Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1681 Come on, Boss

Obviously, this result is enough to satisfy Yuwen Wen.

As soon as Yu Wenshu finished speaking, the calamity clouds in the sky suddenly rolled again, followed closely by a giant thunder pillar that was more than ten feet thick. ‘Bang! ’ It hit him in the head.

Although Yu Wenwen cursed a lot, he was actually extremely vigilant. Seeing this situation, his heart was beating wildly. He opened his mouth in a hurry and spat out, and a golden picture scroll flew out instantly.

The scroll flew upwards and unfolded above Yuwen Wen's head. Under the overflowing golden light, you could see countless small black ancient characters on the scroll.

Immediately afterwards, those dark ancient texts flickered for a while, as if they came alive. They soared from the scroll and transformed into an extremely ferocious sky-swallowing beast. It opened its mouth wide and bit into the shining thunder that was falling sharply. column!

boom! ! !

The huge thunder pillar went straight into the mouth of the giant beast, and instantly knocked the giant beast back to its original shape. Small ancient Chinese characters like ants flew around, and the thunder pillar drove straight in, and hit the giant picture scroll with a snap.

The picture scroll is like a wave, shaking violently!

"What a magical natal weapon!"

Seeing this situation, everyone onlookers couldn't help but look shocked.

But before everyone could discuss it further, the thunder pillar had already passed through the scroll. Under the scroll, Yu Wenwen's pupils shrank and he ran away!

The thunder pillar that was about to hit the ground seemed to have intelligence, but it suddenly changed its direction and chased after Yu Wenwen.

It seemed that Yu Wenwen would be unable to do anything good if he didn't take this blow.

Yu Wenwen jumped up and down, unable to avoid the Thunder Pillar. He could only use spiritual weapons one after another to continuously consume the Thunder Pillar's energy. When he felt that it was almost done, he gritted his teeth and gathered a Yuan Gang to resist the blow.

With a bang, Yuan Gang exploded, Yu Wenwen felt his body go numb, and then he crashed straight into a mountainside hundreds of miles away.

By coincidence, the mountain where Yuwen fell down was exactly where Lu Li was.

On the top of the mountain, Lu Li felt the ground tremble and instinctively turned around to escape.

But after glancing out of the corner of his eye, he discovered that the thunder pillar seemed to have disappeared, so he stopped again, flew towards the mountainside, and then lifted Yu Wenwen out of a pothole.

Yuwen Wen's condition was much better than that of Ning Wuzhou. Although his body was stained with blood, his limbs were still there, and more importantly, he could still smile.

He grinned, and a pair of white teeth suddenly appeared on his dark face, "Hey, boss, I've done it."

Seeing this, Lu Li twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said angrily: "You guys, if you are still in the mood to laugh, adjust your breathing quickly and I will protect you."

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, boss."

Yu Wenwen grinned and said something, then said no more, and then sat cross-legged on the spot and started to adjust his breathing.

At the same time, when the onlookers in the distance saw that the calamity cloud had dispersed, they all flew towards Lu Li. However, except for Li Xuanhuo and a few other powerful people, they did not dare to get too close.

Li Xuanhuo stepped forward to talk to Lu Li, while Xiang Cang and others were watching from a distance. Yuwen Wenshu was recuperating at this time, and they were not very familiar with Yuwen Wenshu. If they got too close, they would inevitably arouse suspicion and dissatisfaction. Naturally, he didn't dare to get any closer.

Further away, Yu Song, Yin Bai and others looked at Lu Li with complicated expressions, shook their heads with emotion, and murmured something under their breath.

Yu Wenwen recovered very quickly. In just four or five hours, his injuries were almost healed. Although he was not fully healed, his movement was no longer a problem.

Seeing Yu Wenwen stand up, Xiang Cang and several peak Mahayana experts came up to greet him and congratulate him one after another.

Yuwen Wenshu also had no airs, his tone was easy-going, and he chatted and laughed with everyone with a smile on his face. He asked Cang Cang for help from Yuwen Wenshu on the first two levels of the tribulation, and Yuwen Wenshen did not hesitate to give him some advice, which made several people very grateful.

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Yu Wenwen flew towards the Immortal City with Lu Li.

At present, Lu Li's four Tao Buds with different attributes are already at the bottleneck level in the later stage. Yuwen Wen doesn't have much time to stay in this world, so after returning to the Immortal City, Lu Li did not continue to retreat.

Instead, he went to Xuanyu Mountain to spend the last period of time with Yu Wenshu.

It's really rare to have leisure time.

During this period, Lu Li went to see the Immortal Spirit and talked about the space cracks.

The Immortal Spirit did not expect that Ning Wuzhou would actually tell Lu Li about this. After hearing this, he said, "If you want to see it anytime, just come to me. I may be able to help you at the critical moment."

Lu Li agreed and returned to Xuanyu Mountain.

One morning eight years later, Yu Wenwen told Lu Li that his heart was beating very hard, and he was afraid that the pick-up time was coming soon, so he was preparing to go to Wangxiyuan.

Lu Li didn't say anything more and accompanied Yu Wenshu to leave Xuanyu Peak.

A few days later the two arrived at Wangxiyuan.

Just like last time, Wangxiyuan was already crowded with people who came to watch the ceremony. Everyone regarded this place as an auspicious place and came here just to get their luck.

Seeing the arrival of Yu Wenshu and Lu Li, Li Xuanhuo and others came up to say hello.

After Yu Wenwen responded one by one, he pulled Lu Li aside and started chatting quietly. His words were filled with emotion and he hoped that Lu Li could take this step quickly.

Early the next morning, the auspicious clouds arrived as promised, and the moment the colorful hanging river fell, Yu Wenwen let out a long sigh, walked up and gave Lu Li a big hug: "Boss, come on!"

Lu Li patted Yu Wenwen on the back: "Brother, take care!"

Yu Wenwen nodded, slowly let go of Lu Li, and allowed his body to be pulled into the colorful hanging river. He waved to Lu Li in the hanging river, and then turned into a ball of light and shot straight into the sky.

"Hey! Let's go."

Looking at the auspicious clouds and fairy sounds gradually dissipating in the sky, Lu Li suddenly felt a little empty in his heart. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh, turned around and walked towards the straight direction.

At this time, an old man with a tall figure and a wooden sword on his back caught up from behind. He walked side by side with Lu Li and said as they walked, "I want to compete with you."

Lu Li turned his head and glanced at the old man, shook his head, and said calmly, "I don't want to fight you."

"Why, do you think my cultivation is not enough? My sword is very fast, you may not be able to catch it..." The old man was a little unwilling, but he didn't seem to have enough confidence.

"It's not about cultivation. If you have no confidence in your words, you have already lost. I don't want to waste any more time." Lu Li said as he moved and disappeared.

The old man clenched his fists, then slowly lowered his head as if all his strength had been drained, "Yes, I don't have enough confidence, and I was already defeated before I made a move..."

Lu Li did not return to Lingyun Mountain. After returning to the Immortal City, he took the teleportation array directly to the East Straight Road.

He has no scruples now and just wants to raise his cultivation level to the limit as soon as possible.

Most of the light and dark treasure lands given by Ning Wuzhou and the wind and thunder treasure lands given by Yuwen Wen were concentrated in extremely remote places in the East District. This time he was going to those treasure lands to cultivate the four different attributes to perfection.

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