Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1679 Becoming a Little Kid

"Well, it's almost done."

Lu Li walked forward and asked in surprise, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"I didn't have much to deal with. I went to the Shenji Pavilion and met two acquaintances. Then I went to the forbidden area of ​​​​the Lotus Realm and took care of the two guys and came back."

Yu Wenshu smiled and said, "Boss, let's go to Xuanyu Mountain to sit down. I am also preparing to attack the tribulation. Let's take this time to have a good chat."


Lu Li nodded and followed Yu Wenshu to Xuanyu Mountain. During the flight, Lu Li asked curiously, "Who are the acquaintances you just mentioned?"

"They are all people you know, my cheap master Zhuge Wusuan and Lin Yu." Yu Wenshu said with a smile.

"Brother Zhuge, Lin Yu?"

Hearing these two familiar names, Lu Li couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then he smiled dumbly, "Are they okay now?"

Since he came to the Xuanling Realm, he has never seen the two again. He thought that Zhuge Wusuan had no chance to become a god in this life at his age, and he might have died long ago, but he didn't expect that he is still alive now.

As for Lin Yu, he has evaporated in the past few years, and there is no news about him. Lu Li also thought that he had an accident, but now it seems that the guy has another opportunity.

"It's good. They are both in the stage of distraction. If they work harder, it is not impossible to break through the fusion, but it's hard to say what will happen later."

In Yu Wen's opinion, it should not be difficult for Zhuge Wusuan to reach the fusion before his lifespan is exhausted, but it is not so easy to reach the threshold of fusion to Mahayana.

In addition, Zhuge Wusuan has been pursuing tranquility and nature blindly in recent years, and has lost a bit of enterprising spirit, which is a taboo in cultivation.

While talking, the two have arrived at Xuanyu Mountain.

Lu Li followed Yuwen to the stone pavilion in the center of the valley to continue drinking tea and chatting. During this time, Lu Li suddenly said with a change of expression, "You said you went to the forbidden place, are you referring to the place where Chu Moping was sealed?"

"Yes, I was worried about any accidents, so I went to check the seal and threw the other two guys in along the way." Yuwen said with a smile.

"The other two guys?"

"Well, one of them is called Bai Yu, and the other seems to be called Mu Xiao or something. Those two guys killed innocent people everywhere, so I threw them into the toilet." Yuwen grinned.

Lu Li couldn't help but frown when he heard this, but thinking that the two guys were no longer the original Bai Yu and Mu Xiao, he could only sigh secretly and didn't blame Yuwen.

However, this Demon Ancestor Shang is really not simple. He can turn the Xuanling Realm upside down with only a few broken limbs and new spiritual wisdom. How powerful must the main body be?

Then, the two talked about Yuwen's tribulation.

Yuwen said that he was certain, but he did not dare to guarantee success in one fell swoop.

However, even if he failed, he was not very worried, because the way of heavenly secrets he practiced still had a ray of life hidden, and at most he could try again.

But at this time, Lu Li suddenly took out two fist-sized, blue-black strange stones and handed them over, "This, you keep it, maybe it will be useful to you."

"This! Is this the Soul-Fixing Stone?" Yuwen said in disbelief.

"Well, when I went to the Sea of ​​​​Destruction to see Qin Feng, he gave me a storage ring, saying that..." Lu Li roughly told Yuwen about what happened when he met Qin Feng.

After listening, Yuwen understood what was going on instantly, and couldn't help but say a little nervously, "This, but my sister-in-law left it for you, it's not good for me to take it..."

"Just keep it with peace of mind, I still have two here, and I practice more ways, if everything goes well, maybe I won't need this thing at all." Lu Li directly put the Soul-Fixing Stone in front of Yuwen.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite, brother!" Yuwenshu smiled and happily put it away. With the Soul-fixing Stone in hand, his chances of success were undoubtedly much greater.

Yuwenshu decided to break through in the original jungle that Ning Wuzhou had chosen before, saying that he was too lazy to waste time building a new residence, and asked Lu Li to find him in the jungle in the future.

Lu Li had a lot of opportunities and treasures on him. Even if he didn't go to the treasure land, it was enough to raise the four kinds of Dao buds of different attributes to the peak level. He immediately decided to go to the retreat place with Yuwenshu.

Yuwenshu readily agreed. Near noon, the two of them left the Undead City from the west of the city. Two days later, they arrived at the depths of the jungle where Ning Wuzhou had retreated before.

There were two stone houses here. Lu Li and Yuwenshu each chose one, and then began to practice in seclusion.

The following summer.

Yuwenshu used the mysterious method to successively break the shackles of the three Dao buds of gold, fire and wood in his body, allowing them to take root and grow into seedlings, entering the Dao seedling stage. He then used the power of the Dao seedling to attack the rules of the Immortal Realm, and finally caused the Dao tribulation to come, and began the first stage of the tribulation.

It is worth mentioning that the tribulation must be initiated actively. If you have been sealing the Dao seedling in your body and keeping its breath hidden, the tribulation will not come.

Of course, it cannot be stopped after initiation, and you must go all the way to the end, otherwise there is only one way to die.

During this period, Lu Li came out once, left Chan Bao to help him protect the law, and then went back to the stone house to concentrate on practicing.

Yu Wenshu's tribulation was obviously much more difficult than Ning Wuzhou's. At the beginning, Ning Wuzhou only spent five years in the first level, while Yu Wenshu spent a full fifty years this time before finally breaking through the first level of the death tribulation.

But this time, he did not consume the Soul-Fixing Stone.

The next second level of rebirth is the key. Yuwen is about the same age as Lu Li, only more than 4,000 years old. If he were to rebirth at the original 100-fold rate, it would only take 40 years for him to transform back into a baby and finally disappear.

Yuwen knew this, so on the first day of entering the second level, he hung the Soul-Fixing Stone in front of him. As expected, the rebirth speed really slowed down.

However, the Soul-Fixing Stone is also a consumable. Yuwen has no idea how long a Soul-Fixing Stone can last. He can only increase the speed of breaking the time confinement as much as possible.

"It's over!"

One day 20 years later, Yuwen looked at the broken Soul-Fixing Stone on his chest and was shocked.

He didn't expect that a Soul-Fixing Stone could only last for ten years.

In these 20 years, although he only reborn a thousand years old under the relief of the Soul-Fixing Stone, he still has more than 3,000 years to use.

But as the soul-fixing stone was exhausted, the speed of rebirth also returned to a hundred times the flow rate, which means that he didn't have much time left, only thirty years at most.

"Let's fight!"

Feeling his body changing rapidly, Yu Wenshu gritted his teeth, and his whole body was shining with golden light, and golden runes rushed towards the time confinement on his body.

Time flies, spring goes and autumn comes.

Suddenly one day, Chan Bao hurriedly ran into the stone house and shouted to Lu Li: "Master, it's not good! Come and see, the annoying guy has become a little kid!"

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