Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1763 Waiting for the Rabbit

Today's Huxian City is really lively.

The main road leading to the north gate is densely packed with disciples from big families. They gather from all directions and go north along the main road, like a rushing river.

There are also many passers-by standing on both sides of the road, talking about it.

"Deacon Wang, what's wrong with them?" At the fork in the road, the middle-aged man in green was frowning at these hurried family members, and suddenly an old man in yellow robe came behind him.

"Hello, Consul."

The middle-aged man in green clasped his fists slightly, and then said: "From the looks of them, they seem to be preparing to evacuate Huxian City."

"Evacuate Huxian City?" The old man in yellow robe was stunned.

"Well, they are all going to the north of the city, and after investigation by my subordinates, I learned that these people are all from major second-rate families. This matter is really strange."

In his opinion, since the group has already controlled these families, it is equivalent to having controlled Huxian City, but why are they evacuating all these families now? You know, these families control more than 80% of the industries in Huxian City. Wouldn't it be a big loss if they leave?

Or is there something big going to happen in Huxian City that forces them to withdraw?

"This matter is really unusual, even more serious than the surrender of these families. I have to go back and report to the general manager immediately." The consul said solemnly after hearing this, and then turned and left.

Tianbao Pavilion has business dealings with major families, and many resources come from these families. Now that these families have left, a large number of target customers have disappeared, and they may be in trouble in terms of resources in the future. This is a big impact on Tianbao Pavilion in Huxian City.

There are quite a few people in these families. It was not until nearly noon that they all gathered in the wild outside the north of the city.

Looking around, it was a sea of ​​black people.

But fortunately, before coming here, the leaders of the major families had already instructed their disciples not to make noise in advance, so at this moment, even if there were no less than 250,000 people gathered here, there was no big noise.

According to Yu Wen's suggestion, the sect's base was chosen to be the Tianchi Mountains in the north of the Dongxuan Immortal Domain.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Lu Li did not say too much. He simply gave a few instructions and then sacrificed the spirit boat first, breaking through the air towards the north, and the rest of the people followed.

Suddenly, countless spirit boats roared up, covering the sky and the sun wherever they passed, which was extremely spectacular.

Everyone traveled all the way to the northwest. After almost a year of travel, they finally arrived at their destination, the Tianchi Mountains.

The Tianchi Mountains are vast and boundless. Looking down from a distance, it looks like a huge lake, and those ridges extending outward in circles are like rippling lake water.

Lu Li ordered the army to station in a grassland south of the Tianchi Mountains, and then summoned all the earth immortals and above to start a half-month long discussion on the sect's construction plan.

Everyone knew that Lu Li was serious this time, and now they no longer thought about it. They all put forward their own opinions and used their own advantages to request assistance in certain positions.

Seeing that everyone finally had a sense of belonging to this sect, Lu Li was also very pleased, so he combined the strengths of each family and made what he thought was a relatively reasonable distribution.

In September of this year, more than 200,000 practitioners lined up again.

Lu Li shouted in the air: Start working!

Suddenly, the army started, divided into countless square teams in an orderly manner, and flew towards the interior of Tianchi Mountain. From this moment on, the roar in Tianchi Mountain came one after another, there were mountains collapsing, jungles exploding, roads were opened when encountering mountains, bridges were built when encountering water, and huge stones were dug out from the mountains, carved and shaped, and houses and roads were built. It was so lively and spectacular.

Lu Li ordered Cai He to return to Tianyin Mountain and bring An An and Chan Bao here, and then he went to a slightly quieter place to concentrate on practicing.

Yu Wenshu was very concerned about the construction of the sect. He personally intervened in many places, allowing some roads to be changed again and again, and some buildings to be built and demolished, in order to cater to the trend of heaven and earth and build a stunning formation to ensure the immortality of the sect for thousands of years.

Although the Tianchi Mountains are located in the extreme north of Dongxuan and are geographically very remote, the spiritual medicine minerals here are very rich.

In the past, many adventurers came to the Tianchi Mountains to search for treasures, and some powerful independent cultivators and families occupied some of the resources. As the construction of the sect spread wider, the interests of these people were gradually affected.

So, some people were not happy and wanted to ask the owner of this place for an explanation.

However, what these people never expected was that Lu Li was an unreasonable master. Not only did he not give them an explanation, but he captured all these people and used them as coolies to build the sect, making these people shout: Damn you!

After that, Lu Li stopped retreating. He wandered around with Yu Wenshu, Feng Tingzong and other True Immortals all day, searching for traces of outsiders. All those who were caught became part of the construction of the sect without exception.

Not to mention, in a few months, he actually captured dozens of Earth Immortals and thousands of Mahayana Combined Monks, which expanded the team again.

Most of these people came from noble families, and only a few were independent cultivators.

So far, the number of Earth Immortals under Lu Li has reached a terrifying 260.

That day, the group was resting on the top of a high peak, and Feng Tingzong suddenly said: "Your Majesty, we have captured so many people and confiscated so many resources. If those noble families know about it, they will definitely send strong people to investigate. This matter must be prevented."

Yang Kaitai and others nodded and agreed.

The noble families in the Tianchi Mountains are basically from Yongyang City, which is the closest to the south of the Tianchi Mountains.

Yongyang City, like Huxian City, is one of the top five cities in Dongxuan.

The strength of the families in the city is naturally not inferior to that of Huxian City.

In fact, because of the existence of the Tianchi Mountains, Yongyang City is even more powerful and lively than Huxian City. Feng Tingzong and others naturally understand this truth, so they kindly remind Lu Li.

"What you said makes sense."

Lu Li nodded, pondered for a moment, and then continued:

"Okay, let Brother Feng lead the team, and Brother Yang and the others will assist from the side. Use those captured family masters as bait and play a game of waiting for the rabbit."

After hearing this, everyone thought Lu Li's plan was very good, so after a detailed discussion, Feng Tingzong took the other five True Immortal masters to make arrangements.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li and Yu Wenshu stopped for a while, and then set off to check elsewhere.

On the other side, Feng Tingzong, following Lu Li's instructions, first found an elder of a first-class family in Yongyang, explained the pros and cons, bewitched him, and asked him to call his own earthly immortals for help. Then he took several true immortals to set up an ambush halfway. Half a year later, he successfully captured a true immortal and nine earthly immortals and handed them over to Lu Li for disposal.

Lu Li persuaded them kindly and said that even if they did not surrender at this moment, they would definitely attack Yongyang and wipe out the families there after they settled down here. Although several people were angry, they saw that there were many strong people around Lu Li, so they did not think he was joking. Finally, they reluctantly agreed and joined Lu Li's team. In this way, Lu Li got another true immortal general.

Lu Li enjoyed it very much. He also called Feng Tingzong and several others to follow the gourd and trick other family strongmen in Yongyang City to come. After two or three years, three of the five first-class families in Yongyang City lost their backbone, and Lu Li's team became more and more terrifying and powerful.

It was not until this time that the Fu family, as the controlling family of the City Lord's Mansion, finally smelled something amiss.

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