Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1573 Elimination Battle

But it was completely different from the people in the west.

When the old people in the Undead City heard the three words "Resurrection Order", they all looked happy and couldn't help getting excited.

It seemed that this Resurrection Order was some kind of extraordinary treasure.

However, the Undead Spirit did not mean to explain it to everyone. After speaking, he waved his hand and colorful balls of light flew towards everyone.

It floated lightly in front of everyone.

After receiving the order from the Undead Spirit, everyone stretched out their hands, reached into the ball of light in front of them, and took out a jade stick from it.

Some of these jade sticks were red, and some were blue.

And Lu Li and Yu Wenshu both got blue sticks. According to what the Undead Spirit said before, the blue sticks belonged to the group being challenged, so both of them would become the party being challenged by others.

Moreover, they could not refuse to accept the challenge.

Once the person who got the blue stick refused to accept the challenge, he would directly lose the qualification to continue participating in the competition.

"Why is it a blue ticket? What bad luck."

"Yeah, now I don't even have the chance to choose. I hope I won't be picked by a strong opponent, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the first round."


As the jade tickets were obtained, the scene immediately became a little commotion. Some people who got the blue tickets in the early stage of fusion looked very ugly, which meant that they would be the favorites in the eyes of others.

But the immortal spirit didn't care so much. Seeing that everyone took off the jade tickets, he glanced at them and shouted coldly: "Next, please go to the red tickets one to ten."

As soon as the voice fell, seven people in the viewing area on the east side flew down with ease, each of them chose a portal and stood in front of it, and it seemed that they were very familiar with the rules.

And Lu Li's newcomers, after a commotion, three old men flew down one after another and landed in front of the remaining three vacant stone gates.

Seeing this, the Undead Spirit shouted again: "All those waiting to fight, red signs in the east, blue signs in the west, divided into two groups..."

Suddenly, the crowd surged, and those who had not finished the game immediately began to line up again.

In a moment, Lu Li's side was full of blue signs.

And according to the requirements of the Undead Spirit, they stood in a row according to the serial numbers on the jade signs in their hands, just like a beauty pageant, waiting for the people below to choose.

This is the advantage of red signs, you can choose your opponent at will, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the challenge.

But the chosen party is unlucky, especially those with low cultivation, most of them will only be eliminated.

"Red No. 1, challenge Blue Thirteen."

Standing at the No. 1 portal, the old man holding the No. 1 red sign swept past Lu Li and others, and finally fixed his eyes on a middle-aged man.

Lu Li tilted his head and looked, and the man was Tian Rong, the saint of Yunwu Valley, whose cultivation was probably not even at the initial bottleneck.

Tian Rong was very depressed, but he was unwilling to admit defeat. He immediately jumped down and landed in front of the No. 1 transmission gate and looked at the old man from a distance, "Blue Thirteen, accept the challenge!"

When Qi Yushu, the head of Yunwu Valley, and others saw this, their expressions did not change much.

They brought Tian Rong here just to broaden their horizons, and did not think that Tian Rong would be on the list.

Moreover, Tian Rong is only more than 4,000 years old now. In another 9,000 years, he will only be 13,000. He will have a chance to come again, so even if he is not on the list this time, it doesn't matter.

"Red No. 2, challenge Blue 120."

"Red No. 3, challenge Blue 160."


"Red Ten, challenge 135."

In just a short moment, the remaining nine red-signed old men had already chosen their opponents. Without exception, their opponents were all at the initial stage of fusion.

Among them were Ke Shaoyang, the Saint of the Sword Palace, and Mo Xuanqi, the Saint of the Dustless Dao Palace.

And none of the ten people who were chosen retreated. They all flew down and stood directly opposite their opponents.

Seeing this, the Undead Spirit nodded with satisfaction, "Okay! The rules of the challenge are that once you enter the void, you don't care about life or death."

"But if you think you can't win, you can still admit defeat."

"If anyone can't bear it anymore, just shout, 'I admit defeat!' and you can leave the battlefield directly, but this also means that you have lost the game."

"The winner will be teleported out."

"And the loser, if you are a newcomer, will be teleported back to the Forbidden Sea."

"But if the loser is originally an old man on the Undead List, then I'm sorry, you wasted so many resources of the Undead City, but you can't even beat a newcomer, I can only send you to the void."

"Until you break through the Mahayana, you can get out of the cage, otherwise, you will die of old age!"


After the Undead Spirit finished speaking, his eyes slowly swept over the crowd and asked in a deep voice: "Everyone, do you understand?"

It seems that this is not only said to the twenty people who are about to fight below, but to everyone in the audience.

Everyone said they remembered it, and some of the old men secretly clenched their fists, looking a little nervous.

Seeing this, the Undead Spirit stopped talking nonsense, jumped up in the air and pressed down, and the ten portals below suddenly hummed and turned rapidly.

Seeing this, the two warring parties stretched their bodies and flew into their corresponding stone gates, and then disappeared.

The Undead Spirit sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, and ignored everyone.

Everyone stared at the ten portals curiously, wanting to see who would come out first.

Lu Li's number was blue sign sixty-six. He looked around and finally found that Ye Xuanqiu was also in the blue sign team. It seemed that the two of them could not match up in this round of elimination.

Under the gaze of everyone, in just a quarter of an hour, the No. 3 portal suddenly flashed, and an old man with a white beard flew out of it.

The old man looked calm, without much surprise, as if he had already known the result.

"Red No. 3, advance, step aside."

The immortal spirit did not open his eyes, but said a sentence calmly, and then kept silent.

The white-bearded old man bowed to the immortal spirit from a distance, and then stretched out his body and landed on the top of the east viewing area.

Not long after the white-bearded old man sat down, No. 1, No. 2, No. 5... several portals also lit up one after another, and figures were teleported out one after another.

Without exception, all of them were won by the red team.

When the battle lasted for half an hour, the last old man of the red team also won and returned. So far, the first round of the challenge ended with the red team winning.

This seemed to be an inevitable result. Although it was a bit sad, no one was surprised. After all, the weakest of the ten red team elders was in the late stage of fusion.

And the blue team was just in the early stage of fusion.

As the first game ended, the Undead Spirit immediately started the second game. It was still in order. The red team 11 to 20 went on stage to choose their opponents.

Although Lu Li was young, none of the challengers had any intention of hitting on him. They just glanced at him lightly and moved away, each picking a soft persimmon that they thought was easy to pinch...

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