Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1541 You Can’t Escape

The six demon elders were enveloped by the sunlight, and a faint white smoke suddenly rose from their bodies, and their momentum was reduced again.

But the grade of this Fiery Sun Mirror was still too low, and the energy was very limited. After this attack, it became dim.

But this pause also gave Lu Li a chance to free up his hands. He suddenly flashed away from the spot, and when he appeared again, he had come behind the succubus elder.

Gently reaching forward, thousands of vines instantly entangled the purple-robed old woman who had no time to react.

Shu Heng seized the opportunity, condensed the spell, and a string of flying knives shining with green light suddenly cut through the sky and passed through the purple-robed old woman's eyebrows.

Poor succubus strongman, he was hit again and again and was dizzy. Before he could use his skills, he turned into a corpse and fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Brother, hold back the black-robed elder first!"

Lu Li turned his eyes and saw Mingyue being chased by the black-robed elder. His face darkened and he shouted while facing the blood demon elder.

Shu Heng turned around and shot towards the black-robed elder without saying a word.

When he got closer, he changed again and suddenly turned into a hundred-mile jungle. In the jungle, thousands of ancient trees stretched out countless tentacles and wrapped around the black-robed elder and another winged demon elder.

At this time, the blood demon elder also turned into a long blood-colored river and attacked Lu Li.

Lu Li flashed back a hundred miles, and then he used a move of "Rising Sun". In an instant, purple clouds were like lightning, and the blood-colored river was covered in it!


Suddenly, the blood river pierced through the purple clouds, and thick white smoke rose up. At this moment, the blood demon elder felt as if he was burned on an iron plate, and couldn't help screaming.

He tried his best to fly to the side, trying to get out of the range of the glow.

But the red sun in the middle of the ocean seemed to have eyes. It turned in the direction where the blood river ran.


After the two chased each other for more than ten breaths, the blood demon elder could no longer hold on. After a reluctant roar, he turned back to his original form again.

No, to be precise, it should be a corpse.

Because the blood demon elder in front of him no longer had any breath, and the body seemed to be burned by fire, with only a thin layer of black skin and flesh sticking to the skeleton.

At this moment, there were four demon elders in the sky.

Jianpi fought against a mid-stage troll. Jianpi turned back to his original form, like a small mountain, waving his giant hands, and blasted against the troll elder who was no less powerful than him.

Although he was almost suppressed by the troll elder, fortunately, Jianpi had thick skin and flesh, and could still hold on for the time being.

Mingyue was also struggling against a mid-stage sword demon. Many cracks had appeared on the clam shell that shone with silver light. But it used the power of the moonlight to poke many gaps in the sword demon's double swords.

The most dangerous one was Shu Heng.

He was fighting one against two. Not only did he have to face the black-robed elder of the late-stage Night Demon Clan, but he also had to face a mid-stage Winged Demon elder at the same time.

Even if he used all his means and lost no less than ten spiritual weapons, he still couldn't compete with the two demons. As long as he was a little careless, he might die.

"Phantom Night!"

At this moment, a very cold voice suddenly came from behind Shu Heng. Then, Shu Heng's surroundings became pitch black. Even if he was in the middle stage of fusion, he was like a blind man and could hardly see.

Shu Heng knew that the Night Demon elder had used his ultimate move. His heart was beating wildly. He did not hesitate to transform into a green armor and cover his whole body.

At the same time, he stabilized his Yuan Gang, and then he randomly chose a direction and flew away.

Although it was pitch black, it was definitely better than standing here and waiting to die.

However, I don’t know if Shu Heng was unlucky or what, he chose this direction, but he happened to meet a black dagger, and with a snap, his Yuan Gang was easily pierced and exploded.

Although he couldn’t see it, Shu Heng still felt the piercing murderous intent. At this moment, Shu Heng once again experienced the feeling of despair of being on the verge of death but helpless.

He even imagined that in the next moment, he would be pierced through the heart by something, and then die.

But what he couldn’t do was that the darkness around him was like countless tentacles, firmly fixing him in place, making it difficult for him to move, and he could only wait for death to come.

Ding! ! !

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of him, and at the same time, sparks flew, as if something was knocked out.

Shu Heng also felt his body loosen up, and the restraints on his body disappeared instantly. He couldn't help but look overjoyed, turned around and flashed, and flew out of the darkness.

"Want to leave! Stay here!"

The black-robed old man's fatal attack was interrupted, and he was extremely angry. He turned into a ball of black air and chased Shu Heng in the endless darkness.

He knew that if he wanted to kill Shu Heng, there was only this one chance in front of him.

Because Lu Li outside the darkness had already dealt with the Winged Demon Elder who was attacking Shu Heng with him, and was now rushing towards him.

Shu Heng heard the voice behind him, and his scalp tingled again, but this piece of darkness was so strange that he felt like he was trapped in a quagmire and it was difficult to exert the speed he should have.

He could only try his best to escape while condensing Yuan Gang in order to find a glimmer of hope.

But the old man in black robe was gifted, and he was like a fish in water in the darkness. In addition, his cultivation was far superior to Shu Heng. In just a blink of an eye, he wrapped Shu Heng's Yuan Gang and laughed coldly: "Hehe, die!"

As he said that, the body transformed by the black gas squirmed, and Shu Heng's Yuan Gang was immediately swallowed up completely.

However, just as he was about to swallow Shu Heng in one fell swoop, the darkness around him suddenly faded, and at the same time, a majestic Sanskrit sound rang out from the sky:

"I bathe my body with light, refine my truth with the moon, Xuanxian assists me, the sun and the moon assist me, I kill all evil and filth, and follow the water to become pure..."

Above the sky, the originally dim and dull Lieyang Mirror once again burst into dazzling light, and its power was several times more powerful than before. It directly dealt a heavy blow to the three remaining demon elders below.

Jianpi seized the opportunity, and pulled his big hand downwards, bringing out four slanted blue blades, and fiercely slashed the chest of the troll elder opposite, splitting several bloody gullies deep enough to see the bones.

Then he flashed up again, opened his huge mouth, bit the troll's head, and with a death roll, he twisted the head of the troll elder directly off!

Mingyue also reacted quickly, taking advantage of this opportunity, turned quickly, and swung out a moon-white arc blade from the clam mouth, and fiercely slashed at the neck of the knife demon elder.

With a puff, the head of the knife demon elder also moved and flew down.

In the end, of the six demon elders, only the black-robed elder of the Night Demon Clan was left.

In this case, how could he dare to continue chasing Shu Heng? His body squirmed for a while, and he decisively restored his true body, and then flashed away into the distance.

"You can't escape!"

Above the sky, Lu Li's face darkened, and he followed closely with the Fiery Sun Mirror on his feet, and instantly arrived above the black-robed elder's head.

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