Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1820 Secret Realm News

During Lu Li's retreat.

Lingwu Immortal Domain was also quietly changing.

First, a magnificent city appeared in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast.

At the beginning, the city was empty. Except for the occasional people walking in the city lord's mansion, other streets and mansions were empty, as quiet as a dead city.

But as time went on, the major cities gradually became lively. Some casual cultivators heard the news of "Lingwu opening" from somewhere and began to gather towards Lingwu Immortal Domain and settle down in major cities.

At first, these casual cultivators almost all came from Tianhe Island near Lingwu, or one or two nearby immortal domains, but it didn't take long for the news to spread to farther places, attracting more practitioners to come, making the four major cities more and more lively.

At the same time, Wushangtian issued a notice to recruit casual cultivators of fusion and above to fill the vacancies of the lower-level personnel, and gradually gathered high-level resources.

Some powerful independent cultivators who were ready to fish in troubled waters and take shortcuts had to weigh the pros and cons of whether to find another place or become a member of the Supreme Heaven.

However, in the end, it seems that the Supreme Heaven still won.

When Lu Li was in seclusion for 150 years, the number of formal disciples of the combined Mahayana level of the Supreme Heaven exceeded 300,000, and there were more than 10,000 powerful earth immortals.

The entire sect was no longer as deserted as before. People could be seen walking around in the core square at any time.

On the other side.

In the east of the middle of the Second Heaven.

There is a very large fairyland called Feiyun Fairyland.

Feiyun Fairyland is a very famous existence in the Second Heaven, not only because of its large area and many blessed places. More importantly, there is a sect on it, Feiyun Sect.

This Feiyun Sect is not small, not only has countless powerful disciples. What is more feared is that it is also the largest sect of the Xuantian lineage in the Second Heaven.

With just a wave of his hand, the entire Second Heaven, thousands of Xuantian lineage affiliated sects, all had to obey his orders.

As strong as Su Changxin, who once dominated the Nanhuang Immortal Realm and called the wind and rain in the First Heaven, could only barely become a hall master when he came to a place like Feiyun Sect.

This was because he had some relatives.

If it were someone else, even if they had the cultivation of a true immortal, they would have to start from scratch and become ordinary inner disciples when they came to a place like Feiyun Sect.

On this day, Su Changxin, who had a rare leisure time, left his cave and flew towards a mountain range in the northeast that was surrounded by fairy light.

The rules of the avenue in that place were much richer than those of ordinary territories. In Feiyun Sect, only elders could have it. People of his level could only envy it.

He was looking for someone.

A moment later, he landed in front of a towering stone tablet.

The stone tablet read Gaoyang Mountain.

An old man sat under the stele, his eyes closed, his breath even, as if he was practicing, but as Su Changxin landed, he slowly opened his eyes, then was slightly stunned, stood up and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Fellow Taoist Changdao."

"Mr. Yang is polite! I wonder if the elder is at home, I want to see him." Su Changxin clasped his fists and smiled.

"Yes, fellow Taoist, wait a moment, I will pass the message." The old man surnamed Yang seemed to be very familiar with Su Changxin, and did not ask him what he was going to do, but immediately took out a jade talisman to transmit the message.

Then he chatted with Su Changxin about family matters, and after a while, the transmission talisman flashed again. After listening, he opened the mist formation behind him: "Fellow Taoist Changdao, please come in."

"Thank you!"

Su Changxin clasped his fists again and walked quickly into the mist passage.

The old man surnamed Yang shook his head and sighed: "Ah...! It's good to have a backer. You don't have to be a watchdog like me. It's so sad and ridiculous."

Su Changxin entered the fog and flew forward along a winding canyon path. After a while, he came to a thatched cottage in the depths and stopped.

The thatched cottage looked very simple, as if it was really covered with a layer of dry weeds. However, there was a hollow wooden floor under the cottage, which looked relatively clean and tidy.

At this time, an old man in a gray robe sat alone in the cottage, holding an ancient book and slowly flipping through it.

Su Changxin took a few steps forward cautiously, clasped his fists and whispered: "Greetings, Grandpa."

It was really shocking. The old man in a gray robe didn't look much older than Su Changxin. I didn't expect that the two of them were so many generations apart. In fact, the reason why Su Changxin was able to become the head of the Feiyun Sect right away was also thanks to the credit of this "Grandpa".

"Come in and sit down." Su Tengyun tilted his head to look at Su Changxin, and then moved his eyes back to the ancient scroll in his hand.

"Yes." Su Changxin responded, walked into the thatched cottage carefully, sat down opposite Su Tengyun, opened his mouth but closed it again, as if he was afraid of disturbing the other party.

It is really hard to believe that this person was once the leader of a sect, and was also a late-stage True Immortal.

"Just say whatever you want to say." Su Tengyun said lightly.

"It's like this, I work in the Intelligence Hall, and recently the people below reported that there seems to be some kind of change in the sky river in the southwest. I am afraid that a secret realm has appeared, so I came to inform you..." Su Changxin answered cautiously.

"The secret realm appeared in the world? Isn't this a very normal thing? What's the fuss about it." Su Tengyun said disapprovingly.

"This time is different. It is said that the noise was very loud, and the restrictions left after the explosion were very strong. Several True Immortals went to test it because they were too excited, and they were strangled on the spot." Su Changxin said solemnly.


Hearing this, Su Tengyun slowly put down the ancient scroll: "Tell me in detail."

Hearing this, Su Changxin hurriedly repeated the news he had received to the grandfather without missing a word.

According to Su Changxin, more than ten years ago, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the southwest of Feiyun Sect, that is, in a Tianhe area in the south of the Second Heaven.

After the explosion, a giant vortex of more than ten miles formed on the surface of the Tianhe River, and a foggy area rose above the vortex. Many people speculated that the vortex in the fog might contain some kind of ancient secret realm.

So, some nearby practitioners tried to go in to find out, but unexpectedly, those people were directly torn into pieces as soon as they approached the fog, without any ability to resist.

So far, although there were many people going to watch, no one dared to enter the fog to try.

After listening to Su Changxin's words, Su Tengyun couldn't help but frowned, "Hasn't there been a Xuanxian-level strongman there?"

Su Changxin shook his head: "That disciple was eager to come back to report, so he didn't stay there for long. It is said that there was no one there before him, but I don't know about it later."

Su Tengyun nodded: "I know. Have you reported this news to others?"

Su Changxin's eyes flashed and said: "Not yet, and that disciple... I also dealt with it secretly."

Su Tengyun was shocked when he heard it: "You are crazy! Do you know what you are doing?"

Su Changtong said: "Grandpa, don't be angry first, I know that disciple, he has no one to rely on, and nothing will happen to him!"

"Moreover, that place is extremely remote, even our Feiyun Sect is out of reach, and few people will go there. As long as this news doesn't come out of his mouth, we have enough time...!"

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