Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1306: Opportunity to go out

Perhaps sensing someone coming, the bead suddenly withdrew its momentum, flew into Yun Shu's lower abdomen, and disappeared.

Then, Yun Shu slowly stood up and looked up at the sky.

Yun Zhen brought Lu Li through the air, landed not far away and saluted, saying: "Meet the Palace Master."

Yun Shu smiled slightly, "No need to be polite, Thirteenth Elder, is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Yun Zhen didn't waste any words and immediately explained his purpose.

"Oh? Someone actually found the Little Stone Island."

Yun Shu was slightly surprised and looked at Lu Li: "Tell me about what happened that day in detail."

Lu Li saluted again and quickly repeated his prepared speech again. His experience was roughly the same as his previous experience on the deserted island.

But the ending was changed to that 'Lu Li' was killed by his 'Ice and Sky' move.

Seeing that the other party was about to speak, Lu Li continued to throw out a heavy bomb to change the subject.

That said, Lu Li said before he died that he was looking for 'Ye You', which made Yun Shu's face change several times, and finally sighed: "Ah, it's really fate."

As she said, she spread her hands, took out a purple jade talisman and gave it to Lu Li:

"The entrance guard is of great importance, you take this boundary-breaking talisman, next time you encounter this situation, remember to leave a message for your master before going out, so as not to encounter danger without rescue..."

"Thank you for your concern, Palace Master, I will remember it." Lu Li reached out to take the boundary-breaking talisman, but suddenly felt something was wrong, so he looked at Yun Zhen with a questioning look.

Until he saw Yun Zhen nod to him, he took off the boundary-breaking talisman and put it in his arms.

With the boundary-breaking talisman, he only needs to stand at the designated exit and crush the jade talisman to leave the Suxin Secret Realm, which is an extra security guarantee.

Suxin Palace has a total of four exits in the east, south, west and north.

One of them was in the Zitong Mountain where he entered at the beginning, but it was not the stone room he entered, but in the stone house on the east side of the courtyard outside.

Lu Li had already found out the information about the exit before he came in.

Seeing that Yun Shu did not pursue the matter too much, Yun Zhen was relieved, left Lu Li aside and chatted with Yun Shu for a few words, and then took Lu Li away.

Yun Shu stood there in contemplation, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

The next moment, she landed in a valley behind the sea of ​​clouds.

After turning her eyes, she walked towards a bamboo forest on the east side of the valley.

There was a bamboo house in the bamboo forest. At this time, Ye You was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the open living room in the middle of the bamboo house, meditating and practicing.


Yun Shu walked into the living room and bowed slightly to Ye You.

That's right, it was Yun Shu who bowed to Ye You, not Ye You who bowed to Yun Shu.

Ye You slowly opened his eyes after hearing this: "What's the matter?"

"It's like this. Just now, Jingxiu came over and said that her boundary-breaking talisman had been used up, and she asked me to get a new one..." Yun Shu said hesitantly.

"That's it?" Ye You didn't seem to care about it.

"Uh... She said that she killed a man named Lu Li. I think you should know about this. In addition, the entrance to Xiaoshi Island has not been changed for many years. Should we re-determine an entrance?"

"Jingxiu has already told me about Lu Li before, so don't pay too much attention to it. But... the entrance to Xiaoshi Island is indeed a problem. It seems that someone has noticed it. You can go down and make arrangements and re-select a location."

"I'll give you a suggestion. Don't choose any island this time. Although the island is conducive to disciples' search, it is also easy to attract people's attention. It is best to bury it directly in the deep sea..." Ye You said thoughtfully.

Hearing that Ye You already knew about this, Yun Shu couldn't help showing a hint of surprise, but then nodded: "Okay, I'll go down and arrange it now."


Just when Yun Shu was about to leave, Ye You suddenly stopped Yun Shu and said: "The Zhiyang Pills are all used up. Do you want to send someone out or go to Yaowang Valley yourself to exchange some Zhiyang Pills?"

"In addition, the yin energy in Suxin Secret Realm is getting heavier, causing the Zhiyang energy to be extremely thin. You should also find some reliable people to go out and look for unowned Zhiyang spaces, or places with rich Zhiyang energy..."

"Going out to look for a target is too big, I'm afraid it will expose Suxin Secret Realm. Otherwise... I'll escort you to Mingxin Sword Palace. Ye Xuanqiu owes me a favor, so it should be no problem to borrow their Zhiyang Secret Realm. Then I'll go to Yaowang Valley to exchange some Zhiyang Pills... What do you think?" Yun Shu frowned and said.

"That's fine, but it's still not safe for you to go alone, so call two more elders to come along."


The two discussed for a while, and Yun Shu left in a hurry.

The next day, Yun Shu called all the elders together and held an elders' meeting, and finally decided to move the entrance of Xiaoshi Island.

The first elder took the lead, and the second to fifth elders were assisting, a total of five people, and the deadline was to complete it within three years.

After the meeting, Yun Shu secretly called the sixth and ninth elders, and went to the back mountain to meet Ye You, and then the four of them left Suxin Secret Realm at night.

The reason for looking for the sixty-ninth elder was mainly to rest assured.

Because, like Yun Shu, the sixth and ninth elders were disciples of the supreme elder Hui Shu, and they were people of the same lineage.

And the place where they left did not pass through the four major exits, but just crushed the boundary-breaking talisman in an inconspicuous hut in the valley, and then disappeared.

It can be seen from this that the saying that there are only four exits in the Suxin Secret Realm is not true.

Half a month later, Lu Li, who had been wandering around, came back.

He said that he was going to give the boundary-breaking talisman to the "fourth junior sister", but it was just a pretense, but not long after he came back, he welcomed a guest.

"Senior Sister Jingxiu, did I disturb you?" Jingyun stood outside the courtyard gate, looking at Lu Li with a smile, which was completely different from the cold look when she was in the Wuwang Realm.

"It's Junior Sister Jingyun, you are a rare guest, please come in quickly." Lu Li was a little surprised, but soon returned to normal and greeted with a smile.

Jingyun was not polite either. Under Lu Li's guidance, he sat down at the stone table on the right side of the courtyard.

Lu Li smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm really sorry, I don't have anything to offer..."

"Sister, please excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. I just saw you coming back from the east. Did you go out?"

"Uh... I was going to Zitong Mountain, but suddenly I remembered that I had something to do, so I turned back. What do you want to talk to me about, Sister Jingyun?"

"Sister, you're straightforward, so I won't beat around the bush. I have another opportunity to go out recently, so I wanted to ask you about the beast-taming method before I go out. If I encounter a good spirit beast outside, I can take it back..."

"An opportunity to go out?" Lu Li asked puzzled.

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