Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1721 The Way of Life

Chan Bao muttered: "This shit keeps crying and howling, so I can only carry her out and walk around."

These days have been really tough for Chan Bao. Since An An was born, he has completely lost his previous free and easy attitude and has been surrounding An An day and night.

Lu Li felt apologetic and walked forward to hug An An: "I'll hold you for a while, you can rest."

Chan Bao was finally free, stretched out, and followed Lu Li towards the main room. As he walked, he said, "Master, you said you didn't care what she was doing. Isn't this because she has nothing to do?"

Lu Li smiled bitterly: "Didn't I tell you? The situation at that time was special and I had no choice but to do it. No matter how hard-hearted I am, I couldn't let her starve to death in the wild."

"There are too many dead people in the world. If you ask me, you are just nosy." Chan Bao pouted and complained a little.

Lu Li sighed secretly and without arguing with Chan Bao, he carried An An into the east room and sat on the edge of the bed. Seeing the little guy still staring straight at him, he couldn't help but grin:

"You, you have to be more upbeat in the future. Don't let Chan Bao drag you down every now and then."

"That is."

Hearing Lu Li's words, Chan Bao's unhappiness suddenly disappeared. She sat beside him and muttered thoughtfully: "Master, do you think she won't be that kind of ungrateful guy in the future?"

Lu Li glanced at Chan Bao: "As the saying goes, those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. It depends on how you teach her."

As he was talking, he suddenly took out a purple rattle, shook it and made a ding-dong-ding-dong sound. After hearing this, the little guy jumped happily and reached out to grab it.

Chan Bao snatched the rattle away: "Don't tease her, I still want to take a rest in the middle of the night."

Lu Li smiled awkwardly, and could only imitate the women in the village, holding An An in his arms and pacing back and forth in the room, humming an unknown ditty to coax her to sleep.

This scene really opened Chan Bao's eyes.

Who would have thought that Lu Li, a powerful Earth Immortal who kills people without any calculation, would now be messed around by a milk baby?

When Lu Li kept working hard and almost hypnotized himself, the little guy finally fell asleep. Lu Li carefully placed it on the bed and prepared to continue practicing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he put it down, the little guy's eyes widened and he stared straight at Lu Li.

Lu Li's face twitched, and he coaxed him back and forth for an hour or two before he was finally able to let go and went into the Temple of Time to immerse himself in cultivation.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Li took Chan Bao and An An out of Yaqinju early. He first went to the nearby grocery store to buy some things, and then left Linyuan City towards the north of the city.

There is no airtight wall in the world. He believes that if the Jin family and the City Lord's Mansion really want to find him, it will only be a matter of time. Therefore, Yaqinju cannot stay any longer.

After leaving the city, Lu Li took out the Huanyue Boat and flew hundreds of thousands of miles north. Finally he found a vast primitive jungle, so he cut down wood and built a house next to a stream deep in the jungle. He built a small courtyard and settled down. .

The air here is fresh, more comfortable than Linyuan City, and closer to nature.

After settling in, Lu Li began to practice in seclusion again.

Chan Bao still took good care of An An as before. In order to free her hands, she also racked her brains and built a cradle swing in the courtyard.

Soon, another half a year passed.

The eighth day of the first lunar month.

As the cradle swing swayed, An An also celebrated her first birthday.

After half a year of hard work, Lu Li finally raised the Time Dao Miao to the peak of the Earth Immortal. Due to the growth restrictions of the Light and Dark Dao Miao, he was unable to continue to break through for the time being.

He walked out of the bedroom and went to the living room to celebrate An An's birthday with Chan Bao, with flowers and animal milk. An An sat on a long bench with a happy face.

An An was already able to speak some words under Chan Bao's guidance, and kept calling "Daddy, Daddy". Lu Li was happy and corrected that he should be called master.

Chan Bao curled his lips and disapproved.

There were many spiritual beasts in the jungle. Later in the evening, Lu Li went out to hunt a few and brought back some animal milk for An An. He was almost ready before he continued to practice.

This time he planned to enter the medicine garden to understand the way of space.

As An An grew up, Chan Bao not only did not relax, but became increasingly busy. In addition to teaching An An Shizhi how to read, Chan Bao also helped An An with laundry and cooking.

Although laundry is just something that can be done casually, cooking is difficult for Chan Bao. He often makes himself look disgraceful, and the things he makes are extremely ugly.

Fortunately, An An is not picky. No matter what Chan Bao does, she eats it with gusto.

Lu Li didn't go into seclusion either. He would come out from time to time to witness An An's growth. He suddenly felt something stirring in his heart.

By the way, it is the way of life!

Lu Li finally realized that he was already in the Earthly Immortal Realm. During the Mahayana period, he could cultivate the way of time and space. The Earthly Immortal Realm would also open a new threshold, which was the eighth path of life.

Thinking of this, Lu Li hurriedly used the Dao Evolution Technique to fuse the four Dao seedlings of water, earth, wood and light. Suddenly, an emerald green Dao seed emerged from Lu Li's dantian.

And the amazing thing is that as soon as the Tao Seed of Life was activated, the bottleneck shackles on it snapped. In just a moment, the original Tao Seed reached the level of Tao Bud.

And it’s not over yet. After a few more hours, the original Dao bud shackles disappeared. The Dao bud continued to grow, taking root and sprouting leaves, and directly entered the early stage of Dao seedling.

Lu Li was rewarded for doing good deeds. Just because he witnessed An An’s growth, he once again gained unexpected life insights, thus breaking through in one fell swoop, and the Dao of Life also entered the realm of earthly immortals.

It was getting late. Chanbao, who was playing outside, walked in with three-year-old Anan. Looking at Lu Li sitting cross-legged on the bed, Anan couldn't help but ask curiously: "Aunt, why doesn't Daddy sleep?"


Chanbao hurriedly pretended to be quiet, "I have told you so many times that Daddy can only be called behind his back, and you have to call him Master in front of him, otherwise he will get angry and beat you."


Anan nodded, not quite understanding, then tiptoed to the bed and climbed up, rolled again, rolled to the position against the wall inside, and shouted to Chanbao in a baby voice: "Aunt, come quickly!"

Chanbao rolled his eyes and flew in from the gap at the head of the bed.

Lu Li turned his head and looked at the two timid little guys, thinking thoughtfully: "They are already more than three years old, it seems that it is time to try to awaken their spiritual roots."

He had inquired before that in the fairy world, people with conditions can generally try to awaken at the age of three.

Of course, formal cultivation is not that fast.

Because even if the spiritual roots are awakened, the young body cannot bear the pain of tearing the acupoints, and may even leave a shadow, so even if the awakening is successful, those big families will basically let their descendants delay until they are five years old before starting to practice.

The reason why Lu Li planned this way was just to be curious about whether An An had the talent for practice.

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