Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1661: Rapid Increase of Cultivation

"Father, why are we here?"

The chubby little boy, whose butt was a little sore from sitting, couldn't help but ask Sun Xing.

"Waiting for someone."

Sun Xing touched the little boy's head and repeated, "A very important person."


Sun Pingen was still young after all, and didn't understand the meaning of the three words "very important" in his father's mouth. He scratched the back of his ear and said, "But it's getting dark, can't we come tomorrow?"

Sun Xing sighed, "Okay, let's come tomorrow."

As he said that, he slowly stood up and pulled the happy little boy to leave. But at the moment he stood up, he suddenly opened his mouth and showed a look of doubt.

On the long street on the right, there was a vague white shadow that was slowly becoming clear.

The little boy looked up at Sun Xing, then looked into the distance, his clear eyes showed a hint of curiosity, and then he thought of something and stumbled towards the person who came.

Then, he stretched out his hands, and the man in white said in a childish voice: "Who are you? Changping Road does not allow ordinary people to enter. Go quickly."

Lu Li looked at the little guy in astonishment, and then looked at the somewhat old Sun Xing in the distance, smiled dumbly, and rubbed the little guy's head, "I am not an ordinary person."

"Not an ordinary person?" Sun Pingen was a little confused.

"Greetings, uncle." Sun Xing walked up and saluted respectfully. He was old, but this uncle still looked so young, as if he had never changed.

He said, pulling the child over, "Pingen, he is the Grandpa Ji I told you about, why don't you greet him."


The child scratched his head, a little confused, why is his grandfather younger than his father. But after being glared at by Sun Xing, he still bowed obediently and said, "Ping'en, meet Grandpa."

"Haha, the little guy is really good, no need to bow."

Lu Li smiled and looked at Sun Xing, "Are you waiting for me here?"

Sun Xing nodded, "You said you would come back once every 20 years, so I came to see you and bring the little guy to meet you."

"Okay, let's go in and talk."

Lu Li took Sun Ping'en by the hand and walked towards the gate of Changpingju.

The door was not locked, and Lu Li pushed it open.

Everything was the same as before, and there was not much dust. It seemed that someone had cleaned it regularly.

Lu Li and Sun Xing went to a corner of the corridor to sit down and talk, while the child ran around inside.

After a while, Sun Xing led Lu Li to a basement. After opening the heavy iron door, he saw that the shelves inside were filled with all kinds of rare objects.

Sun Xing said that these were specially collected by him. Lu Li checked and found that there were indeed two Dao-containing objects, but unfortunately, there was still no news about the Soul-Devouring Earth Mother.

Sun Xing handed a key to Lu Li, saying that there were two such keys. In the future, they would put the collected things in this secret room, and Lu Li could take them when he came back.

Lu Li was naturally grateful.

Late at night, Sun Pingen was tired from running and fell asleep on Sun Xing's back.

Sun Xing hesitated for a long time before leaving, and finally asked: "Uncle, I don't know if I can wait until you come back next time. Can I ask you for something here..."

"You want me to protect the Sun family. You don't need to say more about this. If there are any difficulties in the future, you can let Pingen come here to find me. If I know, I will definitely not stand idly by." Lu Li said slowly.

He took money from others to help them eliminate disasters. Since he got benefits from the Sun family, he should give some rewards to the Sun family. But he also has his own things to do, and it is impossible for him to stay around the Sun family all day, so he still has to rely on God's will.

If someone really destroyed the Sun family while he was in seclusion, he would be powerless.

"Thank you, uncle."

After getting Lu Li's assurance, Sun Xing felt relieved, and then he said goodbye and left Taipingju with Sun Pingen on his back.

Lu Li packed up, went out to eat something, and then went to the place of seclusion again.

The following days.

Lu Li was as usual, concentrating on hard work.

Twenty years later, Lu Li came out of seclusion again, and lived up to expectations and successfully condensed the Wind Dao Seed. After returning to Taipingju, he met Sun Pingen who had taken over the throne.

This time, Sun Pingen gave Lu Li a surprise. In the iron box in the secret room, there was a box full of Soul Devouring Earth Mother.

During the chat, he told Lu Li that a few days ago, a strange man came to the uterus. He was in his twenties, but he had already cultivated to the seventh level of martial arts, and his skills were extremely strong. He was also made the commander of the imperial guards.

Lu Li felt something was wrong, so he asked Sun Pingen to take him to see.

After a look, Lu Li found that the man was actually a foreign hunter, and immediately told Sun Pingen that this man was very likely to have bad intentions.

Sun Pingen was shocked and asked Lu Li what to do.

Lu Li smiled when he heard it, and took advantage of the man's unpreparedness to hit him on the head and killed him directly.

Sun Pingen was stunned and exclaimed, "Grandpa, you are too fierce."

Lu Li smiled, "It's nothing. If you encounter abnormal things again in the future, you must be cautious and cautious, observe and observe again, and never let him directly ascend to a high position to prevent accidents. Remember it."

Sun Pingen nodded and said nervously, "What if I kill the wrong person..."

"Don't worry, I have a wise eye and can distinguish right from wrong. This person is definitely not a good thing." Although Lu Li said it casually, it was not without basis.

For any outsider, no one would covet the power here unless they have a mission, so the patroller must have a problem.

In fact, the person Lu Li killed just now was Ning Wuzhou, who changed his identity again.

Speaking of which, Ning Wuzhou was also unlucky. He was killed by Lu Li on the bank of Xunlu River for the first time, and was surrounded and killed by Yu Wenshu in the chaos when he received a mission to restore the country for the second time.

This third time he received a mission to overthrow the Sun family, but before he started the action, he was killed by Lu Li with one punch again. It can be said that he was extremely frustrated.

After hearing Lu Li's words, although Sun Pingen had some doubts in his heart, he finally chose to believe Lu Li. After all, his father had told him countless times before his death that anyone could doubt him, but not his grandfather Ji.

After Lu Li killed Ning Wuzhou, he did not stay any longer. He took advantage of the night and rode the wind away, and once again devoted himself to closed-door cultivation.

In the years to come.

Lu Li still adhered to the rule of coming out of retreat every twenty years, either to collect some treasures collected by the Sun family, or to help the Sun family solve some problems.

The rest of the time, he devoted himself to cultivation.

Six hundred years later, with the help of the Time Hall, Lu Li made rapid progress.

The nine Dao seeds in Dantian all broke through to the Mahayana level, among which the five Dao buds of gold, wood, water, fire and earth all reached the bottleneck of the middle stage of Mahayana.

The wind and thunder Dao buds were the bottleneck of the early stage, and the light and dark were the ordinary early stage.

Looking around the world, I am afraid that there is no second person like this.

However, Lu Li did not come out of retreat at this point, because he still had many Dao Yun things that had not been refined.

In this way, another three hundred years passed.

Lu Li finally used up all the treasures. The nine Dao buds, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth all entered the bottleneck of the late stage, and the wind, thunder, light and dark all reached the bottleneck of the middle stage!

At this time, Dayun’s cultivation resources were almost emptied by Lu Li, and even the Sun family could not find more treasures.

At the same time, the voice of the immortal spirit rang in Lu Li's mind: "Please note that there are only seven years left before the millennium. The Tianyan Realm will be closed in seven years. Please complete the tasks in your hands as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no waiting!"

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