Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1557: Chu Moping's Destruction

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed since Lu Li entered the Ancestral Demon Hall for retreat.

Finally, after hearing the news, some people gathered from all over the place to the Ancestral Demon Hall and began various tests.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, the magic cloud restriction showed no signs of loosening. When they heard that Lu Li had been down for half a year, these latecomers immediately lost interest and left one after another.

Only a very few people stayed there and waited for Lu Li to come out.

More than a year later, Ye Xuanqiu and his men finally rushed back from the west. But they only tested the restriction and left directly, leaving several casual cultivators with ulterior motives looking at each other in bewilderment.

"It seems that the people in the Sword Palace don't have such a big hatred for Lu Li?"

"I don't think so. They probably know that Xuanhuo is not dead, so they dare not attack Lu Li."

"It's not that simple. I think they just don't want to be so blatant."

"Forget it. That guy has been in there for almost two years. I have wasted two years here in vain. If you wait, I will go to find other opportunities!"

"Hehe, I'm leaving too. This kid is still young and can afford it. I don't have time to waste with him here. If there is a special passage below to leave, it will be more fun..."


Elder Hou and his men had gloomy faces. Although they were not willing, they had no choice.

But seeing that Ye Xuanqiu and his group were not ready to take action, some people suddenly lost the desire to wait. No matter whether there are treasures inside or whether Lu Li is still inside, they can't wait any longer.

Instead of wasting time here in vain, it is safer to look for opportunities elsewhere.

As for Lu Li, if the other party was really afraid of them and hid inside, then leaving would be the right choice. In this way, the other party might come out by himself.

Suddenly, the few remaining people left the Ancestral Demon Abyss one after another.

In the following days, although one or two people came here from time to time, they left after a short while, and there was no grand scene of dozens of people gathering like before.

It took only four or five years for the popularity of the Ancestral Demon Hall to go from cold to hot, and then from hot to cold.

In the fifth year of Lu Li's retreat, the Ancestral Demon Hall became a dog-ignored place. Except for passing by occasionally, almost no one would come here on purpose.

However, although the Ancestral Demon Hall was deserted, it was very lively in other places in the Night Demon Continent.

With the influx of various forces and casual cultivators, killing and fighting were staged almost every day, fighting for territory, grabbing spiritual medicine, and seizing opportunities, and no one was willing to give in to anyone.

Things that the combined-level strongmen looked down on were extremely rare treasures in the eyes of these low-level cultivators.

Those independent cultivators had long been fed up with the oppression of the major sects.

Now that they finally have such a large piece of unowned land, they naturally don't want to be taken in by the sects as before, so there are frequent battles between independent cultivators and sects to encircle the land.

Therefore, a new force has emerged among the independent cultivators, called the Independent Cultivator Alliance. The purpose is to fight for a piece of free land for independent cultivators all over the world, and no longer be under the jurisdiction of the sects.

At first, the Independent Cultivator Alliance was led by some Yuanying cultivators, but as time went on, it gradually pulled to the level of God Transformation and God Severing.

Moreover, under the stalemate of the major sects, there is a trend of getting more and more intense.


On this day, a huge noise suddenly came from a jungle somewhere in the eastern part of the Night Demon Continent.

Then, dust and smoke filled the air, and a strong shock wave swept rapidly along the lush jungle, breaking all the trees within a dozen miles around.

At the center of the explosion, two middle-aged men vomited blood at the same time and swayed.

But the next moment, the tall middle-aged man on the right suddenly showed a sinister smile:

"It is rumored outside that Chu Moping of the Silent Temple's Fiery Sun Power is enough to easily kill the enemy by surpassing a small realm. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"You, recognize me."

The middle-aged man in white on the left wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared coldly at the tall middle-aged man opposite, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Recognize, how can I not recognize you. You can't forget that you killed Luo Hao in Xuanxin Island ten years ago?" The tall middle-aged man reminded with a sneer.

"Xuanxin Island, Luo Hao?"

The middle-aged man in white Chu Moping narrowed his eyes and remembered something: "You are Luo Hao's elder brother Luo Xing!"

Luo Xing and Luo Hao, known as the Xingluo Twins in the Silent Sea, are the top five characters on the Silent Temple's God Transformation Level Wanted List, Luo Xing is at the peak of God Transformation, and Luo Hao is at the late stage of God Transformation.

A few years ago, Chu Moping was ordered to arrest the two. After much effort, he finally got the news about Luo Hao and planned to kill him on Xuanxin Island.

But because Chu Moping's cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Spiritualization at that time, he felt that it was difficult to fight against Luo Xing, who was at the peak stage, so he took Luo Hao's head back.

Later, he broke through to the late stage. Although he wanted to find Luo Xing, he lost the news of this person.

Unexpectedly, this person actually came to me today.

"Hehe, it seems that you have a good memory, but I'm afraid it's too late." Luo Xing laughed grimly, danced with the silver spear in his hand, and attacked Chu Moping like lightning.

"Just you!"

Chu Moping's face turned cold. Although he was only in the late stage of the Spiritualization, and his cultivation level was one small realm lower than that of the man in front of him, he was not afraid. He waved the long sword in his hand, and suddenly transformed into countless sword lights, and rushed towards Luo Xing.

However, Luo Xing suddenly turned around halfway through the attack and dodged to the side, without the same momentum as before.

Chu Moping was in doubt, but he still chased after him with his sword energy.

Luo Xing's sneer became more and more intense, but he never confronted Chu Moping head-on, just dodging.

Chu Moping finally felt something was wrong, and suddenly stopped, staring at Luo Xing coldly, "The so-called Xingluo Twin Demons, is this all they have? They don't even have the courage to fight me, a late stage of the Spiritualization!"

"Hehe! Do I need to fight with you, stupid thing, I'm just playing with you, look at your left hand, and then talk." Luo Xing looked at Chu Moping with sarcasm on his face.

Hearing this, Chu Moping immediately raised his left hand and looked over. At this glance, Chu Moping's face changed instantly. His bare palm turned dark green.

And there was a little numbness, and his pupils shrank, "You! What did you do to me!"

"What? This is the Star Toad Poison that I have made for many years! It only takes half a minute to make a fool like you stiff and look like a dead body! For this day, I have spent a lot of effort, you should be proud..."

Luo Xing stared at Chu Moping with a grim smile on his face, feeling an indescribable pleasure in his heart, "Hehe, calculate the time, you should be almost there..."

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Xing finished speaking, Chu Moping's face also showed a slight dark green.

Chu Moping wanted to use his internal energy to escape, but found that he couldn't even mobilize his true energy. He was extremely desperate, "You! You are so sinister, can you tell me when you poisoned me?"

"Tsk tsk, don't try to delay time. Go to hell!"

Luo Xing didn't explain to him at all, raised the silver spear in his hand, and stabbed Chu Moping. If there is no accident, Chu Moping will definitely die!

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