Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1351 Leaving

"Well, no!"

Lu Li suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared straight at a dark tree trunk more than ten feet thick in the distance, feeling startled and confused.

At first glance, the giant tree looks no different from the surrounding ancient trees, but if you take a closer look, you will find that it actually reveals a unique aura of vicissitudes of life, and it also gives Lu Li a very aloof feeling.

Lu Li hesitated for a moment and walked quickly towards the old tree.

When he came closer, he stretched out his hand and gently tapped and stroked the tree trunk, and found that there was nothing different. He couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, and then his eyes slightly lowered and he began to think.

As if he thought of something, he suddenly looked determined and walked back around the tree trunk.

"Hiss, so that's it!"

When he came to the back of the tree trunk, he finally found the clue.

It turned out that the back of the tree was actually recessed, and an ancient stone tablet three feet high and two feet wide was firmly embedded in the trunk, as if it had become one with the old tree.

It seems that this old tree should have grown later. Because it grew bigger and bigger, it could not shake the stone monument, so it was trapped inside.

The stone tablet looked very ordinary, but the only thing that cheered up Lu Li was the long sword drawn on the stone tablet.

There was no difference with normal vision, but when Lu Li used the power of his soul to sense, the scenery around him changed instantly. In the endless void, a huge golden sword stirred up the wind and clouds, and swung towards him. Cut off the head!

Before Lu Li could react, his whole body was split in half.

At the same time, a sharp pain like a knife or an ax was felt in Lu Li's mind, causing him to shake uncontrollably and almost fall to the ground.

"So strong!"

Lu Li's pupils shrank slightly, he quickly withdrew his soul power, sat cross-legged on the ground and adjusted his breathing.

This sword is very similar to Soten's sword before, but the concentration speed of Soten's sword is too slow, and the pressure it brings to Lu Li is far less than the previous sword. It is obvious that Soten's three No one has fully understood the essence of this sword.

"The sword cuts through mountains and rivers."

After a while, Lu Li finally recovered. He looked at the ancient characters in the upper right corner of the stone tablet and praised, "What a good name."

There is no doubt that Sword Cuts Mountains and Rivers is the name of this move.

However, now was obviously not the time to comprehend the monument in detail. He lightly swept back and stepped back several feet in an instant. At the same time, he pinched the magic formula, and countless golden eagles suddenly crashed into the tree trunk.

There was only a bang bang explosion, and the ancient tree dozens of feet high was blown into pieces.

Then, Lu Li wrapped the stone tablet with true essence and pulled it out with all his strength!

But at this time, something unexpected happened to Lu Li. The stone tablet didn't move at all?

You know, with his current cultivation level, even a little bit of strength is enough to shake a giant object weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, right? But this stone tablet didn’t even respond at all!

"Wake it up for me!"

Suddenly, Lu Li gave a soft drink without belief, and suddenly increased his strength by two points!

This time, the stone tablet finally reacted and began to rise little by little. But then, Lu Li's expression changed. As the stone tablet gradually broke away from the soil, the entire secret jungle began to tremble slightly. At the same time, the surrounding space seemed to be being squeezed greatly, making a crackling sound. The harsh sound.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li quickly stopped what he was doing.

He had no doubt that as long as the stone tablet was completely separated from the soil, the space would definitely explode, and by then, he would also be annihilated in the void.

As Lu Li stopped moving, the trembling secret realm stabilized, but the stone tablet that had just been raised half a foot suddenly shrank back.

"Is it... just a waste of time?"

Lu Li stared at the stone tablet and muttered to himself unwillingly. At the same time, his mind was racing and he began to think about it secretly.


Suddenly, Lu Li's expression became calm, and in a blink of an eye he traveled a hundred feet away and landed next to a circular stone platform surrounded by dead leaves. He stared at the stone tablet from a distance with a look of determination.

Then without hesitation, he grasped with five fingers and looked forward in the direction of the stone monument!

Suddenly, the power of true energy visible to the naked eye spurted out from his palm, instantly wrapping the stone tablet. Then Lu Li exerted another force: "Get up!"

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the stone tablet rose into the sky, and then the entire secret realm fell into darkness.

Outside the secret realm.

Weiyue was pacing back and forth nervously when she suddenly heard a huge roar from the sky. Then, the whole sky trembled, and her face changed involuntarily: "Not good!"

Yuwen Wen also looked shocked.

But just when he was about to say something, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the ruins of the stone house in front of the two of them. The man shook his body and then muttered with lingering fear: "I'm scared to death."

"You, you're okay...!"

Seeing Lu Li appear safely on the teleportation platform, Weiyue's anxious heart suddenly came to a realization, and she hurriedly ran towards Lu Li: "You are so annoying, you almost scared me to death."

"Ahem, don't talk about you, I'm almost scared to death." Lu Li smiled and felt that his palms were sweaty.

The moment the secret realm fell into darkness, Lu Li felt a strong feeling of squeezing and tearing. He thought that the teleportation platform was no longer usable, but he didn't expect that he was sent out at the last moment.

The three of them exchanged a few words and then walked towards the small building in the center of the lake. While walking, Lu Li thought of something, looked at Weiyue and asked, "By the way, where was the old man just now?"

"He wanted to escape just now. I was worried that the news would be leaked, so I killed him." Weiyue said as she walked.


Lu Li nodded and said nothing more.

Not long after, the three of them left Changqing Lake. When they arrived outside the lake, Jianpi and Mingyue were already waiting here. Mingyue opened her mouth and spit out a storage ring and handed it to Lu Li:

"Master, here are all the resources in the inner gate of Tianjian Pavilion, including the Kung Fu Building, the Resource Building, and the elixir gardens on the major mountain peaks. Jianpi and I have scanned them all, and basically there is nothing missing."

Lu Li took the storage ring and threw it in, and found that there were more than two thousand storage rings inside. He couldn't help but be shocked: "Okay, this way, this Tianjian Pavilion is completely destroyed."

Then he put away the storage ring and said: "Let's go. Although I am not afraid of Yue Chenfeng and the others, I heard that there is an old monster in Tianjian Pavilion in Mingxin Sword Palace. If he finds out about it, we will be in trouble."

Yu Wenwen and the other two nodded in agreement. After Lu Li took Mingyue and Jianpi back to the medicine garden, the three of them fled towards the inner gate square.

Everywhere he passed, there were scenes of broken mountains and rivers. Countless peaks were broken in half, and the ravines were filled with falling earth and rocks. If you look closely, you can still find some rubble and stone pillars mixed in.

As for the outer gate square, it was as if it had suffered a major earthquake. It was completely unrecognizable from its original appearance. All the surrounding buildings were reduced to ruins.

At the edge of the dilapidated square, Lu Li glanced around, feeling unspeakable depression in his heart. He shook his head, and then sacrificed the thunder fire ants again, gnawed a big hole in the entrance barrier, and flew out in a flash...

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