Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1460: Mid-stage fusion

"Chanbao? Unless I call her to collect the elixir, she won't wake up. I don't know what treasure she got, but she has been improving very fast recently. Boss, do you want me to call her over?"

The last time Chanbao woke up, she was already at the peak of the sixth level. I'm afraid she will be at the seventh level when she wakes up again. He really envied her.

"That's not necessary."

Lu Li waved his hand and walked towards a lake at the foot of the mountain.

Chanbao got the strange bead in the Tiantun Ding. She is probably refining the energy inside now. Lu Li will naturally not disturb her.

This lake is dozens of miles in radius, and the origin of the heavy water black stone is in it. When Mingyue was in the medicine garden before, she also lived in this lake. Later, the purple cloud pine was also transplanted to the bottom of the lake.

Lu Li did not enter the lake, but looked down at the bottom of the lake from the lakeside.

However, when he saw it, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Zhao Ji and asked, "Has the purple cloud mountain below been harvested?"

He remembered that when Chan Bao brought it back last time, the purple cloud mountain already had seventy spiritual patterns. According to the ripening ratio of the medicine garden, under normal circumstances, it only takes about ten years to make it fully mature.

But the purple cloud mountain below now has only more than fifty spiritual patterns, which is obviously not the original one.

Zhao Ji said, "Yes, it has been harvested twice. This is the third batch. It is estimated that it will be harvested again in ten years."

Hearing this, Lu Li was immediately happy.

He thought that such a Taoist treasure medicine could not be harvested continuously like ordinary spiritual medicine. If so, doesn't it mean that he can harvest a purple cloud mountain every thirty years in the future?

Afterwards, he chatted with Zhao Ji for a few words and hurriedly withdrew from the medicine garden.

After searching in the Space Hall for a while, he finally found two pieces of coral the size of a washbasin on a shelf in the corner of the Space Hall. The coral was filled with aqua blue mist, but the body was the color of the rainbow.

He took out a piece and held it in his hand to examine it carefully. Sure enough, this purple cloud coral contained rich water attribute Dao essence.

"Great! With these two pieces of purple cloud coral, it should not be difficult to grow the water Dao seed to the initial perfection and activate the Dao shackles."

"Add to that the innate treasure rich in water attribute Dao aura, maybe it can let me directly enter the middle stage of fusion."

Thinking of this, Lu Li immediately decided to start refining the purple cloud coral.

However, before absorbing and refining, there are still some things to deal with.

As soon as he thought about it, giant thunder and fire ants the size of a fist, red and blue, flew out from Ruyi, hovering in front of Lu Li, gently waving their wings, and making a buzzing sound.

After a careful count, there were exactly sixty-six of them.

Moreover, the aura of each one has reached the sixth level, which is really terrifying.

Lu Li secretly communicated and ordered, and then took these thunder and fire ants out of the attic and came to the air outside. Then he used the Wanxiang Order to open a passage in the mist formation and let these thunder and fire ants fly out.

As soon as the sixty-six thunder and fire ants flew out of the formation area, they scattered one after another, split into pieces, and flew out at low altitude to the east.

There are also monsters on Wanxian Island, but because all the strong men living on it are combined, these monsters dare not come out to make trouble.

It is for this reason that Lu Li dared to release these thunder and fire ants to act as his eyes and ears. As for the purpose, it is naturally for the Venerable Huishu.

After doing all this, Lu Li returned to the attic room peacefully.

The bed here is just a flat plate made of ten thousand year old sandalwood, and there is no bedding or anything like that. Lu Li has one in the Space Hall, but he is too lazy to bother, so he just lies on the flat plate and enters the Time Hall.

Then he took out the purple cloud coral and began to absorb and refine it.

With the experience of absorbing dragon scales before, Lu Li would not feel unfamiliar when refining the Dao essence in the purple cloud coral. As strands of Dao essence flowed into his dantian, the water-blue Dao seed was also undergoing subtle changes.

If the gold Dao seed gave him the feeling of becoming more and more sharp, the water Dao seed was becoming more and more gentle, giving people a round and harmonious feeling.

Under normal circumstances, it would take two hundred years for an initial Dao seed to go from entry to perfection, even in a place like Wanxian Island, but if there is a Dao essence, it is another matter.

And Lu Li, who has both Dao essence and the outlier of the Time Hall, is even more relaxed.

This time, he only spent half a year to successfully grow the water Dao seed to the initial perfection and manifested nine blue rune shackles.

And the two purple corals also died and became dim.

However, he did not end his retreat, but took out the flexible token-shaped innate treasure and began to comprehend it seriously.

The aura contained in it is not the aura of the Tao, but the real aura of the water attribute, which can help practitioners to deeply understand the water law and break through the shackles.

But even with the assistance of such an innate treasure, it will take a while to break through the bottleneck.

Just when Lu Li tried to break through the bottleneck of the water law, one day half a month later.

He suddenly frowned slightly and found that two of the sixty-six thunder and fire ants he had released before suddenly lost contact. This situation can only mean that the two thunder and fire ants have died.

However, fortunately, the other Thunder Fire Ants were still in contact, and there was no sign of returning, which meant that Lv Huishu was still practicing on Wanxian Island and had not left.

This made him feel a little relieved, and he continued to comprehend.

This time, the time for comprehension was relatively long. It took more than three years in the outside world before he finally stopped practicing and withdrew from the Hall of Time.

"It has finally broken through to the middle stage."

Looking at the water-blue Tao seed in the dantian, Lu Li couldn't help but show a touch of satisfaction.

At this time, the water Tao seed was not only free from the constraints of the rune chain, but also had a little inconspicuous crack on it, like an egg breaking its shell, and something was about to come out of it.

Perhaps because the water Tao seed broke through to the middle stage and occupied the main Tao, Lu Li's sharp feeling seemed to be much lighter, and the whole person seemed to be easygoing and calm.

He sat alone on the edge of the bed for a while.

Lu Li got up and walked outside. When he passed the round table, he couldn't help but glance at the note on the table and muttered to himself, "This guy, hasn't come back yet?"

When he came outside, the misty fog made Lu Li feel a little uncomfortable.

He thought for a while, then jumped to the bottom of the attic, turned around and walked into the first floor of the attic, searching around in the empty room.

Not long after, Lu Li found a carved pen holder on a stone table, then walked over and pinched the pen holder and turned it gently!


Suddenly, there was a roar of water rushing into the sea outside the room.

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