Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1694 Ghost Fruit Tree

An Ming had never seen such a method before, and was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time. It was not until Lu Li coughed lightly that he suddenly realized, "Senior is really a god!"

Lu Li rolled his eyes at An Ming, "Stop talking nonsense, get down to business."

An Ming nodded repeatedly, waved his hand and shot out a sword light to cut the stubborn giant python into several pieces, and then picked up a giant python gallbladder: "Senior, this gallbladder is good, do you want it?"

Lu Li shook his head.

An Ming thanked it and put it away, then carried the mountain rat and continued to move forward. After a while, he found a seventh-level spiritual herb in a shallow pit and sighed: "What a pity, it's not Luohuang grass."

However, the seventh-level spiritual herb can also be worth a lot of spiritual stones. After he put it away, he continued to fly forward and continued to search with the mountain rat.

Although he didn't find Luohuang grass this time, at least it proved that the mountain rat was not a fake, which gave An Ming some hope.

Lu Li followed behind An Ming slowly.

A day passed quickly.

An Ming moved hundreds of places and searched for no less than ten thousand miles, but still could not find any trace of Luohuang Grass. He was worried that Lu Li would get impatient waiting, so he hurried back to apologize: "Senior, why don't you find a place to rest, I will go to search alone."

Lu Li thought about it, took out a talisman pen and spiritual paper to make a talisman on the spot, and after a few strokes, he dripped a drop of blood on the talisman, and then handed the talisman to An Ming: "If you encounter danger within three million miles, you can ignite this talisman, and I will come to help you immediately."

An Ming's expression was delighted, and he took the talisman carefully: "Thank you, senior! I'll go now."

After that, he disappeared.

Lu Li shook his head, sat down with his back against the tree trunk, took out the "Xuantian Jishi" that An Ming had given him before, and read it carefully.

The more he read, the more surprised Lu Li was.

He found that it not only recorded some basic knowledge of the heavenly realm, but also some common spiritual medicines and monsters. It could be called an encyclopedia.

Of course, it was not so detailed. Most of them only had some superficial descriptions and no in-depth explanations. After all, the length was limited.

But for Lu Li now, it was already quite good, and he couldn't help but start to make up for it.

After reading for a while, Lu Li felt that time might not be enough, so he set up a simple formation around him, and then went into the Time Hall and continued to read.

Two hours in the outside world, six or seven days in the Time Hall, Lu Li turned the Xuantian Records back and forth several times, and finally memorized it, and then put it away and exited the Time Hall.

Before ascending, Yu Wenshu had told Lu Li that there were seven realms of cultivation after ascending.

They were Earth Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Venerable, and Immortal Emperor. Each major realm is divided into four small realms: early, middle, late, and peak.

These four small realms are actually the four bottlenecks on the Dao seedling, three thin and one thick. The three thin ones represent the three bottlenecks after the primary, middle and secondary stages, which are relatively easy to break through, while the thick one represents the peak bottleneck, which is more difficult to break through. Once a breakthrough is made, it will enter the next major realm.

Unlike the cultivation in the lower realm, the Dao essence in the immortal realm is rich, and the Dao seedling will automatically absorb the Dao essence and seal it in the bottleneck shackles. Once the bottleneck is broken, the Dao seedling will grow a lot, so there is no need to look for Dao essence objects specifically, just keep comprehending and breaking through the bottleneck.

Of course, if there are innate treasures and high-level treasure lands to assist, it will still be of great help in breaking through the bottleneck, otherwise you can only bury your head in comprehending nature as before.

The above is the basic common sense of cultivation, which is actually also described in the Xuantian Records.

In addition, there are some special breakthrough requirements.

For example, Lu Li is now in the earthly immortal realm. In addition to breaking the bottleneck, he has to open the immortal orifice to enter the true immortal realm.

What is opening the immortal orifice, and why do you open the immortal orifice?

This can be seen from the name of the realm.

Earthly Immortals are not immortals, but only half-immortals who can use the rules skillfully.

Because they have not opened the immortal orifice, they cannot sense the existence of immortal energy, nor can they condense or use immortal energy. Earthly Immortals can only use spiritual energy as energy, and the power of their magical powers is several times weaker than that of true immortals who have opened the immortal orifice.

Therefore, opening the immortal orifice has become necessary.

Earthly Immortals who have opened the immortal orifice and successfully broken through the bottleneck of the peak are considered true immortals, which is the second largest realm in the immortal world, the True Immortal Realm.

In addition to being able to sense immortal energy and use immortal energy, the Dao seedling will also grow into a Dao tree, and the rule magic power will cover a wider range and be more powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that the rule magic power of the Dao tree level is absolutely crushing against the rule magic power of the Dao seedling level. This is equivalent to a combat power threshold. Almost no one can cross the level of the Earthly Immortal Realm to fight the True Immortal.

The method of opening the immortal orifice is not difficult to say, but it is not simple to say it is simple.

The human body has seven souls, namely Tianchong, Linghui, Qi, Li, Zhongshu, Jing, and Ying. These seven souls are the seven immortal orifices.

The way to open the immortal orifices is to use the immortal energy to fill the body, strengthen the seven souls, and enable them to have the ability to sense the immortal energy. From then on, the body can accommodate the immortal energy and condense the immortal energy.

But there are two problems here.

First, the earthly immortal realm cannot sense the immortal energy at all, so how can it be filled with immortal energy?

Second, the seven souls are invisible, and it is impossible to use the power of the soul or the naked eye to observe like normal acupoints, so it is difficult to find their specific location.

In this way, even if you can really fill your body with immortal energy, you don't know which part to strengthen.

Fortunately, after a long time, someone finally came up with a solution, that is the awakening platform.

The awakening platform is a very mysterious array platform. As long as you invest enough immortal stones, it can help people manifest immortal orifices, and it can also condense immortal essence and strengthen immortal orifices on behalf of people.

This is almost a threshold that all the strong people in the earthly immortal realm cannot cross.

Now, Lu Li's thunder system has reached the peak of the earthly immortal. If there are enough immortal stones, he can also try to open the immortal orifice.

Just renting the awakening platform is probably a considerable expense, because in addition to the rental fee, the immortal stones to maintain the operation of the large array must also be paid by yourself.

Therefore, Lu Li is also quite a headache. It seems that while practicing, he has to earn more immortal stones.

Lu Li now has no innate treasures that can assist in enlightenment, so he can only exit the Time Hall and come to the outside world to comprehend the rules of the great way between heaven and earth.

The natural rules of the fairy world are much more intense and obvious than those of the lower world, but without the assistance of the Time Palace, it takes a long time to comprehend them.

On the twentieth day when Lu Li was immersed in cultivation, An Ming, who had gone to look for the Luohuang grass, finally came back.

"Found it?" Seeing An Ming's happy face, Lu Li couldn't help asking.

"Thanks to the blessing of the senior, I finally found it on a cliff." An Ming said, taking out a spiritual medicine that looked like a cymbidium and emitted a dark yellow light all over the body and handed it to Lu Li.

"It's enough to find it, put it away." Lu Li looked at it and didn't reach out to take it.

An Ming nodded and put away the Luohuang grass, "Senior, do you have anything else to do? If not, let's go to Bei'an City to take the Void Boat and return to Nanhuang Fairyland?"

Lu Li smiled, "No hurry, let me ask you, where did you pick the ghost fruit last time? Is the fruit tree still there?"

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