Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1516: Raising the Prestige of Our Clan

This day.

In a secret place in Yunwu Valley of the Six Major Sects.

Under the huge old locust tree, two old men were sitting at a chess table playing chess.

The man on the left was a bald old monk in a yellow robe, with white eyebrows and beard, a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and a few black spots on his face. He looked quite old.

On the right was an old man in a purple striped robe, with a broad face and a broad body, and a head of silver hair parted in the middle and falling on his shoulders.

The valley was silent, and the two would be silent for a long time every time they made a move.


The purple-robed old man made another move, making a crisp sound, and then shook his head and smiled: "Master Wuxiang, it seems that we have to stop here today?"

The white-browed old monk was slightly startled and nodded.

Then, the two of them looked towards the valley entrance at the same time.

As they watched, two vague figures appeared at the valley entrance, and then slowly moved towards the old locust tree.

When they got closer, they could see that the two men also looked like old men.

The man on the left was wearing a green robe and was tall and thin. He was smiling as he walked, and he was whispering something to the person next to him.

If you had been to the Night Demon Battlefield, you would have remembered that this man was the famous Yunwu Valley Master, Qi Yushu.

The man walking with Qi Yushu at this time was a short and fat old man in a yellow robe, with very recognizable brown-red hair. If Lu Li was here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that this short and fat old man was Xuanhuo Bu Si from Xuanlian Pavilion.

No wonder the Yunwu Valley Master was so polite.

"Haha! Brother Xuanhuo, you are finally here, please take a seat." From a distance, the purple-robed old man under the locust tree stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Jingyun, Master Wuxiang, I've been waiting for a long time."

Li Xuanhuo bowed to the purple-robed old man and the white-browed monk, then walked forward and sat down.

Seeing this, Qi Yushu bowed respectfully to the purple-robed old man and said, "Master, I will take my leave first."

The purple-robed old man was Qi Yushu's master, the previous generation of Yunwu Valley master, Guo Jingyun, who was known as the master of both formations and puppets. However, it is said that this person entered the Undead City eight thousand years ago and never came out again.

I don't know why he appeared in Yunwu Valley again now.

Hearing this, Guo Jingyun smiled and said, "Don't worry, there may be something for you to do later, just listen here."

Qi Yushu hurriedly said yes, and then after his master Guo Jingyun sat down again, he stood behind Guo Jingyun.

Li Xuanhuo and the other two first exchanged a few polite words casually, and after saying hello, they got straight to the point.

Guo Jingyun spoke first: "Not to mention the Night Demon Seal, the fact that the demons were able to enter the battlefield shows that the formation has been broken."

"I also checked the Universe Space Formation a few days ago, but after a thorough inspection, I found that the damage to the formation base was much more serious than I imagined.

"According to my inference, if we forcibly repair it, the resources consumed may be enough to set my Dongling cultivation world back a hundred years."

"So, I think there is no need to repair this formation."

"Moreover, this is the time when the demons have been defeated and have not yet fully recovered. In my personal opinion, it would be better for us to take the initiative to open the Universe Formation and wipe out the demons of the Night Demon Continent in one fell swoop, once and for all!"

"Besides, the Night Demon Continent is vast and has abundant resources. If we can really clean it up, our human descendants will not be restricted to the small land of Dongling in the future."

"In this way, it can be said to kill many birds with one stone, and the human race will also usher in a great boom. What do you two Taoist brothers think? "Guo Jingyun finished his thoughts slowly, and then looked at the white-browed monk and Li Xuanhuo, asking for their opinions.

Master Wuxiang pondered for a moment and said: "If it is true as Brother Jingyun said, then there is really no need to repair this formation."

"However, the situation in the Night Demon Continent is unclear. If we rashly dismantle the universe space formation, and the demons are not as weak as imagined, I am afraid there will be endless troubles."

"You must know that the survival ability of the demons is far superior to that of the human race. If the demons are not eliminated, this move may plant an indelible root of disaster for the human race."

Li Xuanhuo nodded in agreement and said: "Master Wuxiang is right, but I have a way that may solve this problem."

"Oh? What is Brother Xuanhuo's way?" Wuxiang asked hurriedly.

Li Xuanhuo smiled and said: "It's very simple. As long as Brother Jingyun opens the third layer of the universe space, let our human race's combined-level strongmen go there first to explore the demons. "

"If the demons are ridiculously strong, we will spend some money to repair the universe formation. If they are just ordinary, we will directly wipe out all the demons."

"Then we will completely release the universe formation and let those young people of the human race enter the night demon battlefield to clean up the remnants..."

Speaking of this, Li Xuanhuo looked at Guo Jingyun with a smile: "I think Brother Jingyun should have a way to open the third layer of the universe space, right?"

Master Wuxiang thought that Li Xuanhuo's method was indeed good, agreed, and looked at Guo Jingyun.

Guo Jingyun nodded and said: "I have the formation talisman here, and opening the battlefield is just a small matter. Since both Taoist friends have no objection, is this matter settled?"

Li Xuanhuo and the others both nodded in agreement.

Then the three of them discussed for a while, and Guo Jingyun said to Qi Yushu behind him: "Yushu, did you hear what we said just now?"

"Yes, Master. "

"Well, good. Then you should immediately convey this message to the other five sects, and announce it to the world at the same time. Fifty years later, all the combined Taoist friends will gather in Tianhaiyuan to defeat the Night Demon and show the power of our clan!"

"Yes, I will do it now!"

Qi Yushu heard the words, bowed and accepted the order, and then left quickly.

As Qi Yushu left, the news quickly spread in the Xuanling Realm. In a few years, it was almost known to everyone.

Many combined strongmen who received the news began to rush to the East Spirit Continent.

Perhaps they care about the future of the human race, or they just want to go to the Night Demon Continent to get some opportunities. Anyway, they don't want to miss this opportunity to enter the Night Demon Continent.

Vientiane Island

In the jungle behind Lingyun Peak, a man in black said to Lu Li respectfully: "Grandmaster, this is what happened. If you have no other instructions, I will take my leave first."

Lu Li nodded, took out a storage bag and handed it to the man: "Thank you for your hard work. You can keep these spiritual stones. Go."

The man in black was delighted and hurriedly took the storage bag: "Thank you for your gift, Grandmaster. I will take my leave."

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and broke through the air.

Lu Li folded his hands, his eyes flashed and said: "I didn't expect that Yu Wenshu was right. Fifty years, okay, then I will go to the Night Demon Continent..."

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