Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1617 Abnormal Rhubarb

But the next moment, the big yellow dog suffered.

With a click, Lu Li's legs were fine, but several of its canine teeth were broken. Lu Li grabbed its neck flesh with his backhand, and it couldn't help shouting "Gen'er, Gen'er, Gen'er!"

"Big brother, please be merciful!"

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the direction of the house, and then a disheveled little boy ran towards Lu Li barefoot.

Lu Li frowned and threw the big yellow dog aside, and the big yellow dog immediately ran towards the little boy.

The little boy rubbed the big yellow dog's head and looked at Lu Li from a distance, "Big brother, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Da Huang, are you okay?"

Lu Li smiled, "Nothing."

Hearing this, the child was relieved immediately, looking at Lu Li with curiosity in his eyes, and asked Lu Li where he came from. Lu Li said that he was just walking around and accidentally walked here, and took the opportunity to ask him about Andu City.

But unfortunately, the child didn't know where Andu City was.

Lu Li was slightly disappointed and asked if there were any adults in his family. The child was a little alert and finally said that he had a grandfather, but he went into the mountains to collect herbs half a month ago and never came back.

He once took Da Huang into the mountains to look for him, but he didn't find him. Instead, he was stared at by a wild wolf. Fortunately, Da Huang fought desperately and saved his life.

At this point, the child suddenly said expectantly: "Big brother, you can even capture Da Huang, you must be very powerful, otherwise, can you take me in to find grandpa, he may know where Andu City is."

Lu Li was a little hesitant, but at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

"Adventure mission, help the child find grandpa, there is no time limit, and you can get the talent 'Level 1 Wisdom Eye' after completing it. With this talent, you can distinguish whether the people within the sight range are outsiders."


Hearing these two words, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly happy.

Before he came in, he had heard from Yu Wen that there were many special talent rewards here that could improve his self-protection ability. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered them here.

Moreover, he really needed someone to show him the way. In the vast mountains, it seemed that only the grandfather of this little boy was the most suitable.

Thinking of this, Lu Li nodded: "Okay, I'll go with you, but I don't have much time. I can only accompany you into the mountains for two days at most. If I can't find it, I'll leave."

"Two days?"

The little boy scratched his fingers, a little disappointed, but soon restrained his expression, "Okay! Thank you, big brother."

Then, the little boy went home to pack up, put on a pair of tattered straw sandals, and took Lu Li on a path to the west. Da Huang walked in front, looking back at the little boy from time to time.

The path didn't seem to be often walked. Both sides were covered with lush silk grass, and there were some branches blocking the road from time to time.

The boy was worried that Lu Li would not adapt, so he wanted to take off the hatchet from his waist to clear the way, but Lu Li stopped him, "It's more important to hurry up, don't bother with this."

"Oh, OK."

The boy put the hatchet back on his waist and trotted after Da Huang.

Lu Li followed quickly behind, and soon they walked into a jungle along the path at the foot of the mountain.

At the beginning, the grass and trees were sparse, and it was very easy to walk, but after walking seven or eight miles, bushes and thorns began to appear, and the speed began to slow down.

Lu Li frowned, "This direction is wrong."

The little boy was puzzled, "Why? Da Huang is very familiar with Grandpa's breath, so it shouldn't be wrong, right?"

Lu Li pointed to the thorns in front of him, "The thorns here are so dense that it's hard to see the end. It's impossible to pass normally. Unless your grandpa is a bird, he can't go this way."

"As for Da Huang... maybe it did sense that your grandpa is on the opposite side of the thorn forest, but because of its lack of intelligence, it won't choose the best route."

As he said, Lu Li pointed to the right, "Let's go this way and bypass this thorn forest."


The little boy heard this, called Da Huang, and followed Lu Li to the other side.

But the big yellow dog looked in the direction of the thorn forest, and seemed reluctant to leave. It was not until the little boy called again that he followed reluctantly.

What Lu Li didn't know was that at the most lush part of the thorn forest in front of him, there lay a large python with stripes like a bucket, motionless, and looked like it was sleeping.

Fortunately, he didn't cut through the thorns, otherwise the situation would be a bit bad.

This thorn forest was at least five or six miles in radius. Lu Li walked along the edge of the thorn forest for a long time before he got to the halfway point.

But just as he was about to move forward, he accidentally glanced and suddenly found some white leaves in the ravine under the hillside on the right. Looking closely, it seemed that they had lost moisture after being chopped.

Is there anyone walking below?

Lu Li went into the mountains a lot when he was a child, and he was most familiar with this situation. Although he couldn't see clearly from a distance, he could infer with a little thought that the road below was either cut by humans or hit by wild beasts.

"Big brother, why don't you leave?" Da Huang was already walking in front, and the little boy asked when he saw Lu Li stop.

"Are there any other people in your village besides your grandfather?" Lu Li asked as he looked at the ravine below.

"No, grandpa said that when I was very young, many wild beasts suddenly ran out of Dongshan. Most of the people in the village died at that time, including my parents. Later, some of the survivors moved away one after another. Grandpa was reluctant to leave, so he took me to stay. Now there are only me and grandpa left in the village... Dahuang, come back!"

The child said, and then found that Dahuang had disappeared, and hurriedly called out loudly.

"I understand, I'll go down there to take a look, you just wait here and don't leave. If I find anything, I'll call you down again." Lu Li pointed to the ravine below and said.

The child nodded and shouted in the direction where Dahuang disappeared.

Lu Li didn't say anything more, holding the branches of the bushes next to him, and walked towards the ravine carefully.

After a while, he came to the ravine, got closer, and immediately found that the broken parts of these branches were very flat, which was obviously cut by a knife, not by something violently hit.

With this discovery, combined with the child's statement, it seems that the child's grandfather most likely walked along this ravine.

He walked a few steps forward and found a clear footprint on the sand, which made him more certain that his inference was correct. He immediately called the child to come down.

The child slid down carefully to the bottom, looked up at the top of the slope and said, "Big brother, Da Huang seems to be gone. Its nose is very sensitive. Did we go in the wrong direction?"

The direction of the ravine in front of us changed here, and it went to the right, but the thorn forest on the top of the mountain went straight forward, and after going around it, it even went to the left.

These are obviously two completely different directions.

Hearing the child's words, Lu Li couldn't help but frowned. He always felt that this big yellow dog seemed a little bit wrong.

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