Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1730: Bone-Transforming Veins

Nothing else, the reward offered by the Night Dark Sect is said to be extremely generous.

Anyone who can restore his son to normal can at least get five top-grade innate treasures as a base, and other conditions can also be negotiated.

Lu Li just needs top-grade innate treasures to improve his cultivation, so when he got the news, he immediately began to think about whether he could cure Ye Changan.

Of course, he was not ready to play tricks and fool the ghost master, but he felt that Ye Changan's symptoms were very familiar, maybe he could really give it a try.

"Master, please eat quickly, the food will be gone soon!"

Just when Lu Li was distracted, An An's voice suddenly rang in his ears. He came back to his senses, drank the wine in the glass, and shook his head: "I have no appetite, you two should eat quickly, and we will go out for a walk after eating."

"Oh, okay." An An responded, and then buried his head in eating again, clinking the bowl, not caring about his image at all.

"You're a girl, can you eat slower?" Chan Bao rolled her eyes at An An, her face full of disdain.

"Slow down... but you've eaten it all?" An An shrank her neck, looking at the braised beast leg stuck on Chan Bao's chopsticks, and said faintly.

"I've raised you in vain. I raised you with shit and piss, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!" Chan Bao held the beast leg and chewed it wildly, mumbling.

"Aunt, can you please stop talking like this while eating? I'm about to vomit..." An An covered her mouth.

"What's wrong! I'm telling the truth. When you were little, you had diarrhea and you threw it all over my hand! This, and this... it's everywhere!" Chan Bao held the beast leg in her right hand and gestured with her left hand.

The people next door retched continuously after hearing this, and cast murderous eyes at Chan Bao.

Lu Li's face was full of black lines, and he glared at Chan Bao: "Hurry up and eat yours! Isn't it disgusting enough?"


Chan Bao pouted and stopped talking immediately, holding the leg of the spirit beast and chewing it.

After a while, seeing that the two had almost finished eating, Lu Li got up to pay the bill, took the two out of the restaurant, and went to the street outside to stroll.

It was getting close to evening, and red lights were hung high along the road. It was rare to see such a lively scene.

An An was curious about everything he saw, pointing and talking along the way. Soon he bought a lot of flashy broken toys. Chan Bao also got a lot of them and held them in her arms, with two small windmills on her head.

When you go out to stroll, the big square in the center of the city is naturally a place that cannot be missed. In the fairyland city, it is basically fixed. From the central square, you can see the faction to which the city belongs.

Lu Li came out this time just to see if the Yeming Sect also belongs to the Xuantian Palace lineage.

But when he saw that there was a pen-shaped sculpture standing upright on the huge sculpture platform, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Which faction is this?"

The pen was more than 30 feet high, with the tip facing down, and the pen shaft had nine sections, like bones and bamboo joints.

"Hey! Isn't this the same as An An's?" At this moment, Chan Bao's voice suddenly rang in Lu Li's ears.

"An An?"

Lu Li tilted his head and saw the jade pen hanging on An An's chest. He then reached out and picked it up, looking back and forth to compare: "Hiss, they really look 70% the same!"

"Well, that's not right!"

Lu Li suddenly shook his head again, "An An's is engraved with the word 'Xiao', while this sculpture is engraved with the word 'Si'. It's obviously not the same thing."

"Isn't it just one word? What's the difference? I think this sculpture is engraved with An An's pen. Master, look, the degree of the bumps and depressions of the joints, and the circle of black lines at the joint of the pen head are exactly the same." Chan Bao argued.

"A slight difference can lead to a great error. A single word can make it no longer the same thing. I think An An's pen should be a replica, but it is not of low quality. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can own." Lu Li shook his head.

"Oh, that's true. Maybe his father deliberately changed the word 'death' when he made the replica to avoid suspicion." Chan Bao nodded in agreement.

"What do you mean my father? Isn't my father my master?" An An looked at Chan Bao suspiciously.

"Dad is dad, master is master! But your real father is a piece of shit. He never took care of you and killed your mother. You, don't recognize him in the future! The grace of raising you is greater than heaven. He is not worthy of being your father." Chan Bao said indignantly.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lu Li frowned.

"To be honest, his father is really a piece of shit!" Chan Bao pouted.

Lu Li shook his head, stood up and walked towards the notice board in the distance. Perhaps there were no new notices recently, so there were not many people watching at this moment. There were only two or three people watching the notice board several meters long.

Lu Li looked closer and found that it was the same as the general notice board. Most of the posts were wanted notices with bounties, looking for people, objects, and medicines. Of course, there were some side issues, such as renting and selling houses, hiring thugs and miners, etc.

"Ye Ming Sect is looking for a medical master. The reward is generous. Those who are interested can go to the City Lord's Mansion for an interview. This order is valid for a long time." Suddenly, Lu Li found a golden notice in the center of the notice board.

It was exactly what the two Mahayana monks talked about in the restaurant before.

However, this notice did not directly state what the reward was, nor did it explain the content of the treatment. I guess the five top-grade innate treasures that the two people mentioned before should be the result of the interview.

But unfortunately, although the reward was good, no one could take it away.

At this time, another middle-aged man who was watching the notice board also moved to Lu Li's side. Lu Li's expression moved, and he gently touched the middle-aged man with his arm and whispered:

"This Taoist friend, can I ask you something?"

The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard it, and looked around, "What do you want to ask, Taoist friend?"

Lu Li hid his cultivation at this time. The middle-aged man just thought that Lu Li was in the same realm as himself. Although he was a little surprised, he did not show any humility.

Lu Li pointed to the sculpture in the center of the square: "That, which sect's totem is it?"

"Daoyou just came to the East Region?" The middle-aged man asked in confusion.

"Ah, yes, I have been practicing in the West Region before, so I have never known the situation in the East Region. I hope you will teach me." Lu Li said with a smile.

The Ancient Dark Immortal Region is divided into two places, the Eastern Region Yeming Sect and the Western Region Wanning Temple.

The East Region is larger. Although the West Region is not as large as the East Region, its overall area is not small. Some spiritual cultivators may not be able to leave a region in their lifetime, so it is not strange that they have never known the situation on the other side.

This person naturally regarded Lu Li as an adventurer who accidentally came to the East Region.

And Lu Li only knew that the Ancient Nether Realm was divided into the East and West Regions, but he did not know the hidden truth. Seeing the other party asking this, he just made up a story to cater to him.

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Li curiously and said:

"Listen carefully, fellow Daoist, that pen is called the Soul-Breaking Pen. It is the treasure of Huagu Mountain and the faith totem of Huagu lineage. Our East Region Night Dark Sect belongs to Huagu lineage."

"I see."

Lu Li nodded suddenly, and then smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, you are really knowledgeable! Let me ask you again, do you know which lineages the current fairy world is roughly divided into?"

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