Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1642 Da Huang was captured

as expected.

The next moment, the voice of the immortal spirit sounded in Lu Li's mind.

"A top-notch mission to help Sun Qian's lineage regain the throne."

"Reward, mid-grade innate rare treasures, choose any nine!"

"Time, no limit."

It's over.

This is a complete mess.

Hearing the previous sentence, Lu Li suddenly had black lines on his face, all because he was a mean-spirited person.

But when he heard the next two sentences, Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up. A middle-grade innate rare treasure? Or choose any nine? This reward is too tempting!

Moreover, there is no time limit.

However, this old guy looks to be in his fifties, so he probably won't live long. Doesn't this mean there is still a time limit?

Well, no!

Lu Li suddenly thought that the first sentence seemed to say 'Sun Qian's lineage' and not Sun Qian himself? In other words, Sun Qian's son, grandson, great-grandson...are all okay?

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel relieved. If this was the case, it would be a good job.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Li suddenly raised his eyelids and said, "Um, Mr. Sun, do you have any heirs in this world?"


Sun Qian looked at Lu Li in confusion, "My little friend, why are you asking this?"

"Well, don't worry about what you are doing. Just tell me the truth, whether you have it or not." Lu Li said, staring directly at Sun Qian.

Sun Qian shook his head, "No. I have been busy with Nilong Village these years, and I still couldn't get over the hurdle in my heart, so I didn't get married."


Lu Li couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard this, "This is a bit difficult to handle."

If he had no heirs, he would have to help Sun Qian ascend to power before a hundred years. Not to mention how difficult it would be, Lu Li himself was not willing to do this.

Because he still wants to find an opportunity to go to the safe zone to break through the two Taoist qualities of water and earth to the Mahayana. Although with the help of the Time Palace, the progress will be much faster.

But with two Tao seeds, he estimated that it would take forty or fifty years no matter what.

If Sun Qian comes out at that time, he may die of old age, so how can he be helped to rise to power?

"What can't be done?"

Hearing Lu Li's muttering, Sun Qian couldn't help but look confused.

"Oh, nothing."

Lu Li waved his hand and pretended to sigh, "I just feel a little sorry that you gave up on your ideals like this."

Then he looked at it and said, "Are you so willing to let your Sun family fall into the hands of outsiders? How will you face the previous emperors of your Sun family in the future under Jiuquan?"

Sun Qian secretly clenched his fists, then reluctantly loosened them, "Then what can I do? I am already a useless person, and half of my life's hard work has been ruined. There is no possibility of a comeback."

Lu Li sneered: "Who says a useless person can't succeed? Even if you really can't succeed, can't you have a son? If you don't have a son, don't you still have grandchildren?"

"If it is passed down from generation to generation, one day, your enemy's power will be uprooted."

"In my opinion, if you really give up on yourself like this, you are the real loser!"

"Because you no longer have the faith to live with your enemy. It's like you could only watch the second prince, Sun Kang, flirting with your woman in front of you. You are so incompetent!"

Lu Li's voice was very harsh.

Sun Qian seemed to be back to the scene where he was lying on the bed, his chest rising and falling: "Shut up! I'm not a useless person, no, I am Prince Dayun, I am not a useless person!!!"

Sun Qian clenched his fists fiercely, his teeth clenched, and his eyes widened, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

See Sun Qian's expression.

Lu Li couldn't help but secretly nodded. As long as the other person's heart was not dead, there was still hope. After his mood stabilized, he slowly said, "If you are interested, I can take some time to help you."

Hearing this, Sun Qian couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Little friend, this is true!"

Lu Li smiled and said, "A gentleman's words. However, I am only assisting you, not your subordinate. Therefore, you mainly have to rely on yourself. I will help when necessary."

Sun Qian was overjoyed, and he raised his hand to Lu Li and said extremely seriously: "Little friend... uh no, sir, these words are enough! If I, Sun Qian, return to the imperial city in the future, I am willing to rule the world with you! Even if your wish does not come true in this life, your descendants should remember this oath!”

Lu Li laughed loudly, "Old Sun's words are serious. I have no interest in this world. I just sympathize with your situation, Old Sun, and that's why I help you."

"Sir, you are righteous! However, I, Sun Qian, am not an ungrateful person, so the matter has been settled." Sun Qian got Lu Li's promise, and the fire in his heart was ignited again.

He, Sun Qian, may not control Dayun, but Sun Kang’s lineage must die!

The night is getting darker.

Lu Li and Sun Qian were both a little tired after running around for a few days.

The flickering firelight grew dimmer.

The voices of the two people talking became intermittent, and finally became calmer.

Early next morning.

A light morning mist filled the mountains and floated over the creek, with visibility only a dozen feet or so.

Lu Li stretched out and had a rare sleep.

But when he turned his head and looked around, he realized that Sun Qian had moved to the creek at some point, washed his old black face clean, and looked much more energetic.

"Good morning, Old Sun."

Lu Li smiled and also came to the stream and squatted down.

Sun Qian quickly responded, "Good morning, Mr. Ji."

Lu Li shook his head, "You should call me little friend. You are so old, I feel uncomfortable with that."

Sun Gan was stunned for a moment, nodded, "Sir, you are not particular about trivial matters, so I will shamelessly call you little friend."

"Hey! It's just a title, it doesn't exist."

Lu Li waved his hand, and scooped up a handful of stream water to pour on his face. With a splash, he immediately felt refreshed.

After washing a few times, he went to the side to rinse his mouth, and said, "Old Sun, do you have any ideas, or is there any good place to go?"

Sun Gan pondered for a while and said, "About 800 miles northeast of here, there is a wilderness and mountain range with a radius of hundreds of miles, called Yinlong Mountain. The terrain is complex and the peaks are steep. It is a good place to be a base. What do you think, little friend?"

"In that case, let's go to Yinlong Mountain!" Lu Li nodded immediately.

Coincidentally, Lu Li learned from inquiries last night that there was a safe zone a thousand miles northeast. Maybe it's in the area of ​​Yinlong Mountain, which is just on the way, saving a lot of trouble.

However, Sun Gan has difficulty walking, so it's not a good idea to carry him all the time.

It seems that we have to find a mule to carry him.

After a brief conversation, Lu Li carried Sun Gan on his back and set off. This wilderness is sparsely populated and there is not even a good road, so it's annoying to walk.

Fortunately, his running speed has reached the intermediate level now, and some gullies and potholes can be jumped over with a light jump.

Sun Gan also found that Lu Li seemed a little different today, and couldn't help but be surprised, "My friend, you seem to be more relaxed today than yesterday?"

Lu Li smiled, "I had a full meal last night, and I recovered some strength, so I naturally felt relaxed."

Sun Gan couldn't help but feel ashamed, "So that's the case, it's me who caused you to suffer..."

"You don't have to say such things, Old Sun, my own choice has nothing to do with you..."

At this time, Lu Li was walking on a mountain road with Sun Gan on his back, with a mountain on the left and a two-meter-high slope covered with thatch on the right.

When he was halfway through his words, Lu Li suddenly heard a "swish!" from the bushes behind him, as if something was rushing towards him. He couldn't help but be secretly startled, and directly threw Sun Gan on his back down the hillside.

Before Sun Gan figured out what was going on, Lu Li had already grabbed a big yellow dog's neck with his left hand and lifted it up in the air, with a cold light flashing in his eyes: "Dog, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

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