Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1327 The Real Purpose

Lu Li said thoughtfully: "Human nature means knowing good and evil, being sensible, abiding by principles, and caring about ethics..."

"Okay! That's right."

Shu Heng chuckled and nodded, slowly put down the small glass cup in his hand, and then smiled slightly and said: "Then please tell me, along the way, how many people know good and evil, are sensible, and abide by the law? ...?”

"Many people will say that the so-called Five Constant Beings are benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust, but in the face of absolute interests, especially for practitioners like us who are going against the will of heaven, how many of them can really do it?"

Yes, who among practitioners doesn’t want to climb higher, and how many people would think about good and evil, benevolence and righteousness in the face of absolute interests.

Lu Li shook his head, sighed secretly, and said, "Then this can't be generalized. We people are inhumane, right?"

"At least, many people still have some moral bottom line deep in their hearts. In the face of big right and wrong, they won't kill, kill and plunder without any scruples, right?"

"If not, wouldn't evil ways have long been rampant in this world and the society has always been corrupted?"

Shu Hengdao: "That's not what I meant. I just want to tell you that human nature is a product of the evolution of a race. It is objective and universal, and it is not limited to humans."

"For example, 'the lamb kneels down to breastfeed, or the tiger's poison does not eat its seeds', you can also regard it as a kind of human nature."

"It's just that the human race has some innate advantages. They have generally received some education since birth, and the word 'humanity' is more deeply ingrained."

"But what you may not know is that all races in the world can also receive such ideological education after enlightenment, and finally gradually break away from animal nature and become rational."

Having said this, Shu Heng paused and looked at Lu Li: "You must have heard that seventh-level monsters can transform, right?"

Lu Li nodded, "I've heard of it."

Shu Heng said with a smile: "You have only heard of it, but I have seen the great demon incarnation with my own eyes. Regardless of its thoughts, behavior, or what you call 'humanity', it is no less than a normal human being, and it is always commensurate with my brothers." , drinking tea and discussing Taoism are quite righteous..."

"What's more, I have also seen in some ancient books that some senior masters, regardless of the racial gap and the intermarriage of the transformed demon, are all Taoist couples..."

"No way! This is too incredible!"

Lu Li was a little dumbfounded. He could understand calling them brothers and sisters, and he was quite familiar with the shape-shifting demon clan, but when it came to being a husband and wife across different races, it was really hard for him to understand and accept.

"Haha! My little friend, don't think it's incredible. When you reach the level of integration, you will naturally know whether what I said is true or false. Of course, it is difficult for me to understand the matter of cross-racial marriage, and it is only mentioned in some unofficial histories. It’s just something I’ve seen before, it’s not necessarily true.” Shu Heng said with a smile.

"I see."

Hearing this, Lu Li suddenly felt a lot more reasonable.

Presumably some people deliberately made up such interesting unofficial stories in order to ease the relationship between humans and monsters.

At this time, Shu Heng picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Now you should understand what the words 'nonsense' I said before mean, right?"

"There are thousands of races in the world, but those who have achieved enlightenment are actually not much different from our human race. They all have their own pursuits and are qualified to absorb the resources of the world."

"Because resources belong to heaven and earth, not to the human race."

"Isn't there a saying in the world that 'where there are people, there are rivers and lakes'? To amplify this sentence, it means 'where there is opportunity, there will be fights'. In the end, it is only the size of a fist..."

"As for your so-called 'people who are not from my race must have different hearts', it is actually the product of a struggle for resources that evolved into a war of races, resulting in extreme hatred between the two races."

"In the end, it was amplified, bewitched, and brainwashed by some race controllers with evil intentions, and the passionate people below who didn't know why were bound to them and acted as thugs and sharp swords..."

"Actually, the fundamental issue is power and resources..."

Lu Li didn't expect Shu Heng to have such a deep understanding of all races in the world. He took it for a long time to digest it, but with his knowledge, he still couldn't fully understand Shu Heng.

After being silent for a while, he said: "Senior's point of view, I deeply agree with it, but it seems that this is not the case with the demon clan, right? I have personally experienced the battle of the demon clan, and I have also seen the members of the wood spirit clan in the wood spirit world. Tragic situation..."

Hearing this, Shu Heng could not help but straighten his expression slightly and said: "You are right, the demons are an exception, and almost all the races in the world exclude the demons."

"Because they are violent in nature and almost difficult to educate, and the way the demons practice is also very special. Different from the step-by-step approach of other races, they prefer to plunder and quickly improve themselves by devouring the essence of living creatures' flesh and blood..."

"Everywhere we go, other races have no choice but to become blood eaters or slaves. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence and common development."

"So, not only the human race hates the demon race, but other races also hate the demon race..."

"The frustrating thing is that although the demons are like rats crossing the street and everyone shouts and beat them, after countless years, the demons have never been truly extinct..."


The two of them drank tea and chatted in the peach garden, and an hour or two passed quickly.

At this time, when Shu Heng picked up the teapot again, there was no tea left in it. He looked at Lu Li strangely and said, "Boy, you came to me in a mysterious way just to ask these things?"

"Uh... Of course not."

Lu Li smiled and said, "Actually, I came here to tell you that the demon in Brother Bai Yu's mind is extraordinary. I just want to remind you to be careful! After all, it's about the demon clan, and there is no room for negligence."

"Remind me to be careful? Do you think he can still threaten me?" Shu Heng said strangely.

"That's not the case, but the demon is very good at bewitching, and you love Brother Bai Yu very much. I was a little worried that you would be misled by his words."

"But after listening to your words, I finally know that you are still wary of the demon clan. I was worried too much about this." Lu Li smiled.

"You kid, you are testing me."

"Ahem, please forgive me, senior! It's really that the demon has a big mouth. I'm not the junior who is spreading rumors. Brother Baiyu can no longer completely control his mind. I hope you don't take his words too seriously in the future. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be some trouble..." Lu Li said solemnly.

Seeing Lu Li so serious, Shu Heng also restrained his expression and nodded, "Okay, I will try to reduce contact with Xiaoyu."

Hearing this, Lu Li's heart finally fell.

In this case, even if Baiyu said that he had the origin magic bead on him, Shu Heng might not believe it so easily.

In fact, this is the real purpose of his coming here.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Lu Li said goodbye. As for the matter of the magical realm, Lu Li said that he would go back and discuss it with Wei Yue first, and then decide when to go in to comprehend...

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