Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1429 Golden Dragon Corpse

"What's wrong? I was shocked." Lu Li held the dragon bone grass and frowned at Wu De.

"Tsk, tsk, boy, you are so wicked. This is the dragon bone grass. What are you doing pulling it out?" Wu De looked at the dragon bone grass in Lu Li's hand with a look of contempt on his face.

"You old man, can you speak? If it's not dragon bone grass, I won't pull it out yet."

"You still pull it out even if you know it? Look, this dragon bone grass only has eighty spiritual patterns, which is a full twenty before it reaches maturity. Do you know how long it takes to get twenty lines? With the characteristics of dragon bone grass, it will take at least two thousand years!

Moreover, dragon bone grass can only grow where dragons bury their bones. If you pull it out now, it will be of no use at all. Why do you need to do such a thankless task?

Listen to me and plant it back quickly. Maybe when we come here next time, this guy will already be... eh! Hey! Boy, what do you mean..."

Wu De kept chattering a lot, but when he saw Lu Li shaking his head and walking away, he quickly chased after him.

"It's not interesting. Let me tell you, I have a way to cultivate this Dragon Bone Grass, so I don't need you to worry about it. Let's go find the Golden Dragon Corpse quickly."

Lu Li glanced at Wu De, then stretched out his body and flew into the jungle in the distance.

"Is there a way to cultivate it?"

Hearing this, Wu De couldn't help but frowned, and immediately shouted, 'Wait for me! ’, then followed Lu Li and flew into the jungle.

This jungle is very lush, with green towering ancient trees everywhere. At a glance, you can't even see the end.

Yangshuo had already entered the jungle. At this time, he looked around and twitched his nose from time to time, as if he was looking for some kind of breath. When he saw Lu Li and the two chasing him, he quickly stopped and turned around and shouted:

"Brother, Brother Lu, this way."

Lu Li and Lu Li both stretched out their bodies and flew down next to Yangshuo.

Wu De asked curiously: "Have you found anything?"

Yang Shuo nodded and pointed forward to the right: "I feel that the golden Tao Yun over there is very strong. It is probably not far over there."

Wu De nodded: "Let's go, finish the work quickly. When I came in, I found that the palace stone was emitting strange phenomena. If someone notices it, it may be bad."

Lu Li followed him without saying a word, feeling something bad in his heart.

After walking for a while, he suddenly quickened his pace and asked, "Old Wu, Brother Yang, do you know where the lunar water and the sun jade are?"

In fact, these two things were the main reason why Lu Li came to the Blue Water Dragon Palace. As for the dragon corpse, he just happened to hear what Wu De said and stopped by to take a look.

But now when I heard Wu De's words, I felt that time was a little tight. If someone really noticed this place and broke in, it would be a bit troublesome.

"These two things are not here. It is said that they are in a place called Liangyi Gorge. When you get out of here, we will just go with you." Wu De said as he walked.

"All right."

Lu Li nodded and said nothing more. Since he had already come here, there was no way he could just retreat.

Next, the three of them silently walked inside. Because they were worried about encountering a powerful existence like the Gengjin Beast again, the three of them did not dare to be careless at all.

It wasn't until after a stick of incense that the three of them came to a cliff, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time it was surprisingly smooth. Not to mention monsters, even ordinary beasts were not encountered.

Below the cliff is a flat grassland. What is slightly different from other places is that this grassland is filled with a faint golden glow. This golden glow is not as strong and manic as the Gengjin aura outside.

Moreover, it is not covering the entire grassland, but the whole is in a winding shape. Looking down from the top, it looks like a giant python lying on the ground.

"It seems that the golden dragon corpse has been buried underground, but I don't know if it is well preserved." Yangshuo said with a look of hope in his eyes and a smile.

"Let's do it first and then talk about it!"

Wu De was impatient all the way and was about to fly down below.

But at this moment, Lu Li suddenly pulled him back: "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Wu De looked at Lu Li suspiciously.

"Something's wrong, there seems to be a restriction down there." Lu Li's eyes flashed with purple light, and he found a spherical barrier hidden in the dark on the grass, covering the entire 'Giant Python' inside.

Hearing Lu Li's words, both Wu De and Yang Shuo looked shocked. Wu De came back to his senses and took a look with his purple eyes, then secretly said with fear: "There is really a barrier, how careless! Old Lu , do you recognize what kind of formation it is?”

Seeing the two people's eyes shining, Yang Shuo had already guessed something. He couldn't help but feel a little envious secretly, but he didn't say anything and just looked at Lu Li expectantly.

Lu Li shook his head: "Looking at it this way, even gods can't tell. You still have to try to find out."

As he said that, he pointed his fingers together, and a sword of true essence flew out instantly, and flew down towards the grass below!

But what surprised Lu Li was that the True Yuan Sword passed through the invisible barrier without any hindrance, creating a big crater in the grass inside with a loud bang.


Wu De looked at the big hole in the grass with surprise and uncertainty, "Did it fail?"

Lu Li frowned and said, "Not necessarily, the true magic spell has no effect. Do you have any spiritual weapons that you can't use? Just take it out and try it and you will know."

"I have it here."

As Yang Shuo spoke, he held out a green spear and floated it in front of him. He formed a magic spell with his hands and hit the tail of the spear. He shouted softly: "Go!"

Suddenly, the spear glowed brightly and turned into a three-meter-long green snake, flying downward.

Snap! ! !

This time, it was indeed different. The green color just touched the invisible barrier and exploded into a cloud of green smoke. There was no chance of resistance.

The pupils of Lu Li and the other two shrank.

Then, the spherical barrier that was originally hidden in the dark also began to glow brightly and appeared from the darkness. It was more than ten miles in radius, like a giant pot cover.

"Hiss! This barrier is really not weak. It can even destroy the sixth-level top-grade spiritual weapon in an instant." Yang Shuo said with a pain in his heart.

"Old Lu, don't you have a swallow fish arrow? Take it out and try it." Wu De looked at Lu Li.

"Swallow fish arrow? This..." Lu Li frowned, looking a little reluctant. This barrier is so strong. If the swallow fish arrow is destroyed, wouldn't it be a pity?

"Boy, don't hesitate. I tell you, the value of the Golden Dragon Corpse is much higher than the Swallow Fish Arrow. Not to mention that the Swallow Fish Arrow itself is a forbidden treasure and it is not so easy to destroy. Even if it is really destroyed, you will not lose anything!" Wu De saw Lu Li's concerns at a glance.

After a pause, he said: "If you break this barrier and get the Golden Dragon Corpse, I will only take one tenth, and the rest, you can divide it equally."

"Only one tenth?" Lu Li was surprised.

"Why, do you doubt me? To tell you the truth, I came here just for the second brother. Otherwise, I would not come to this broken place at all, because the Golden Dragon Corpse is of no use to me..."

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