Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1880 Searching for the Wind Thunderbird

In the room, three people sat together at a round table.

Zhu Yu was called over by Ning Wuzhou from behind because Lu Li and he had been studying the elixir for a long time and could not confirm whether the elixir was agarwood elixir.

Zhu Yu just took a look and said: "Actually, I don't know if this is true, because I have never seen a real agarwood pill."

Ning Wuzhou said: "Forget it, that's it. If that person really doesn't want to give it, he can just ignore us. There is no need to bother to get a fake pill to fool us."

Zhu Yu said: "This is indeed the truth."

Lu Li nodded and put away the elixir, "Okay, then forget about it. Miss Zhu Yu, you stay here, Brother Ning and I will take a trip to Purple Thunder Mountain."

Zhu Yu knew that his cultivation was not enough, so he did not ask to go with him. He nodded and said: "Then be careful, I will wait for you here."

Afterwards, the three of them chatted for a few more words, and Lu Li and Ning Wuzhou left the Laifu Restaurant together.

The two of them headed east of the city.

Not long after, we arrived at a secluded area outside the city.

Lu Li offered the Fantasy Moon Snow Lotus, greeted Ning Wuzhou, and headed straight to Purple Thunder Mountain in the northeast.

In fact, neither Lu Li nor Lu Li was very sure, because Deacon He once said that it was more than ten years ago that she learned about the Thunderbird, and they were just trying their luck this time.

However, this kind of fairy beast has a strong sense of territory. If they are not forced to do so, they will not leave their territory easily, so it is not hopeless.

The snow lotus flies and the mountains retreat.

Lu Li was practicing while rushing on the road, while Ning Wuzhou was not practicing and spent most of his time alert to the surroundings in case he was attacked by the enemy.

This place is no better than the Second Heaven.

Down there, the True Immortal's cultivation level is quite remarkable.

In a place like the Third Heaven, even the powerful Xuanxian are not that rare. If you encounter such an unreasonable and vicious person, it will be very bad.

Fortunately, although I was nervous along the way, I did not encounter any danger.

More than twenty days later, the two arrived at the outskirts of Purple Thunder Mountain safely.

Purple Thunder Mountain is indeed different.

As far as the eye can see, it is filled with lavender color and countless large and small mountains.

And unlike other places, Purple Thunder Mountain is mostly rock formations with few trees. At the same time, some areas can be vaguely covered by thunder.

Lu Li looked around and saw no one.

He wasn't surprised.

According to Deacon He, there seems to be no elixir mineral resources in Purple Thunder Mountain. Instead, there are many dangers, so few people are willing to come here to experience.

"Let's go down."

Lu Li landed the snow lotus on a normal peak outside Purple Thunder Mountain, and did not prepare his weapon to go in, because the snow lotus was his natural weapon and had a greater purpose besides traveling.


Ning Wuzhou agreed, then flew down from the snow lotus and landed on the stone mountain next to him.

Lu Li followed closely and put away the snow lotus at the same time, looking far away in the direction of Purple Thunder Mountain: "I heard that there are many ancient restrictions here. Brother, please be careful."

Ning Wuzhou smiled and said, "Don't worry, I understand."

Lu Li said no more, and took a step away, entering the Purple Thunder Mountain area.

As soon as he entered Purple Thunder Mountain, Lu Li could clearly feel that the rules of thunder here were much stronger than those outside.

But unfortunately, it is not the kind of normal thunder system rules that can be understood by people, but the very chaotic and violent ones. If you don't have enough cultivation, you will definitely suffer severe thunder system injuries when you enter this place.

"It's really not simple here."

Ning Wuzhou came over in a flash, a little surprised.

Unable to sense the rules of thunder, he only felt that the aura of destruction here was extremely heavy, making his skin tingle slightly, just like being bitten by a mosquito from time to time.

"The thunder element here is very chaotic and has affected the space. Brother, are you okay?" Lu Li turned his head and looked at Ning Wuzhou.

"Don't worry, it's just like a mosquito bite, it won't affect me." Ning Wuzhou smiled and said.

"That's good."

Lu Li stepped on the purple gravel and walked eastward along the sand dune-like ridge. As he walked, he used his pupil technique to look left and right, searching for signs of the Thunderbird.

As for why you use the pupil technique instead of using the power of the soul?

There is something special about this.

Pupil skills are equivalent to eyesight.

It's like, if you hide in a dark place, no matter how you peek at someone, the other person won't be alert.

But the power of the soul is different.

It is an invisible wave of energy.

If the target being scanned has a cultivation level much lower than yours, that's fine, he may still be unaware of it.

But if the other party's cultivation level is at the same level as yours, or even higher, the other party will definitely be able to sense it the moment your soul sweeps across it.

Under normal circumstances, people will have a feeling of water waves flowing over their bodies.

The same goes for exploring other people's cultivation.

If the target's level is the same as yours, or even higher than yours, your behavior will be immediately noticed by others. This behavior is very unpleasant and may even lead to fights.

At this time, the reason why Lu Li chose to use his eyesight instead of using the power of his soul was to avoid alerting the enemy.

Ning Wuzhou naturally understood this and also did not use his soul. He only looked left and right with his naked eyes. But unfortunately, his eyesight was much worse than Lu Li's.

"Purple Thunder Mountain is too big, and the Wind and Thunder Bird is nowhere to be found. How about... we act separately?" Ning Wuzhou suddenly retracted his gaze and said to Lu Li.

"Separate, isn't it? I have pupil skills that can see some hidden restrictions..."

"It's okay, don't I have the Green Spirit Bird?"

"It can also sense some hidden restrictions, and it is very alert. It can detect the surrounding life fluctuations without anyone noticing, which is much better than my eyesight." Ning Wuzhou vowed.

"Is the Green Spirit Bird so magical?" Lu Li said in surprise.

"It has grown a little recently and is more powerful than before. Although it is not as good as your pupil skills, the search range is not much smaller." Ning Wuzhou said.

"Okay! Then you be careful, brother, if there is anything, use the sound transmission sound to contact me." Lu Li said, taking out a sound transmission jade and handing it to Ning Wuzhou.

"Okay! Brother, you should be careful too. It doesn't matter if you can't catch the Wind and Thunder Bird. If something happens to you, I will really become a sinner for all eternity." Ning Wuzhou said with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, I don't want to die so early."

The two of them gave each other a few words of advice, and then Ning Wuzhou spread out his body and flew out to the north, seven or eight hundred miles away from Lu Li, and then searched side by side to the east.

This distance is relatively safe. No matter who of them encounters danger, the other can rush over to support immediately.

Lu Li's forward speed is not fast. Every time he stops, he has to search left and right for a long time. After making sure that there is nothing missed, he will continue to fly forward for hundreds of miles and continue searching.

But what made Lu Li sigh secretly was that after searching so carefully for seven or eight days, he didn't see a wind and thunder bird, let alone an ordinary monster.

On this day, Lu Li walked to the highest point of a slightly larger mountain and looked into the distance.

The scenery in front of him was the same as behind him, still with undulating mountains, a purple mist, and it was difficult to see the end, but it was obvious that the thunder rules here became more violent.

Even people like him who have thunder spirit roots have clearly felt some tingling in their skin.

After a rough glance, Lu Li prepared to sit down and rest for a while.

Because he felt a little overwhelmed by the continuous use of pupil skills.

But at this moment, Lu Li suddenly frowned, his eyes fixed on a hillside in front of him, and a surprised expression appeared on his face...

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