Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1872 Spiritual Wood Slurry

Lu Li tilted his head to look.

He just saw a bright, blade-like edge, fiercely slashing on the snow lotus barrier. The light blade was not big, but it made the barrier tremble violently.

At the same time, in the darkness on the right, there were dense light blades following closely.

Seeing this, Lu Li's heart tightened, and he did not dare to hesitate. He immediately pinched the magic formula and hit the Huanyue Snow Lotus, injecting his immortal essence into the snow lotus.

Suddenly, the snow lotus was like the scorching sun that broke through the clouds, and it flew forward at a speed more than twice as fast as before! It narrowly avoided the flying light blades.

"It was a close call!"

Looking at the light blades whizzing past from behind, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He had no doubt that if those light blades hit the barrier, they would definitely smash the snow lotus barrier in an instant, and even the snow lotus itself would suffer a devastating blow.

Ning Wuzhou also looked frightened and asked, "Can your flying fairy weapon use fairy stones?"

Lu Li said, "Of course it can, but I don't have many fairy stones left."

"I have some!"

Hearing this, Ning Wuzhou immediately took out a storage ring and handed it to Lu Li: "This is what I have accumulated over the years, you can use it."

"How can I be so embarrassed." Lu Li hesitated.

"Brother Lu! You are being so polite when you say this. If it weren't for your help several times, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

"What's more, it's not just your safety that is at stake now. You have to let me, your brother, do my best, right? Otherwise, I will really become a burden..." Ning Wuzhou pretended to be unhappy.

"Well, okay!"

Hearing what Ning Wuzhou said, Lu Li was no longer polite and immediately took the storage ring.

He threw it in and found that there were quite a few fairy stones inside. A rough estimate showed that there were probably about 700,000 or 800,000.

Afterwards, in front of Ning Wuzhou, Lu Li threw a small portion of the immortal stones into the soul-collecting space of the Huanyue Snow Lotus, and then handed the storage ring back to Ning Wuzhou:

"Brother, you have to keep some money when you go out to prevent accidents. You can collect the remaining immortal stones first."

"Okay, if you don't have enough, you can ask me for more. Don't be polite to me."

"No problem."

With the blessing of the immortal stones, Lu Li was able to relax.

At this time, although the speed of Huanyue Snow Lotus was not as fast as when he injected immortal essence, it was much faster than when there was no immortal stone. It rode the wind and waves all the way, forming a huge cyclone at the tail.

However, despite this, they also traveled in the darkness for a quarter of an hour before they successfully escaped from it.

"Look, over there!"

At this moment, Ning Wuzhou suddenly looked happy and pointed to the outline of a mountain range in the distance: "That should be a fairyland continent!"


Lu Li's expression was also relieved. He had been flying in the vast Tianhe for more than half a year. Now he could finally see the fairyland. And judging from its outline, this fairyland was not small.

Then, he controlled Xuelian to rush towards the land.

The saying "seeing the mountain and running the horse to death" is not an exaggeration here. The vast continent that seemed to be in front of him took him two or three hours to finally get close.

The Tianhe is not a river, nor is it an ordinary sea.

Although it seems calm, no one dares to treat it as a river, lake or sea for fishing and catching shrimps.

Looking around, the vast coast is extremely deserted. Except for the sound of the sea water washing the beach back and forth, there is no noise.

Lu Li jumped down and landed on the soft beach. The feeling of being down to earth made him feel much more at ease.

Ning Wuzhou followed him, and after a long breath, he looked around: "It's really worthy of being the third heaven. The concentration of fairy air here is comparable to the outer gate area of ​​Shengyang Sect." Then he thought of something and looked at Xuelian: "I'll go call her." "No need." Lu Li waved his hand, and then his mind moved, and he whispered: "Miss Zhu Yu, come out and take a breath." A moment later, Zhu Yu really walked out of the room, looked around with a surprised expression, and then jumped down and landed next to Lu Li and the others: "Are we here already?" "Yeah." Lu Li responded, put away the snow lotus, and then walked towards the opposite woods. Ning Wuzhou and Zhu Yu looked at each other and followed behind. This forest is different from ordinary jungles. Perhaps because of the long-term invasion of sea breezes, the trees here are unusually tall, but they are bare. Looking up, you can only see some branches and leaves at the top, like huge mushrooms. As for what kind of species it is, Lu Li couldn't tell. However, after entering the forest, Lu Li clearly smelled a faint fragrance. He looked around and then punched a tree trunk beside him.

This punch was like hitting an aorta. The concave hole suddenly gushed out a milky white juice that was not very sticky.

Lu Li took a small handful and smelled it. Sure enough, the fragrance came from the magical trees around. He wanted to taste it but was afraid of poisoning himself. After thinking about it, he gave up.

"Let me try."

At this time, Ning Wuzhou came forward and called out a green bird from the leather bag on his waist. After whispering a few words, the bird immediately flew to the hole in the tree trunk and pecked it lightly.

At first, the green bird was still cautious, but soon it tasted the sweetness and sucked it up.

"I know, this is the wood of agarwood!"

Zhu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was a little shocked.

"Wood of agarwood? What's the story?" Lu Li looked at Zhu Yu.

"Reporting to the senior, the wood of agarwood is said to be a spiritual tree that likes to grow by the river. It grows in the seedling stage for ten thousand years, the small tree stage for ten thousand years, and the tree stage for ten thousand years. After thirty thousand years, it will begin to undergo a qualitative change, and gradually form a thing called 'spiritual wood agarwood' in the body, which is the juice we see in front of us." Zhu Yu explained.

"What is it for?" Ning Wuzhou asked.

"For human cultivators, it seems to have no great use except for refreshing and refreshing, but I heard that this thing has great attraction to a fairy beast."

"What kind of fairy beast?" Ning Wuzhou asked again.

"It's the wind and thunder bird!" At this point, Zhu Yu paused before continuing: "You may not know that the wind and thunder bird is actually very useful to you."

"Useful to me?" Ning Wuzhou asked puzzled.

"Well, aren't you looking for the Purple Thunder Toad? The Wind Thunder Bird is a good catcher of the Purple Thunder Toad. It is not only very sensitive to the Purple Thunder Toad's aura, but also the Purple Thunder Toad's natural enemy."

"At the same level, the Wind Thunder Bird can easily catch the Purple Thunder Toad."

"But we humans can't, because the Purple Thunder Toad is not only good at hiding, but more terrifyingly, its poison is very terrifying. If a cultivator of the same level is injured by it, I'm afraid he won't survive for more than a quarter of an hour."

Zhu Yu did not hide it and told the secret in one breath.

"There is such a saying!"

Ning Wuzhou couldn't help but feel happy after hearing it, and hurriedly took out the container and started collecting.

Seeing this, Lu Li was not idle either. He also took out some bottles and jars and got busy. This piece of slurry forest was endless, and it must be enough for them to hold.

But soon, Lu Li found that he was overthinking.

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