Lu Li passed many islands and encountered some low-level sea beasts, but when these sea beasts saw Lu Li, they fled in all directions as if they saw a ghost.

Lu Li was not in the mood to hunt sea beasts and always kept moving at a constant speed.

But on this day, Lu Li suddenly felt that he had lost contact with Luo Xiaohe. This feeling was exactly the same as when Jianpi was taken away.

He knew that Luo Xiaohe must have entered a powerful barrier somewhere, and his face changed. He immediately teleported and chased forward.

A moment later, Lu Li came to the outside of a very desolate island.

He stood in the air, staring at the deserted island from a distance. According to the strength of the contract when it disappeared, it should be around this deserted island, and the error would not exceed a hundred miles.

"Could it be... Suxin Palace is on this deserted island?" Lu Li frowned, and suddenly had such an idea.

This deserted island is not big, only forty or fifty miles in radius.

There are mostly stone mountains on it, and the grass and trees are withered. It looks really desolate to the extreme. Not to mention the cultivators, I am afraid that even ordinary mortals would not bother to live in such a place.

However, Lu Li will not be confused by such appearances.

Because the cultivation sects have many methods, maybe this desolate appearance is just a decoy deliberately arranged by others.

With the naked eye alone, Lu Li did not find anything unusual. After searching for a while without results, he did not give up and used the purple pupil to continue to explore.

And this exploration really made him find something unusual.

It was not that he found that there was a ban on the island.

Instead, he found a slight fluctuation of spiritual energy at the foot of a stone mountain in the center of the island. Although the fluctuation was almost negligible, he still caught it.

Such a desolate island, there was no spiritual energy for thousands of miles around, but only the foot of the stone mountain produced a little fluctuation, which made him doubt.

However, although he found it, he did not dare to go down rashly.

Because, with his purple eyes, he could not find the existence of restrictions or large formations below, which explained two problems.

Either this island is really an extremely ordinary and deserted island.

Or there is a very strong formation on this deserted island, so strong that even his purple eyes cannot find it.

If it is the first one, it is okay, at most he made a mistake in judgment, Jingyun and Luo Xiaohe probably went to other places. But if it is the second one, it would be a bit dangerous.

If he went down rashly, he might die on the spot.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Li decided to try it first.

He first took out a few unused spiritual weapons, slowly sank them to the deserted island, and tested them back and forth. The final result was that these spiritual weapons could easily land on the deserted island, and there was no reaction on the island.

After getting this result, Lu Li couldn't help but frowned: "Could it be that I really miscalculated?"

"But, Xiao He's breath obviously disappeared in this area."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Li flashed to a thousand miles away, grabbed a two-meter-long lobster from the sea, controlled it, and drove the lobster to fly towards the deserted island.

Bang! ! !

This time, something that made Lu Li's scalp numb happened immediately.

I saw that the big lobster had just landed thirty feet above the deserted island, and a flash of light flashed on the island, blowing the big lobster into a piece of debris.

It seems that there is indeed a very powerful formation on it, but he can't find it.

Moreover, this formation will only attack living creatures, and things like spiritual weapons will not activate the formation.

Next, Lu Li caught a big crab and two big lobsters to test.

Without exception, the result was the same as before. As long as they approached the deserted island about 30 feet above, they would be attacked by the invisible formation and die without a complete body.

This gave Lu Li a headache.

If the formation was revealed, he could still study what it was and see if he could find a way to break it, but in this situation, he had no idea where to start.

"Bold thief! How dare you disturb my meditation!"

Just when Lu Li was at a loss, a cold shout suddenly came from the island below.

Then, a stream of light rushed up from somewhere on the island, and before the people arrived, they had already launched an attack on Lu Li.

A large piece of azure blue blades shot towards Lu Li like locusts passing through. Wind and thunder suddenly appeared wherever they passed, and the fierce power made people's scalps numb.

Lu Li's expression changed, and he instantly retreated hundreds of miles, shouting: "Daoyou, wait!"

The person who attacked was a middle-aged woman in purple, who was already at the middle stage of the Spiritual Severing Realm.

After hearing Lu Li's voice, she did not intend to stop, but instead flashed a spell in her hand, causing the power of those flying blades to surge a few points. In the blink of an eye, the flying blade group came to Lu Li a dozen feet away!

Seeing this, Lu Li's face darkened, and while dodging and retreating again, he waved his hands and instantly formed an earth attribute Yuan Gang.


As soon as the Yuan Gang was formed, densely packed red flying blades hit Lu Li's Yuan Gang like rain hitting banana leaves, one after another! Even though the attributes were mutually exclusive, Lu Li's Yuan Gang only lasted for a few breaths before it exploded.

This shows that the woman's strength is really not simple.

But at the moment when the Yuan Gang exploded and the flying blades behind him drove straight in, Lu Li's body suddenly blurred and split into nine and flew in all directions.

Then, the nine figures turned around at the same time, and with a bang, they all plunged into the sea, leaving the flying blades behind them all in the air.

"Hmph! Can you get away?"

The woman glanced at the sea below with a gloomy face, and then formed a spell like lightning and pointed at the sea: "Seal!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sea water within a radius of thousands of miles suddenly turned into an ice area.

And Lu Li, who had just entered the sea, did not even have a chance to react, and was frozen in the black ice in the sea.

Snap! ! !

Eight fake bodies exploded at the same time.

Even his real body began to deform instantly, with blood flowing from his mouth and nose, looking quite miserable.


Just as the surrounding ice kept squeezing Lu Li's body and was about to crush him, Lu Li suddenly shouted fiercely! The next moment, he disappeared into the ice layer out of thin air.

The ice layer was quite intact, without any damage.

But he just disappeared so strangely.

"How is it possible!"

Seeing Lu Li, who was still in the ice layer in the last breath, but suddenly appeared on the ice surface in the next moment, the woman couldn't help but stare with her eyes, revealing a strong disbelief.

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