Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1738 Void Teleportation

Chanbao’s ability to sense void beasts is even stronger than Ye Changan’s. Even if Ye Changan cannot find many invisible void beasts, Chanbao can easily point them out.

This surprised Ye Changan, and he dared not underestimate Chanbao anymore.

Chanbao became more and more proud, calling “Little Changan, Little Changan” all day long.

Ye Changan felt very awkward at first, but as the two became more familiar with each other, he felt particularly kind and found Chanbao quite interesting, often laughing and joking with her.

An’an and Lu Li hardly left the room and devoted themselves to cultivation.

In a flash, five years had passed.

On this day, Lu Li’s door, who was still concentrating on cultivation, was suddenly knocked. After opening the door, Ye Changan immediately said, “Brother Lu, we are almost at the Floating Light Fairyland.”

“Well, have you found the location of the void teleportation array?” Lu Li smiled and asked again. The void teleportation array is not built inside the fairyland, but on the void continent.

It is said that it belongs to Tianbao Pavilion.

They don't need to enter the fairyland on this trip, they just need to find such a void continent.

"Brother Lu, look, it's over there." Ye Chang'an pointed to the left front.

Lu Li looked in the direction and saw a building emitting a faint halo, but because it was far away, it was difficult to see the specific appearance.

Lu Li walked out of the room and looked outside.

As he got closer, Lu Li finally saw the appearance of those buildings.

It turned out to be a city built in the center of the void continent, and the halo was emitted from the city wall.

This void continent is hundreds of miles long, but this city is not big, only about ten miles long, the city wall is very high, and the sky above the city is covered with a shining barrier formation.

The city gate is not a traditional city gate, there is no guard, there is a teleportation vortex about ten feet in size under the base of the wall in the middle of the city wall, emitting a white light.

Lu Li controlled the void boat to fly over and landed in front of the teleportation vortex. Several people got off the boat and entered the vortex, and then came to the central square of the city.

There are many buildings around the square, but there is no street exit. It seems that all the shops are concentrated around this square.

"It's so deserted here." Chan Bao looked around and found that there was no one around.

"There are few people in the Void Land, and this place is not far from the Floating Light Fairyland. If you want to rest, most people will choose to go to the Floating Light Fairyland instead of spending a lot of money here." Ye Changan shook his head and explained.

"Then why build so many shops here?" An An asked puzzled.

"Didn't you notice that these buildings look like shops, but most of them are closed. Only Tianbao Pavilion and Tianbao Restaurant are still open, which means that these storefronts are just to make up the numbers so that this place doesn't look so empty." Ye Changan explained with a smile.

"Let's go over there and sit down, and ask about the Void Transmission by the way." Lu Li looked around and pointed to Tianbao Restaurant.

"Okay, okay! I haven't eaten for a long time, and I'm craving for food." An An was immediately happy when he heard it.

Then the four of them walked into the Tianbao Restaurant.

The Tianbao Restaurant was not tall, with only three floors. The second and third floors were guest rooms, and the first floor was a dining area. However, there was no one there at this time.

There was only a slightly fat middle-aged man who was sleeping soundly behind the counter. He woke up quietly until Ye Changan came forward to ask, and then he stood up and greeted with a smile: "Dear guests, are you staying in the hotel or drinking?"

"I want to eat!" An An walked forward and said eagerly.

"Ah? Eat."

The shopkeeper glanced at An An suspiciously, and then he found that An An was only in the middle stage of foundation building. He was a little surprised. It was really rare for a person in the middle stage of foundation building to come to the void land!

Then he smiled and said: "This guest, I'm really sorry, we don't have cooked food to eat here, only good wine and dried fruits to go with wine, what do you think?"

This shopkeeper was obviously well-trained, and he did not despise An An because of his low cultivation, nor was he impatient at all.

"Well... okay." An An pouted and walked to Lu Li with some disappointment.

"The dried fruits here are also very good. They are all spiritual fruits above level 6. Not only are they sweet and crispy, but they are also very good for the body..." Seeing this, the shopkeeper smiled and promoted to Ye Changan.

However, Ye Changan looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li thought for a while and asked, "How much is the price?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly introduced: "It is definitely more expensive here than down there. A plate of level 6 dried fruits is about 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones. For wine, it is 300,000 per pot..."

The opening words are top-grade spiritual stones, and they are often tens of thousands. Ordinary people really can't afford it here. Even Ye Changan, the young master, said it was too expensive after hearing it!

Lu Li couldn't help but tease him when he heard this: "You really lived up to the saying, 'If you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after you open it?'"

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly: "Sir, you are joking. The Void Land is full of dangers. Since we provide a safe shelter for fellow travelers, we should also get some feedback..."

Lu Li just said it casually. After hearing this, he no longer entangled with the shopkeeper about the price. The price was clearly marked, and he could choose not to eat, but there was no need to say anything bad about them.

Then he ordered two pots of good wine and a few plates of dried fruits, and sat aside with Chan Bao and others, eating and chatting.

The shopkeeper had nothing to do.

He also pulled a stool and sat beside him to chat with Lu Li and others.

From the shopkeeper, I learned that this Tianbao Restaurant is not without customers, but there are very few.

Currently, there are five earthly immortals living on the second floor. They said that they are all preparing to rent the teleportation array, but they think the teleportation fee is too high and want to wait for a few more people to share the cost.

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but think: "Where are they going?"

The shopkeeper lowered his voice and said: "They said they are going to the 'Golden Light Fairyland' in the north, but I can tell at a glance that those guys are not good people. Seniors, you should not go with them."

Under normal circumstances, this kind of void teleportation array only has four directions to choose from: 'East, South, West, North', and each direction can only reach the nearest teleportation array.

And this time, Lu Li is going to the Golden Light Fairyland in the north.

But after hearing this, he frowned secretly and asked, "I want to ask, how many spirit stones are needed to teleport to the Golden Light Fairyland?"

The shopkeeper was slightly stunned and replied, "Reporting to the senior, the void teleportation array does not accept spirit stones, only immortal stones. If you want to go to the Golden Light Fairyland, you only need 50,000 low-grade immortal stones."

"Fifty thousand immortal stones, this is a bit too expensive!" Ye Changan frowned.

"It's not expensive, senior."

"You should know that the journey to the Golden Light Fairyland is not short."

"It takes at least one or two hundred years to travel normally, and it is extremely unsafe on the way. Void beasts, star bandits, turbulence...all kinds of dangers are not comparable to this outer fairyland..."

"Taking the teleportation array can not only help you save a lot of time, but also avoid many dangers." The shopkeeper said, and looked in the direction of An An, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Lu Li secretly pondered: "You just said that those guests are not good people, what is their cultivation level?"

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